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Ethereum Cat Herders Meeting 40 Notes

Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday 18 August 2020 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration: 29 minutes

Moderator: Pooja Ranjan

Notes: Jim Bennett


Decisions Made:

Decision Item Description
40.1 Consider setting a deadline for migration from Gitter to Discord
40.2 William to look into giving contributors access to the internal Discord chat
40.3 Reconsider having a bridge between Gitter and Discord in the next call.
40.4 Consider deleting old Zoom cloud recordings to free up storage space

Actions Required:

Action Item Description
40.1 Upgrade Edson Ayllon to member in Discord
40.2 Discuss Hackathon in next meeting
40.3 Discuss ProgPoW Gitter in next meeting
40.4 Put break-off groups discussion proposal on next meeting agenda


Pooja Ranjan Welcome everyone. This is a ECH meeting 40. I am Pooja. I'm going to share the link of the agenda and chat.

Before we dive into the first item, we have Marcelo from Project Open Ethereum. Marcelo, would you like to go ahead and introduce yourself? I hope I'm pronouncing your name correctly.

Marcelo Ruiz de Olano Sure, yeah, that's perfect. Marcelo, it's a Spanish name. I'm Marcelo. I'm from Argentina, but I live in Ukraine right now. I started working as a project manager for Open Ethereum two weeks ago. I have a background in economic modeling, financial analysis, and project management. And I will try to make my best to help make Ethereum a stronger network.

Pooja Ranjan Thank you. Marcelo. So, from Cat Herders, whatever help we can provide, please do let us know. I know I have been in touch with you for some of the other information passing about the comments we received from the community. We'll keep on doing that. But if you feel if you have anything for us, feel free to let us know.

Marcelo Ruiz de Olano Thank you.

Pooja Ranjan Thank you. Moving on, the first item on the agenda is an ECH Discord channel. I know, William, you have requested to move a few items earlier, because you have to leave early, so please feel free to talk about them.

William Schwab I don't have so much to add about Discord. I've just been involved with it, and I think I still may have some administrative privileges in terms of setting up permissions. I do see that a lot of the conversations are still happening on Gitter. So I guess this would just sort of be my friendly nudge to remind people on Gitter that the conversations are supposed to be porting over to discord. We might want to contemplate even setting in a deadline for migration, at which point will terminate the Gitter or something like that. Other than that, I really don't have so much to say about it.

Edson Ayllon I can't really fully migrate to the Discord for the internal chat. I can't really see any messages in there. So I can type in there, but I can't see anything. I think part of it's because of my role. For some reason, I'm only contributor, not a member.

William Schwab Okay, that's interesting to hear. I had a little bit of a conversation with Pooja earlier about how how we're going to manage permissions. It could be even maybe we should have a larger conversation about that now, about how we're looking at splitting permissions up. Pooja, do you want to add anything to that?

Pooja Ranjan Yeah, actually, based on our earlier conversation, I'm still providing roles for members who have contributed for more than a year. And I know Edson is one of those, so we have to upgrade him to member until we figure out the token thing, the herd token thing.

I didn't get chance to look into it much. And I'm not sure how much longer IT would take to allocate to all the members having the same token. But for now, I agree that Edson should be in the list of members, and we can move him there. About contributors. I think Alita has the least experience, less than a year, so we'll keep her there for some time, of course, and as her contribution increases, we might consider upgrading her to member. And the rest of the people can be having a community role. Does that sound reasonable to everyone?

Edson Ayllon So as a contributor right now, I can type in the internal chat, but as soon as I close the app, I won't even see my own messages, if that makes sense. As a chat, it doesn't work at all.

William Schwab I'm going to look into that because it should be one or the other. If you can't type. I guess this makes a bit of an issue, though. Are we saying that people who have contributor level should not be able to access the internal channel? That sounds a bit restrictive?

Edson Ayllon No, because then you have a one-year waiting period...

Pooja Ranjan The internal should be a contributor as well as members, just not to the community.

William Schwab Okay, fine. So I'll try and look into that.The meetings and notes also, I'm assuming, should be open to contributors. That's the conversation that we had.

Pooja Ranjan Okay. One more thing I wanted to discuss here in this topic is about channels. I see that we have added two more channels of ProgPoW and EIPIP. I understand in the previous meeting, we agreed that we should not be creating any kind of bridge, but still, in two months for the community, people from the ProgPoW side say how are we planning to manage them if we do not, because I'm not sure if they would be very much comfortable just joining Discord directly and not having the bridge. Do people have thoughts on that?

William Schwab My thought would be not to poke the ProgPoW bear until it's already awake. I guess the next time that there's sort of a ProgPoW cycle, maybe we'd address it directly then, but I feel like it's kicking the hornet's nest to try to do anything about it now.

Pooja Ranjan Right. Yeah, for now, we'll let them be there. And I'll talk to a few more people about how they feel about migrating to Discord, and then maybe in the next meeting if I get some positive feedback that they are interested.

William Schwab Is there a ProgPoW conversation happening now?

Pooja Ranjan Oh, yeah, it is. Very much.

William Schwab The ProgPoW Gitter is actually happening? Wow. I haven't looked at it in a while. So you're saying there is active conversation there? If that's the case, my personal opinion would be that if the Cat Herders themselves are interested in moving into Discord, that it shouldn't be too much of a question. It's just sort of like, "We are moving to Discord. Feel free to join. Here's an invite link." But that's just my opinion.

Pooja Ranjan All right. But we have seen that in many cases, it's always convenient for users to use some kind of bridge. For example, we have recently moved the AllCoreDev Gitter to the Discord, and Hudson helped in creating some kind of bridge and that was actually very helpful. So I don't see any disadvantage and even considering the bridge kind of thing, especially for the this kind of community, like a ProgPoW discussion.

William Schwab Last meeting, the general consensus was no bridge. You want to take that to a vote again? Or not a vote, but do want to take that to a conversation again?

Pooja Ranjan Yeah, actually, that was my thought. I understand that we agreed the last time, but the main community that we were targeting were the Cat Herders or Gitter community. But for some reason they missed on the ProgPoW, which is again a very big community, and that pretty much active discussions are going on there. So I would just want people to reconsider having the bridge.

William Schwab So maybe next call, hoping there's a bigger turnout then.

Pooja Ranjan Sure.

William, would you like to go ahead with your next item? We might want to jump ahead one or two agenda items, and we'll come back.

So the next one is an EIP specific session - Peep an EIP

About that session, we, the Cat Herders are planning to have an EIP specific video CDs. We would also be considering the option of releasing it in a podcast later after the recording. But the first episode that we are trying to record is today at 2:30pm EST. if people have questions around what is an EIP and how they can create a very good EIP, please join us at 2:30 pm and with Matt Connect Litecoin. William, do you have anything else to add on that?

William Schwab I guess I should do this separately and communicate with you to coordinate with you about the different roles and actually getting this done. Who's recording? Is there going to be an emcee? Is there a script? Is there a list of questions? The basic sort of technical stuff, I guess. Would you rather handle that in the call, or should I coordinate with you using Telegram or something like that?

Pooja Ranjan Oh, yeah, no problem. I can coordinate with you after the call. But for the people on the call, here is the link to a document that is listing all the EIPs that we are considering for this video series. And if people are interested, they would want to talk about any particular protocol, feel free to reach Cat Herders and let us know. We will try to connect back with you and have you on our show.

William Schwab Is there a specific document for the one that's being recorded this afternoon/evening, depending on where you are? I guess basically just that one question - is there a separate script for each thing? Is there a format for it. or are we just sort of playing it by ear?

Pooja Ranjan So, about the format - I have added a little bit of description here in this document - Peep an EIP itself. We will try to move the call along some presentation for 10 to 20 minutes with 20 minutes by the author, and for the last 10 minutes, we will come up with some question and answer related to that particular topic. For today's topic, it is an overview or how to write a good EIP. So questions would be around that. We are trying to make it go with the flow and not scripted very much, but just generic questions related to that particular protocol.

William Schwab Is there a list of questions we're going to be taking from people who are tuning in? One of the reasons why I'm asking is because this one seems to be like a bit of a curveball. It's not following the general format that's outlined in the document.

Pooja Ranjan All right. I'll share the link with you after the call.

William Schwab Ok, fine.

Pooja Ranjan Does anyone have any questions, comments, or suggestion for this? No? Okay.

Pooja Ranjan So moving on to the next item, I think you wanted to talk about an emergency communication group.

William Schwab Yeah, I'd appreciate that. I don't have a lot to report. I'm the only one out of myself, Jay, and Hudson, who's here. Jay has composed a document with potential sort of blue team strategies and protocols in the event of an emergency. We've been looking over that over the past week or so. I'm trying to figure out exactly what our next steps should be. We have a couple of good documents already. I think, though, Hudson would be really the person to ask about this, not me. We're probably at a point where we would like to move forward and start contacting relevant Eth1 teams and also Eth2 teams into trying to sort of solidify an emergency comms structure of sorts. Basically, different volunteers, members, or whatnot that in the event of an emergency can be counted on to react and respond to an emergency.

Again, on a communications level, there's no technical group that has keys to the master node or anything like that. So that is basically where we're holding. I don't have so much else to say about it other than that, but being that I seem to be the only one here from the team, I figured at least I should give an update about it.

Pooja Ranjan Thank you very much for the update, William. I have looked into both the documents, and they look fine to me, and the one that the Jay created. It looks good to me. And yes, I would also like to wait for Hudson to connect with the Eth1 and Eth2 security team. So probably we can continue the discussion in the Telegram channel and maybe by the next meeting, we can come up with further updates on that.

William Schwab Yeah, that'd be great. I think I'm gonna bow out I need to leave early today. Sorry to leave it as such a sparse meeting, but I guess the three of you can conspire to make a coup d'etat and take over the Cat Herders or something like that. Have a great one, everybody. Bye.

Pooja Ranjan We have a few more items to go on. We will try to get them as fast as possible.

So the next item on the agenda is email account for the Cat Herders. We have been discussing this item for the past couple of meetings. Brent unfortunately could not join us today, but he has provided me the update. The support at is now working, and we will be using it for communication with the community. The action item associated with this item was to change the email and all the social media accounts related to Cat Herders. I connected with Charles. He helped me change the Twitter account. And Medium was easier. We could change it easily.

About the email, we had one previous gmail at [email protected]. Unclear - Lane? has recently provided me the access to that. A big thank you to him, because this was a very difficult task. It was also not created by him, but somehow he figured out how to get that. And that led me to information that the Zoom cloud that we have been using is exceeding the storage limits, so we might need to consider deleting some of the old recordings. I know we don't have many people here to right away to come to a decision. This is something I just wanted to throw out for people to know, and we can discuss it.

Edson Ayllon Don't we upload the recordings to YouTube?

Pooja Ranjan Yes, they are. Many of them.

Edson Ayllon So deleting them shouldn't be an issue. It would be an issue if we didn't keep a copy of them.

Pooja Ranjan Yeah, I agree. I feel that when some transition was going on, we could not upload, I think about five or seven episodes. We would like to upload that. I will try to access it from the cloud and upload that. Other than that, all of the meetings are there. I have also created a playlist for all ECH meeting at YouTube, the Cat Herders YouTube, so I think it should be good, too.

Edson Ayllon Maybe we just don't delete the ones that haven't been uploaded.

Pooja Ranjan Right. I will finish up the uploading and then only I will go ahead with deleting.

Moving on, the third item on the agenda is Ethereum Important Installation Survey. So the Cat Herders recently started with the survey to get information about the critical installation of Ethereum. And we're supposed to share the report. I'm going to share the draft in the chat. So this is the report that is generated with the help of results that's collected from the survey. This basically talks about the state of client diversity. And we have tried to capture the issues or the problems that were discussed in two or three of AllCoreDev meetings and at different forums itself, but the results that we have received and we would like to share with the AllCoreDev meeting.

And feel free to add a comment. I'm hoping to publish it by Wednesday or Thursday before the AllCoreDev meeting so that people have the answers to the questions that they thought that Cat Herders could be helpful in. Any comment on that?

Edson Ayllon looks good. I just looked through it.

Pooja Ranjan So I'm going to also share this draft in the Telegram group so people can have a look and if they have any suggestions or comments, they can add that. Leaving a period of 24 hours for review, I'll go ahead and publish it on the Cat Herders Medium.

The next item is break-off discussion groups proposal. It was proposed by Alita, but since she could not make the call, I'm gonna skip it for now and put it in the next meeting agenda, and we'll try to discuss more on it.

Next comes up as Cat Herders funding - Moloch DAO & ESP. As people may know, we have received a grant from Moloch. And we are we are supposed to report to people with the progress that we are doing here in the Cat Herders with the new initiatives and how we are being more helpful to the Devs and the other community. Recently, somebody approached me to get feedback on how we are doing. We have submitted the tasks that have been performed. And we hope that that would be helpful in considering the grant for the rest of the year, because we received a partial grant, so we are hoping to reach out to them after a few months to get more funding for this.

The next item is 1559 fee market changes. I don't see Tim on the call today. Actually, there is another call going on. And for that, he couldn't make this one. But the update with me is we are planning to have the next meeting on August 28. The Cat Herders would be taking the notes, so we would be making the notes publicly available for everyone. And we hope to see the implementation statuses and different lines. Clients have reported to be taking the next proposals on the Eth metal net. We'll get to see the updates in the meeting of August 28.

Okay, so, next item. We already have discussed about emergency communication group, so that is done.

Hackathon discussion. I'm not sure if people have any thoughts here, because I don't see more people on the call today. I assume Alita wanted to discuss it further. And unfortunately, I did not get much chance to look into it. I was supposed to reach out to a team, but I could not. I will try to get on that by the next meeting, or maybe two, to come up with a proposal. But if anybody else has any thoughts on proposal, feel free to share. Let's move this topic to future meetings.

Number 10. That's about the cat herders funding and the PM. Do we see any new ones in there?

No, I don't see any new one in there. But we have recently received a comment from the Gitter community about some user facing some issue related to Trinity. And I have mentioned it there as well. If people have any difficulty, feel free to create an issue here to the Cat Herders, and we'll reach out, too. However, for that particular user, he is now in touch with Trinity, and I hope that he might have been helped. But in case you could not reach out to any of the client teams, feel free to reach Cat Herders, and we would be happy to connect you with the right team.

About the funding issues, I see a few are open. I'll get in touch with Hudson and Tim, and we'll try to close all the issues as early as possible.

Edson Ayllon Oh, one thing about the PM, we still have the issue converting SAI to DAI/USD. And that should have been solved a couple months ago. I think we can close that issue.

Pooja Ranjan Yeah, actually, there was this one transaction of five or 10 DAI that accidentally happened to the ProgPoW funding account that was actually related to our previous multisig. So we decided to move that fund to the new gnosis account. And I think Hudson has completed a transaction, but he left a comment that once that is done, this issue can be officially closed.

And now, the last item on the agenda. Today, we had a quick meeting. So the last item on the agenda is meeting notes 39, action item and decisions that we made.

  • 35.1 - continue collecting response to client diversity survey.

We have been receiving responses, but the 15th was the last date, and now we are working on the publishing of the blog for results that we have received.

  • 35.2 - continue discussing hackathon.

We will continue this discussion in the next meeting.

  • 35.3 - formalize the EIP podcast

Right now, we would be going by the YouTube, but soon we would be working to release every episode in the form of a podcast as well for people. We have seen a good amount of people requesting the podcast, so we'll consider that as well. I'm looking into the options how we can do that.

  • And decision maid - migrate old chats to the Discord.

Yes, we are we are working on it, We have to send a few more reminders, I believe, to let the entire community move to the Discord channel and then we can officially close the Gitter for Cat Herders. Although I want to discuss more about the ProgPow Gitter. Maybe we will discuss it in the next meeting.

So yeah, that's all about it. We had a very quick call today. Do people have any other topic or agenda that they would want to discuss?

Okay, the next meeting is in two weeks from now. It's on September 1, thank you all for joining us today.

Marcelo Ruiz de Olano So my connection was a little bit choppy. I wanted to address some things to you. But I don't know if this is the right place. Maybe we should talk later. I would like to know about the information you are getting from miners and your interviews. Is it the right place to do it, or we should do it afterwards?

Pooja Ranjan Actually, the information that we are receiving from miners, we are not making them very public. But the data is going to be there on the blog post that we are publishing soon. But if you have a specific query, you can DM me. I understand that I have connected you with respect to one of the miners that they tried to reach the open Ethereum team, so I'll be happy to answer you offline.

Did I answer your question?

I see your microphone moving, but I did not hear any voice. Maybe connection is not stable, I'm not sure. But I'll be happy to connect with you offline after this and try to answer all your questions.

Any more thing to be discussed today?

Okay. See you, everyone, in two weeks.


  • Edson Ayllon
  • Marcelo Ruiz de Olano
  • Pooja Ranjan
  • William Schwab

Date for Next Meeting: 1 September 2020, at 1400 UTC.