Action Item | Description |
44.1 | EIP-1559, Reach out to more exchanges and wallets. |
44.2 | EIP-1559, Publish second report. |
44.3 | Submit Moloch DAO proposal. |
44.4 | Update the ECH website to include newsletter signup. |
Decision Item | Description |
44.1 | Next meetings will be 15:00 UTC. |
Video | 0:00 |
A new member recently joined the Cat Herders, Juan Alonso.
Meeting options are:
- 1400 UTC (present)
- 1500 UTC
- 1600 UTC
Future meetings will be run at 1500 UTC.
- 44.1—Next meetings will be 15:00 UTC.
Video | 2:36 |
The first report on outreach was published a few weeks ago. This second round of outreach is focused more on wallets and exchanges.
We have recently met with a couple projects, but still need help reaching out to more wallets and exchanges. Edson, William and Alita can maybe help with that.
The second report hasn't been published yet, maybe in the subsequent month.
- 44.1—EIP-1559, Reach out to more exchanges and wallets.
- 44.2—EIP-1559, Publish second report.
Video | 7:01 |
Only handled a few subjects.
- A proposal for a basic tree structure, not yet drafted
- EIP-2926, chunk based merkalization. Discussed complexity. Will self organize conversations
- Geth and Besu will be joining, Nethermind won't until EIP-2929 has stable tests.
Conversation started on proper gas prices. Then discussion on sticking to timelines for testnets and network upgrades. Discussion around 2929, 2718, and 2930, how much time to be put into them, and how much of importance they were.
Video | 10:39 |
Recorded an episode with Nethermind CTO. Highly recommended people watch it.
The next EIP recording will be EIP-2718 with Micah Zoltu, typed transaction. It's a core EIP, which will help with future upgrades, such as EIP-1559.
It will be at 13:00 UTC, November 3rd.
Video | 12:01 |
Group is not at an impass, but in a neutral state. Hudson had circulated the documents, but not recieved feedback.
Video | 12:25 |
Moloch 3 month funding is over now. Hudson is looking to submit the new proposal within a week.
Looking for another initiative to increase community participation, which we can request funding for.
Alita still recommends the hackathon, or looking into bounties. Alita recommends Jaye to lead this.
Pooja would like to increase what the Cat Herders are involved with.
- 44.3—Submit Moloch DAO proposal.
Video | 15:45 |
This weeks newsletter will go today. Medium enabled new features. What is a way we can collect email? We don't even provide the subscribe feature on our website.
Social media campaign is one way. People are still visiting the website. The website is on Github. We just need to make a pull request, and it's there.
Alita has volunteered to help redesign the website.
- 44.4—Update the ECH website to include newsletter signup.
Video | 19:25 |
No new issues.
All funding except for one is sent. Alita will update that issue to 2 separate issues.
Video | 20:50 |
No action items. We need to engage more people, increase reach.
Video | 21:29 |
Brent: is there any way to track which client is supporting which EIP?
A few ways to see which client is working on which proposal is the All Core Devs call.
If someone is championing, they get in touch with client representatives.
In one of the breakout meetings, there was an alternative proposal for how to track this, EIP-2935.
- Alita Moore
- Brent Allsop
- Pooja Ranjan
- William Schwab
Nov 19, 2020, 14:00 UTC.