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ECH Meeting 64 Notes

Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday 3 August at 15:00 UTC

Meeting Duration: 0.75 hour

Moderator: Pooja Ranjan

Notes: Jim Bennett


DECISION 64.1: Investigate collaboration with Eth Stakers on a countdown for future upgrades. See 9:56

DECISION 64.2: Get in touch with Auryn to discuss handling X DAI. See 17:16

DECISION 64.3: In the next meeting, discuss whether the people hosting the ECH website should be hired to manage ECH social media. see 22:30


Pooja Ranjan Welcome to Ethereum Cat Herders meeting 64. I have just shared the agenda in chat.

#1. ECH updates So the first item on the agenda is ECH updates. The number one is ECH website. We are having some trouble with the website hosting. I had a chat with Invatica team about this. And it seems like they are having some trouble hosting the server and they provided some alternatives. They are thinking of some alternatives. I'm going to read the message that I have received from them. It seems like we are still troubleshooting on our end. And if this issue persists, we think we are not stable enough in a position to maintain expected quality that is specially related to hosting. And that being said, there are some alternatives such as Digital Ocean linode and WS platforms for a higher uptime. And that may be more aligned with respect to deployment expectations that we have, like the how frequent we send them to update the website. I don't see Michael here to talk more about it. But I'll be curious to just discuss other alternatives. I remember when we had the Ethereum Cat Herders website a year back, it was hosted on the GitHub platform, only we didn't use any other outside services. What do people think generally? Like what makes sense? Should we go for alternatives such as Digital Ocean linode? Or should we explore something here?

Unknown Speaker Now that might not be a bad option, and you have more uptime and might be able to save some money on hosting costs.

Pooja Ranjan I would agree. I'd be looking for some help. So if anybody from the community or from the group, if they know how to get it hosted with the help of GitHub, please reach out to me, and we'll try to explore this option as well. I think I had a chat with Hudson in this regard. And he is also trying to figure out what best can be done. And his suggestion was also to move with what what we thought earlier, go with the GitHub hosting. So let's keep this option open. And in the meanwhile, we'll try to work with Invatica team from for whatever we can do to keep our website updated and have uptime as much as possible.

Unknown Speaker How much is the GitHub hosting? I know Digital Ocean.

Pooja Ranjan I don't think I don't think we pay anything for GitHub was changed. Okay, that's great. We just have to align our DNS for that because they provide something like GitHubIO dot whatever your name is dot com. So we just have to connect both of them. It should point towards the At least that's the way it was maintained earlier, from what I could read. Maybe we have to be looking too much into it, because I know we did it last time, so it's possible this time as well. But I'm not sure if I'll be able to put that much time into it and redo it. So if anyone is interested and they know how to get it done, I'll be happy to get in touch.

All right, moving on to meeting notes So we are doing good on meeting notes, as much as I remember. We are done with the AllCoreDev meeting notes. For the last meeting for Eth 2.0, there were some issues with the video recording. We got it uploaded just yesterday. And I have received a confirmation from the person assigned that he will be working on it. For EIPIP, I think we already have the notes available in the repository.

Moving on, the next one is ECH engineering. I know Alita was looking for some help, but unfortunately she couldn't make the meeting today. So I'll wait for some more time and maybe I'll keep it in the next meeting and see what she's actually looking for in terms of resources or anything else. So we'll see when she joins back in the next meeting.

Next one is Cat blazers. And I know William has just shown up. William Schwabb, if you have anything on that you would like to update.

William Schwab Well, sorry, my brain is like a total wreck right now. Give me a bit, I'll try and collect these thoughts. Just trying to organize what I've been doing over the last couple of weeks and try and say something about it.

Pooja Ranjan Sorry to put you on the spot. Definitely, no problems. Not a problem.

All right, we'll keep moving on to ECH Ops. There are some tasks that I have been performing, like coordinating with a lot of people. We have received some new requests as well. That's still in the very early stage. So I'll wait for a week or two to speak more on that.

And on EIP and ERC editing, we have been scheduling meetings. We had this last meeting a couple of weeks ago, and we had five to seven proposals reviewed and just left comments on that. I feel like this is a very good thing that we are doing together as a group. New people are learning from the experienced editors. And in that process, we are trying to actually explore what we can have listed as best practices so we can publish it later on for people to refer to. I personally find it very helpful and useful. And, again, William Schwabb, if you have to anything add on top of that, how we are doing on the EIP and ERC editing meetings?

William Schwab So I'd say there's increasing interest over time. The current meetings that we have right now, I'd say are super, super useful. I know that, personally, I have dipped my toe in the water, so to speak, as a result of those meetings in terms of getting a bit more involved with EIP/ERC feedback. I feel like it's a slow process in the beginning just to get a wider picture of what's going on in the ecosystem, both what's in the repo, what should be in the repo, what's in the repo in the wrong way, how to deal with it all, and all of that. But I do feel like we are making actually like very, very good progress. And it might be a while until we see good results from it, but I really do feel like they're coming.

Pooja Ranjan I totally agree with that. And the best part here is we are seeing the progress. And we are very much hopeful that we will be in a position that they would like to see ourselves to be. In a sense, we have decreased the number of open pull requests so far, and we expect to keep that going lower and lower. So these are not far away.

All right, on the new ECH initiatives, I did not have much to update on it. There are a few tasks under progress. So I'll wait for a couple of more meetings to see in which direction it is going. And then we'll provide more updates on that. So that's the last under this first items I've had. We can come back on this item again later on.

So moving on, the number two item is Ethereum London Upgrade Community Call. So we have the Ethereum London upgrade community call organized just yesterday. It went well. It was good in a sense. People appreciated the group that were present on the call and the content that was provided. There was a complete summary of what proposals went into the upgrade. And we also get to know about some of the feature changes in popular infrastructure-providing tools, just like Etherscan, CoinBase, and we also had invited the [unclear] wallet. So it's a good mix of participants on the call. And I'm happy that people like this experiment. We'll try to keep getting community people together and have them on the platform where they can exchange talents.

Edson Ayllon Oh, that's good. Are we also planning on having a countdown? Like we did with previous upgrades?

Pooja Ranjan Oh, yeah, that's a good suggestion. I'm not sure. Let me think over it.

Edson Ayllon It's a bit late in the game to have a countdown for London. Maybe it would be a better idea if we throw in with one of the other countdowns, like maybe attend one of the other ones, kind of officially reach out to Eth Staker or something like that.

Pooja Ranjan So here's the thing. We didn't have this countdown this time, just because Eth Stakers is having this meeting at the same time as the countdown, and we didn't want it to split the community this time. It happened with the last upgrade Berlin that we both were having the calls at the same time. So we moved it a couple of days earlier than the actual deployment date. And yes, Eth Staker will be having the countdown community call for London.

Edson Ayllon Should we collab with them? Do you think it's worth reaching out to Eth Staker and saying, "Would you mind if we also just like spread your call on social media and attend?"

Pooja Ranjan Yes, I'm working on that. So yes. I'm in touch with those guys. Yes.

William Schwabb Yeah, increased engagement, that would be great, like anything else.

Pooja Ranjan All right. So Michael will be from the Invatica Team. He is also one of the key members of Eth Staker community. So I'm in touch with him and trying to get that done. And that's why we moved our call before the actual date of the upgrade. And about the idea, I pretty much like the suggestion, I'm not sure how ready we are. But as I understand, we still have some time. It's in the testnet phase, only the team is discussing whether or not they should have another testnet, devnet done based on that. I'm assuming that would be at least four to six weeks time left. For Altair, this is just based on my assumption I may have drawn. I'm not giving any figure like when Altair is going to happen, but if that is there, we will have enough time to prepare on that part as well. Let's see if there's any further suggestion on what should be include, please let us know.

#3. Peep an EIP

Pooja Ranjan Alright, moving ahead, Peep an EIP. So in the past two weeks, I believe we had three Peep an EIPs recorded. One was with a brief history of Ethereum's future but with Benjamin Edgington. Then we did March special EIP 3675, with Mikhail Kalinin. There was another one, the block cast limit with Vitalik Buterin. All these are very good collections. I would highly recommend people go ahead and watch except for block cast limit because that is not out yet. That is still processing. But we have the much proposal EIP 3675 and the brief history of Ethereum's future with Benjamin Edgington, available on the Peep an EIP playlist. This is really relevant to the present upgrades and tasks that Ethereum both chains are looking forward. In the coming week, we have two more Peep an EIPs planned. One is for EIP 2981 and that is NFT Loyalty Standard with Blaine Milan, planned on August 4. That is tomorrow at 1600 UTC. That is different than our usual time. So people who want to join, please be sure that it's not at 1830. It is at 1600 UTC. There is another one we are planning with Tomas that is on MVP and flashfire. That would be next week on August 10. So that's on Peep an EIP. Thank you everyone who joins Peep an EIP regularly and to those who watch it because I've received good feedback that these proposals the way we are presenting is turning out to be very, very helpful. And it helps understand the concept as well as to know where to go if they have any question on that topic or on that proposal. So thank you, Ethereum community, for supporting us so much. So much.

Edson Ayllon Tomas is coming on for MVP?

Pooja Ranjan Right.

Edson Ayllon That's awesome. All right. Cool. Sorry.

Pooja Ranjan So yeah, I just got the confirmation yesterday. I have to still update the project board. I'll do that today. Yes. All right.

#4. ECH Discord moderating and engagement

Moving on ECH Discord moderating and engagement. I'm happy to say that we are in a way better position than we were a few weeks ago. Now we have three bots set up on our Discord channel. And fortunately, we did not see any spam by bots, like people joining a server and trying to spam other people. With the help of Nethermind team, I know many other people supported and getting this thing done. So thank you to everyone. I'll be maybe looking for more people to join and help us moderating for the good content on the different channels. But in general, the major problem of bot attack, I personally feel that it is under control.

Edson Ayllon Awesome. Thank you, bot masters.

Pooja Ranjan Yeah, they have pretty good bots around. And I reached out to different groups about what they are using in their server, and it helped. Because I see big bots, especially, they do not allow any of the users whose account is less than seven days old. So what we observed in the past, we get bot read with 50 bots joining at the same time, and they were just created 0.0 days. So now we are good in that.

Edson Ayllon Wait, so you're the bot master.

Pooja Ranjan I just have said how many days we have. We might have to manipulate that. All right. Yeah, that's that on the ECH Discord.

#5. ECH funding

Now on the ECH funding. Good news is we received the funding from Moloch. And we received 11 shares. Thank you, Moloch, for providing us funds to continue what we are doing as Ethereum Cat Herders as a decentralized project management group. Your support means a lot to us. We have successfully retrieved the funds and moved it to our Cat Herders multisig. But a little change, a small change - we have not converted all the shares. We kept one share with the Moloch team. So it helps us in the future whenever we want to go and request for any grant, that share that we left will be helpful. Other than that we have 10 shares back at our Ethereum Cat Herders multisig. I am still to work on We haven't converted it to the mainnet. I'm looking at two different ways. I'm not sure. William, where you who knew about it and mentioned? I don't know. I'm sorry if I'm mentioning it wrong here.

William Schwab Which thing?

Pooja Ranjan X DAI?

William Schwab Wait , with Clear Fund?

Pooja Ranjan Right.

William Schwab I don't know so much about it. We can talk [unclear] about it. I think you know Orrin probably as well as I do. Maybe even better.

Pooja Ranjan Yeah, I'll try him.

William Schwab It's probably just a matter of getting in touch with them and figuring out how to handle that.

Pooja Ranjan All right, yeah, sure. Yeah, I have to talk to Orrin. I was planned to do it two weeks ago, but I couldn't do it. I've tried to get it this week. All right. That's on the funding side. Now we have some open issues and funding requests. Let me go back and check. Is there anything on the PM GitHub that we need to address today? Doesn't seem like that. On the funding GitHub, we have tried to respond to all the funding. I received confirmation from this second multisig key holder last night. I'll be executing all these transactions today. So I think we should be good in that part ias well. And for the last meeting, let me try to pull up Edson's notes here. Sharing in the chat, the last item we see is decide on whether to pay for marketing for the website. I am not sure if we discuss this today or we heard anything from anyone. Do people have any thoughts? Should we or should we not go with that?

William Schwab Where in the link do we talk about this?

Pooja Ranjan Summary section. So I have shared the link in the chat.

William Schwab So the people hosting the website, they wanted to know if they should do advertising for the website. I must have missed that last time. I came late last time. Does anyone have a strong opinion in favor?

Pooja Ranjan Okay, let me add some background here. So I had a conversation with this guy earlier. The idea here is the Ethereum Cat Herders, we produce content in terms of blogs and some videos, mostly in meeting recordings, but there are some contents which are not meetings but they are good. So the proposal here was to talk about whatever we are producing more on social media, as well as providing a short summary kind of thing, what William Zhan does with some of our epiphany videos, like making a quick, small video, one or two minutes, and then share it and promote it. So the idea here is to hire them to do this job of promoting and marketing Ethereum Cat Herders. I feel like what kind of promotion and marketing we'd be talking about here. My best understanding is whatever we do in terms of sharing it on social media and promoting it like, "Okay, fine. This is the meeting, these are the highlight of these meetings," make small clip of that and share it again on media, say, "want to go in detail, watch this meeting?"

William Schwab Where would it be shared through? Which channels would be leveraged for this?

Pooja Ranjan My wild guess would be Reddit.

William Schwab As in they'd post on Reddit with highlights of our meetings.

Yeah, maybe we should ask them what their plan is so we get a good idea of the return on investment. Also, get a quote for how much they want to charge. Because they were saying they wanted to put one full time person on to this. So I'm not sure how much.

Pooja Ranjan That's right. Yeah, that's a very good suggestion. Yeah.

William Schwab If the full time would include handling social media, I think there's a lot to talk about. I would say Twitter's criminally underleveraged. I am personally partially responsible for that, I am well aware. But I do feel like we have a lot of untapped potential through our social media channels. If they're willing to offer us some kind of package managing social media for us and things like that. And we have the ability to kind of ensure that it would be on brand quality, then I think there's a lot to talk about there.

Pooja Ranjan Right. Yeah, I think it is a good suggestion. We should try to get more information on what is their proposal, and maybe based on that, we'll get to know more about it. Or maybe we'll be in a better position to take any decision whether they should invest or not. I'll add this as an item to be discussed in the next meeting. And we'll try to get in touch with the right person and have him on the call so we can discuss it.

Edson Ayllon We could also see if anyone wants to step up to the plate for any social media stuff for people that are on the [unclear].

Pooja Ranjan Yeah, that's even better. I mean, if we get some more volunteers who can actually help promote us what Cat Herders are doing and the content on social media, that would be super helpful.

William Schwab Probably be a bit of a process there. I mean, we can't really hand the keys over to someone who's new. But if people are willing to start writing content for us, then it's like retweeted to select Twitter terminology, it could be a good way to kind of vet people, I suppose. Like, we wouldn't want a situation where someone's like, "Oh, yeah, I can do social media," and all sudden, they can do whatever they want with the Twitter.

Pooja Ranjan Yeah, I totally agree. And there is this process that we have been trying to maintain, and we will be there. I'm not sure right now how this will go. But it will depend on the proposal, mostly how they are proposing to promote us or the content or intention. So let's keep it for the next meeting. I'll try to add as an agenda item. Alright, the next action and decisions is create an empty for London upgrade. I think we're a little late for that, maybe. But we did good with work, at least something worked. And we may be keeping it open and explore different options for the next upgrade on maybe for Altair if we can do it. What do people think in general. Is it okay to keep it? I mean, drop it for London and prepare it for the next upgrade or we can still do that?

William Schwab I think it's fine. It can be relatively simple, upload it to Foundation, Mint and then send out the minting link to everyone who's involved and they can mint it for themselves. And to private. It can be really, really quickly and done in less than, on our side, less than an hour.

Pooja Ranjan So you said foundation. I'm sorry. I did not catch that part.

William Schwab Yeah, you mentioned on some platform like that. Like the have a really nice UI.

Pooja Ranjan Oh, sorry. I'm sorry that that I was like, was it something related to Ethereum Foundation? I got confused. I don't know with Foundation, if you search for them. Do you have an in there, William?

William Schwab No, not yet. But I can do that. Yeah.

Edson Ayllon Yeah, it's curated invite only. So I have to know that you've the ability to do it there. If not there, there are other places. Even if you have to hack a contract together, it's not exceptionally complicated. If you are hacking a contract together, I would say having a list of addresses beforehand makes it a little bit easier. Because then you can mention to them and they can claim it. While they wouldn't even need to claim it; we're just going to mention their address. And that's probably the simplest way to do it on the solidity level. But I do agree that we should have enough turnaround time here if we handle it quickly.

William Schwab Variable open?

Edson Ayllon Yeah. You can create the ticker also, if you want.

Unknown Speaker Should we mint it to their address, or have them mint it themselves? And Mint will be a little bit expensive on Ethereum.

William Schwab So if you're minting to their address at launch, I don't know the UIs. I'm an app dev. So it could be I'm looking one level too low here if you're getting to their addresses at launch. So contract deployment, if you're deploying a new contract, is a bit expensive. But otherwise, if you can kind of do an app deploy - I'd have to check prices, it could be it would cost. It could be a bit costly there. But I'd have to check how much putting a list of addresses in the constructor. Or like an init function, may be. How much that would cost? A deployment itself is, I believe, not cheap right now also.

Pooja Ranjan That being said, we are expecting London to be on the mainnet in just a couple of days. So do we think that we should still keep it for London? Or should we plan it for some the next upgrade?

William Schwab Maybe it should be pretty easy. Doing it for London should be pretty easy. I think what I'm leaning toward for now is just not minting on their behalf, just sending them the link to the contract address. And if they want to minth, then they can mint it. Maybe we can mint some for people who are ECH members or people who have been really helpful for ECH, like, who've appeared on Peep an EIP.

Edson Ayllon I wouldn't mix ideas. Hmm. How's this, William - why don't we see what we can get done today? Maybe you have capacity to try and work on this today. Yeah, I can do it. So if you want me to try and assist there, and I'm happy to try and carve out some time for that also. Let's see if we can lock in a platform and know that we're able to send whoever we want the ability to mint for themselves. Let's see if we can get that done today, if possible. If we have that, then it's pretty much just a matter of locking in who we're sending to and reaching out to them and offering them addresses and then asking for their addresses if they need to be added to a whitelist of people we can mint. I think another point with this also, if we've made it this far with it, is even if they don't get the London NFT before London goes live, I wouldn't necessarily call that catastrophic, especially if the NFT is kind of there. It's just a matter of getting the technical details together afterwards. I feel like it probably would be better to keep this on London.

Pooja Ranjan All right, that sounds good. So what we can do is, if you guys are working today, that's fine. And you let me know, we can or not do that. My assumption that this conversation is we can. We should be in a good position to do that. And meanwhile, I can work on the shortlisting of the members who were on the call, the meeting yesterday, or some of the other community members. And we can then decide on how many of these we need to have in order to be able to make them happy to join any call if you guys are planning to brainstorm more on this topic. Make sense? Yep. Sounds good. All right. And the last item is an action items listed here is further discuss how we can make the ECH scale, including roles and responsibilities of new roles required as well as adjusting to funding. Yeah, we are expanding like we are almost everywhere in the ecosystem. I'm really happy about it. And I would love to have more and more people join in the community, the Ethereum Cat Herders community, the Ethereum community, and we would like to see whatever contribution they are making in the ecosystem does not go unrewarded in terms of their experience, in terms of what they want to learn and what they want to give to the community, as well as for some of the tasks that we are doing. I would be happy to create some kind of bounty for some tasks that we are opening for the communities, especially related to maybe changing any system or improving any system, if we even need to have some always open for any ideas and thoughts around it, like how we can make it better, and add more people to the group. We have recently received some of the funding from GitCoin as well as from Moloch. So looking into how we can best utilize those funds. I'm really happy for people volunteering, and I would like to appreciate their work as well as make sure that that people who are contributing are equally rewarded. Any different thoughts and opinion here?

William Schwab
I'm a bit nervous about down chain tasks too early on, because it takes a lot of the juice out of volunteering, to be honest. If people see the tasks tend to be funded, there's less of an incentive to volunteer. So like I'm a bit nervous about that being more slippery slope than it sounds like.

Pooja Ranjan I get your point. Yeah, that is right, I would agree to it to a greater extent. But what I meant here for the bounty is not for a small task, I meant for mainly tasks having time for over 20 hours or something. Suppose some bot needs to be improved, right? So we need some people to put in a good amount of time to get that fixed, because they have to understand the process, what's going on and what's wrong, and then start working on it. So these kinds of tasks. Now, we already have some bounty-based tasks like writing notes. We do have that habit, and we'll try to keep it going. But for helping out other groups or other areas of the Ethereum ecosystem, if we come up with some bigger tasks, we'll try to support that or sponsor that. So they get the task done, and we as a cat herder should be in a position to provide bounty for that task.

William Schwab I get what you're saying. Good point. I don't have one at my fingertips, but that's definitely something I'll keep in mind.

Pooja Ranjan Right? Yeah, I'm talking to quite a few people here who are looking for these kinds of opportunities. Because I have seen lately that people joining in Ethereum Cat Herders, many of them are looking for job opportunities. I don't know if we can actually provide a full-time job opportunity to them, but at least some kind of connection if we can create, and if the work is liked by that group, they will be permanently there or whatever. So that would be good for us.

William Schwab
Truth is, Sushi has opened up a bounty for someone to write EIP 712 support, more native EIP 712 support in ethers and hardhat. That might be a very good starting point. 712 is a very widely used EIP. And to have a better API for it and ethers and hardhat would actually be very ecosystem beneficial. So maybe to jump on that bandwagon and to publicize that a bit more and maybe add to their bounty could be a good idea.

Pooja Ranjan EIP 712 seems to be an interface proposal, right?

William Schwab So yeah, which is then the backbone for things like permit for ERC 20s or NFTs, and things like that. So just to get it easier to use inside those frameworks.

Pooja Ranjan Do you by any chance have any link on that? Like, what are they providing? No problem, you can send that to me later. That's not a problem. I would be interested to know what they are actually looking into it. Because for interface EIPs, I'm aware that some changes are expected in the future. So I just want to make sure like, their goal aligns -

William Schwab Oh., wait - you meaning category, category wise, it should be ERC.

It's more of an ERC anyway, though,

Pooja Ranjan Then it should not be here in the place of interface category at all.

William Schwab Maybe my understanding of the interface category is not good enough. But it is the backbone for a number of ERCs that came after it. If the interface category does go away, ERC 712 sure won't because it's being used everywhere. It's all over the ecosystem. EIP 1271 is based on 712. Token permits is based on 712. I wish I could come up with more off the top of my head, because I know they're there. It's a very, very widely used EIP.

Pooja Ranjan So if I understand it correctly, it may be used for ERCs, but because it is an interface, they may be kind of creating some kind of connection between one app to another, program to another. So I didn't read the proposal completely. And I'm just saying, interface category is not going away. It shows that we are trying to restructure that and move some of the interface-related EIPs out of this category in the proposal form, but to move it to the Eth 1.0 spec repository, so they can be maintained regularly, and if there is a small change in spec that should be managed with the help of pull requests so we keep the proposal up to date. So I would like to just understand how much effort is involved in this. So I just answered and I looked for the link. Yeah, this sounds like a very good starting point for bounty kind of stuff. But as as I understand, they already are putting bounty for [unclear] tests.

William Schwab But we probably could get on that, is what I'm saying also. That would add our comms and also add to the bounty if they don't already have someone. There is a response in the thread of someone who said he was going to try and find some time for it. So I'd say it's probably a matter of just reaching out to them, seeing if there is someone who's already involved with it, and then deciding if we would like to join in and trying to incentivize.

Pooja Ranjan Yeah, whatever I see on a higher level, my understanding is this will go off of this GitHub repository and will be moving to Eth 1.0 spec relatively soon. So do you by any chance know anyone who we can get in touch with for this?

From which end?

William Schwab Like on the Sushi end? Not personally, but I could try reaching out to some people.

Pooja Ranjan Oh, I think I got it just now. I can reach out to this person.

William Schwab
Actually, the truth is Joseph DeLong is the one who I saw post about it on Twitter. Former Cat Herder.

Pooja Ranjan Yeah, that's what I said. We can reach him.

William Schwab Do you want to take that, Pooja? You'll get in touch with him?

Yeah, I will do that. Or maybe if you think you're comfortable because you work more on the ERC side, I'll be happy to help you.

So we'll coordinate that.

Makes sense. All right. I think that was the last item on the agenda. And we are almost close to the time. Does anyone have anything else that they would like to bring up for today's meeting or for any future meeting we should be considering?

William Schwab If you want a two minute summary of what I've done in the last two weeks, I've gotten my brain back. So I could do that.

Pooja Ranjan Yeah, sure. Please go ahead.

William Schwab Alright. I've been looking for resources to try and help coordinate a big wallet overview, just trying to get wallets together to find common problems in wallets and help people who are integrating wallets into their daps. Figure out what the major hurdles are and kind of increase awareness on both ends about that. I've been looking for resources to help with comms there. The idea was suggested to me by someone else who I'm working with. EIP/ERC stuff we've talked about, I've been trying to increase my involvement in the EIP repo, just looking over shepherding, but I have a couple of ideas about how to maybe even expand that role. I'm hoping I'll have something to say about that in the next meeting. I haven't had so much community outreach stuff in the last couple of weeks. There was an economist token signer that I know that was looking to get in touch with the graph, I was able to help facilitate that. My main onboarding stuff has been currently through Ethernaut DAO as the author of Ethernaut has opened up a kind of DAO for onboarding senior developers from other fields of software development into blockchain. So I've been trying to hang out there to help where I can and kind of help onboard people into the Ethereum ecosystem through that. And I would say that has been the bulk of my efforts for the last couple of weeks.

Pooja Ranjan Awesome. I think you're doing God's work. We need to connect people. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much for that video. I am really happy. The main reason what I understand Cat Herders was brought into existence was to connect people, connect community, connect developers, but there are so many connections needed within one community. I mean, within one group as well. And I think you are filling the gap. And it's really incredible. Thank you so much for all your work you do.

All right. I think that concludes our meeting for today. Anyone else wants to bring anything up?

Unknown Speaker Yes. So Pooja, I have a couple of messages for you after this meeting. So we can discuss maybe some of the more nitty gritty of NFT.

Pooja Ranjan Yeah, that sounds good. William, can you do me a favor? If you can just create a small Discord group with me, William Schwabb, and you, and then we can try to close this today, if possible.


All right. Um, yeah, I just looked into the images that you have shared for NFT and it looks great. So I think after this meeting, we should get together and continue the discussion on that group so we can make quick decisions and get this thing moving. All right. Thank you, everyone for joining the meeting today. I hope it to be a smaller call. But it turned out to be really useful. And I'm glad we made it. Finally my internet worked and we had this call. Thank you, everyone for joining us. And see you all in two weeks. Or maybe on Discord. Have a great one.


  • ECH - Pooja Ranjan(Host)
  • Edson Ayllon
  • Jim Bennett
  • William Schwabb

Date for Next Meeting: August 17 at 1500 UTC