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Ethereum Cat Herders Meeting 83 Notes

Meeting Date/Time :April 26, 2022, at 15:00 UTC

Meeting Duration: .5 Hours

Audio/video of the meeting[(

Moderator: Pooja Ranjan

Notes: darkfire-rain


DECISION/ACTION ITEM 83.1: We may use to backup any work made by developers that may be deleted due to the russia-ukraine conflict.|


Ethereum network upgrades

Pooja 0:00: Welcome to ethereum cat orders meeting 83 i have shared agenda in chat the first item listed here is ethereum network upgrade as we were talking right before the call about the merge so testing the merge team paritosh and others they have performed second minute shadow folk on april 23rd at devconnect that means they are trying to test the merge having a shadow fork of ethereum main net with full state full blocks like complete transaction image over there ben addington adrian satton and many other developers tweeted about this except for arrogant client looks like all other clients were in sync the combination of el and cl client were performing well generally it is considered as a success there is an overview article published on ethereum shadow forking at ben and other developers have recommended checking it out so please check it out it will provide an overview of what shadow forking is and what they have achieved so far like earlier they did godly shadow forking then maintenance shadow working then second maintenance shadow forking a lot to cover that's on merch on shanghai there are six eips con in consider for inclusion discussing any new eip for shanghai has been paused for now considering there are other higher priority discussions and six eips are like quite good enough for an upgrade so it has been paused for some time so that's all for item number one merge

2. Element Finance Airdrop details and ELF NFT

Pooja number two is element finance airdrop and elf nft in the last meeting we shared details about airdrop all the cat holders who have ever documented notes for ethereum categories are eligible for airdrop though if you have missed the deadline of 11th april that would be coming up again after two weeks check out the links below for description and who already have claimed it or may have given their governance power to someone are eligible for collecting elf nft links for both articles are added there please check it out if you are a contributor to ethereum cat herders

Brent allsop 2:44

sorry just a quick question so do we have to do the zk snark stuff to catch that or because i'm not that interested in in in privacy is that a requirement or or can you can you do it without doing that extra work to ensure your privacy does anyone know that if if no one knows that i'll pass but anyway just wonder if anyone knew that

Pooja 3:49 the top of their head okay i think on a high level what i understood was there were two lists one list where like people who are directly eligible they can go ahead and do it with their wallet addresses but for people who are with the help of github repository they have to go by the gk smart that's my understanding but yeah it's better to look into the yeah all right so that is there

3.New initiatives

Pooja next item listed here is new initiative okay i'm trying to find the person who proposed this so we have been joined by a new contributor recently and he brought up a couple of suggestion in the last new journals meeting we met him and two suggestions here were number one ech github backup so his argument was that because of ukraine stuff github is deleting some of the developers work on github so what do people think about having a backup of ech github somewhere with the help of ipfs and all and the other proposal was having a video series on how to use a dab it will not be promotional but it will be just educational like for example we do beep and eve so we talk about a proposal and explain how is it implemented so it will be a walkthrough of whoever project has implemented that proposal so we don't want to make a promotional video just an educational video to educate users how to use that so these are the two proposals so we if anyone has any thought on the first one like hit a backup we can start from there

Brent allsop 6:36 but that doesn't seem like i would solve the problem because we've got an employee in ukraine and she had problems getting access to russian sites and stuff like that but she turned on the vpn was able to get through and do it but but but i i don't see how that would cause anyone in inability to get to our github repository i don't see how that would cause anyone to lose our work but anyway that i may not understand something but

Pooja 7:06 oh maybe i could try to rephrase it it's not that someone may not be able to access our repository but it's other way right around like if an individual has contributed to ethereum repository their individual's work could be deleted

William: 7:31 there's been issues in the past they're definitely not not past blocking a repo because someone's from russia and contributed to it or the like backups in general are a good thing there was a big i think it was a video decompression repo that got locked by github at some point they managed to get it unlocked But yeah i'm not okay maybe i i might be like speaking gibberish there is a web three initiative called radical to create a decentralized kind of get network if we are looking to back up i think it would be prudent to explore radical as an option rad icle sounds cool

Pooja 8:43 i'm making a note of whatever solutions you are suggesting here but definitely that could be a second step first we were trying to understand like the work that is being done here on ethereum github repository sorry you can cater to github repositories like yeah i mean it looks like people are on board on having a backup of that if i understand correct or anyone opposes to that other poses but any any other concern or comment that if they would like to share all right so i will consider that people are generally in favor of having a backup of it and the options suggested here are radical and the the guy that that they suggested me with the help of ipfs though i don't know the process how it would be working but yes if anyone is interested in particular understanding or taking up all right so if we have someone from today's call interested in looking into this please reach out otherwise the one who is suggested i'm hoping to have some more conversation with him let's see where we go but that's an interesting proposal let's give it a try the second new initiative that is proposed is tap usage video series i just explained what kind of video series is proposing about just curious is there any general thought or opinion about this kind of video series by characters so this will be in addition to whatever we are doing right now for people and i suppose whoever has proposed is willing to take a lead on that so definitely we are not looking for someone who would like to own this task but we can appreciate any suggestion on which particular tap they would be interested to learn about like how to use this tab feedbacks and suggestions and that would be appreciated all right any more question comment till number three if then

4. Events & hackathon

Pooja: we can move on to number four that is events and hackathon so eat barack is being planned for june 10 to 12. the speakers application is open it's an in-person event so if anyone is planning to go to prague and want to speak please apply i mean on their own project but anyone from cat orders if you are interested let us know and please feel free to speak for cathedrals there the next one is the polio i am particularly engaged with eat women fellowship that is in the final round of the first cohort we saw some good project ideas there and i'm very happy that this initiative is helping out some women developer to get into this space

5. ECH updates

ECH website

Pooja: the next item listed here is ech updates the first one is ech website so as we know our website is back last month only slava and new contributor to ethereum cathedrals has made a simple request recently and the merge page is updated he added some additional resources to update the eip page now you can find all the shanghai proposed eips the cfi eip is listed over there like the eip the discussion link and other related resources that is available around those proposals it can be easily found on ethereum cathedral's website there are a couple of other updates for meetings and a few fixes for broken links i think there's a pull request open by gunny i might have to look into the conflict resolution over there and we'll merge it over there but after that it will be like so that's on ease website the next one is ech engineering i don't see anyone from the engineering team right now but i'm aware that someone is looking into it jose here he is looking into ech engineering eip bot and eipv issues and we are trying to close issues there are there seems to be some duplicate issues and we are trying to close so the number does not look very good and yeah if you have any further update per se please feel free to share

Jose 14:29 yes the the most important of the update is that the issue 53 was closed and 12 single action issues were created which are more easily to attack and to direct the solution and this is maybe something that we need to to consider sometimes when the when the issues are posed are very general and very broad so some took the time and defined 12 precise single action issues and all the efforts are now focused on that 12 issues which are going to have a huge impact in the saving editor time and indeed the devote mode more robust

Pooja: 15:30 that's right thank you so much for update and i know with the new process change which is expected six months to one year down the line we may be making use of bot even more so the work become easier for eap editors and people who are trying to document it for the first time like most of the work would be checked by the bots that's the idea here samuelson is adding issues like how we can improve the path so yeah now we hope to keep looking into these issues and improve our present working with the eip github repository we are still looking for a ruby dev we need a maintainer who can help us with looking into the eip github repository there is specific piece of code that needs ruby to have expertise and we do not have anyone in the group it's not too long of a work but there are something definitely that we are looking to help with so if you're a ruby drive if you're listening to this call please reach out to us on ethereum catalyst discord

ECH Engineering

Pooja the next item listed here is ech engineering learn to earn i see george on the call george if you would like to speak for it

George: 16:57 yeah hey so pretty much for learn to earn we've been uha lot slower in terms of progress than expected but things are wrapping up now so we have both the app for anyone to interact with we have a few courses that are already created thanks to stefan and pooja and i believe there might be one or two more people that are helping out on that front and then in terms of wrapping everything else up we do have essentially the admin side we have like an admin application to actually upload all the all the content and the quizzes and courses that will be deployed today and pretty much the last remaining things are just the poep piece and just making sure everything is pretty much secure so

Pooja: 18:09 so yeah thank you for the update and yes as he was mentioning about the poor piece so we are looking for someone to look into creating and management for different quizzes we have kind of created a design for it that we can be using for different quizzes if you know or if you know someone who has this expertise or if you have this expertise please reach out now we are just trying to look into this funnel piece to test the entire tab all right moving on the next

Cat blazers

Pooja: The next sub item listed here is cad blazes we have william shop on the call

William:18:52 so podcast has released two episodes since last time i was on one about privacy and twitter seminars and another on decentralizing hardware in depth node with paul from dab node i pre i will be taking a hiatus this week i am interested in bringing it to a once every two week schedule like we originally discussed hoping i can try and maintain that cadence been involved in some other onboarding work was contacted through dms on twitter by one the colonel has wrapped up for now and i feel like i'm missing something but i pretty much always feel that way anyway so there it is Also t we are running some costs right now like we've moved to zencaster for recording and i know the editor ck doof has is paying for some tools i would appreciate if we could get reimbursed from the cat herders for that right now we're talking about minor amounts like i think the zencaster is maybe five dollars a month the editing tool i'd have to ask him again that might be might be more like 20. we're definitely fine laying it out but i would just like to ask generally now if it's okay for the cat hurters to take the production costs and i'm not expecting a decision right now but just as a general question

Pooja: 20:40 right on that i had a chat with ziggy roof last week and we are looking for a tool that can be helpful to like all kind of production thing here like i know we are making people and then there is this ech podcast so we looked into one tool suggested by him only and we are thinking of giving it a try for one month we are not buying the subscription for one year but a month to month basis let's see how it works out for other tasks and yeah definitely it is being considered all right that's on cad leases on ech operations we had this new johannes meeting last week you can find the recording here i'll add it to the agenda so generally we try to reach out to different people of ethereum community if they are new and they want to join ethereum community with the cat herders either making a contribution to qatar's present tasks and activities or just to ethereum ecosystem in general we organize these meetings once a month reach out to us check out the events on ec hds card they will find when the next meeting is planned and we'll try to help you make connections with whoever is the right person for whatever is your interest and if there is something from a catered existing task you want to contribute definitely you can let us know if there is any questions or anything that you would want to learn about ethereum ecosystem or whom you may reach out to i think that is one of the good meetings kind of office house which ethereum cathode is organized to engage with newcomers so join us the next one is eip insight so i have added the link to april's eap insight in the agenda you can check out the details but in chat in april we have received one eip that is moved to the final status that is eip2098 compact signature representation there are seven new eips of erc's category they have been added to the repository as draft two eips are moved to stagnant due to longer inactivity and one eip has been resurrected and is available for review that is eap 1967 standard proxy storage slots and there was one eip which is in the which was in the last call because the last call ended on april 24th maybe we have to follow up with our other to make a pull request to mark it to the final and there was one small non-normative change for one final eid i have started adding graphs for different categories of eips like you can find it with the core networking interface kind of eaps and that was a request from one of the user github users so it is available now as well as we also have the chats for eip proposed versus eap finalized that's informative graphs yes someone suggested that we should try to capture the information per category and then we will be able to see like how we are doing it it's kind of an evaluation of the eip process also like how much support we can increase to move proposals faster and talking about moving proposals faster i'm very happy to share this proposal eib4626 that we recorded a peep and eep chat with one of the co-authors just yesterday that proposal is of erc category and it made to final status in less than three months so if you are actively involved talking about the proposal reaching out to team who can actually implement that proposal i think it's a good way for moving the proposal faster and this is not my point of view i think this is coming from the author's perspective that we discussed yesterday it's a good segment for people as i mentioned we did record an episode for eip4626 yesterday the recording for public will be available sometimes next week in the upcoming weeks we have planned for eip 1202 voting standard on may 23 and we are also trying to have a two more shanghai cfi eips eip3540 and eip3670 plan in early to meet me so please check out the peep and eep schedule that is available on cat hurdles project section

Meeting notes and Action items for ECH

Pooja: moving on to the meeting notes and action items for ech just as a reminder to all contributors if you are assigned please confirm your availability to work on notes submit notes between three to five days generally by monday if you can submit all the notes from the past week that is super helpful please make sure to add summary and time stamp for quick reference because sometimes it happens that people who are not technically savvy and they miss on some of the key words so if you have time stamp over there whoever is reading the notes later on and if there is any confusion they can actually click on timestamp and be able to hear it and that would make more sense because a single word can make a lot of difference

Brent: 26:53 yes santosh had to leave and he mentioned he was going to try and do that more for the notes

Pooja: 26:58 that's right yeah i have requested him to add it for the last meeting notes for all four dive meetings though we already have the notes available but i suggested him to add it over there because this was requested by community from someone who has documented the earlier coder meeting notes and please also update the readme file i know brent has done a lot of work and fixing the cathedral's github repository for all the missing work missing a link to update readme files but please make sure if you are documenting notes it's your responsibility to update the respective readme file i was having a chat with santosh here so it's a suggestion coming up from him and i would like to share it with the rest of the group here about peer review so generally if someone suggests submits a note i review it i mean it takes a lot of time to document notes it doesn't take that much to review but certainly it requires some attention we just want to make sure that the keywords are right the client names are correct and basic formatting are there so his suggestion was how about peer review like we have a group of people who are documenting notes for us so what do people generally think about giving feedback on others notes so it can be fixed before it is shared not before but of course it is shared with community but at least it can be better

Brent: 28:30 yeah that's i think that's a good idea and that's something i could do too i'm i'm not i've asked to be removed from taking notes but but i think i could help with peer reviewing notes if if they're If that was needed

Pooja: yeah i think especially for the bigger meetings like consensus layer meetings and core dev meetings so having peer reviewed would be great

Brent: i can continue to monitor the readmes and make sure all those get updated right and stuff like that

Pooja: 28:44 yeah that's right that's exactly is the requirement here so thank you so much for sharing that i mean like if you can do that that would be really great we are also looking into like considering some part of bounty for people who would be reviewing the notes now there's no final decision on that but yes this is open for consideration for certain amount of bounties for peer reviewing as well and this is for like anyone who is documenting notes obviously brent has been doing a great job for a very long time but even your newcomer and you are familiar with the process and practices your help would be appreciated so looking into meeting notes i think we have all the meeting notes except for eip ib which i have been informed that it will be submitted today so i think this should be good and yeah i think we are almost on the last item of the agenda it's the action items from the last meeting it seems there is only one action item and that is for william shaw william shawn will try to reconnect with earlier ech members i know we discussed about it i know we discussed about it but yeah if you have any updates

William: 30:31 yeah if you're able to remind me over the next couple of weeks i'd appreciate it that's right i mean

Pooja: yeah 30:42 generally these things are captured on the meeting notes so i'd appreciate like just checking up the notes once a while for whatever meetings we are attending and that's how i try to keep myself updated and thank you so much william shaw for looking into all the funding requests happy to share that all the long pending fundings bounty requests are closed we do not have any open request as of now so that's all from the items listed on the agenda anyone else has anything to bring up all right so we can probably end up this meeting thank you everyone for joining us today i hope to see you in two weeks thanks all


  • Tushar desale
  • Pooja ranjan
  • Brent allsop
  • George hervey
  • Santhosh
  • Jose
  • William schwab
  • Texas farmer