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WIP type checking
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zoep committed Sep 19, 2024
1 parent 43aafd3 commit c814eb4
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Showing 2 changed files with 27 additions and 21 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Act/Syntax/TimeAgnostic.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ data TStorageItem (a :: ActType) (t :: Timing) where
deriving instance Show (TStorageItem a t)
deriving instance Eq (TStorageItem a t)

-- | Reference to an item storage. It can be either a bare variable, a
-- | Reference to an item in storage. It can be either a bare variable, a
-- map lookup, or a field selection. Variables and fields are
-- annotated with two identifiers: the contract that they belong to
-- and their name.
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46 changes: 26 additions & 20 deletions src/Act/Type.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -314,16 +314,21 @@ noStorageRead store expr = for_ (keys store) $ \name ->
checkAssign :: Env -> U.Assign -> Err [StorageUpdate]
checkAssign env@Env{contract,store} (U.AssignVal (U.StorageVar pn (StorageValue vt@(FromVType typ)) name) expr)
= sequenceA [checkExpr env typ expr `bindValidation` \te ->
_Update (_Item vt (SVar pn contract name)) te <$ validContractType (getPosn expr) vt typ te]
checkContractType env te `bindValidation` \ctyp ->
_Update (_Item vt (SVar pn contract name)) te <$ validContractType pn vt ctyp]
<* noStorageRead store expr

checkAssign env@Env{store} (U.AssignMany (U.StorageVar pn (StorageMapping (keyType :| _) valType) name) defns)
= for defns $ \def@(U.Defn e1 e2) -> checkDefn pn env keyType valType name def
<* noStorageRead store e1
<* noStorageRead store e2

checkAssign _ (U.AssignVal (U.StorageVar _ (StorageMapping _ _) _) expr)
= throw (getPosn expr, "Cannot assign a single expression to a composite type")

checkAssign _ (U.AssignMany (U.StorageVar pn (StorageValue _) _) _)
= throw (pn, "Cannot assign multiple values to an atomic type")

checkAssign _ _ = error "todo: support struct assignment in constructors"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -383,14 +388,17 @@ checkStorageExpr :: Env -> U.Entry -> U.Expr -> Err StorageUpdate
checkStorageExpr env entry expr =
validateEntry env entry `bindValidation` \(vt@(FromVType typ), ref) ->
checkExpr env typ expr `bindValidation` \te ->
_Update (_Item vt ref) te <$ validContractType (getPosn expr) vt typ te
checkContractType env te `bindValidation` \ctyp ->
_Update (_Item vt ref) te <$ validContractType (getPosn expr) vt ctyp

validContractType :: Pn -> ValueType -> Maybe Id -> Err ()
validContractType pn (ContractType c1) (Just c2) =
assert (pn, "Assignment to storage variable was expected to have contract type " <> c1 <> " but has contract type " <> c2) (c1 == c2)
validContractType pn (ContractType c1) Nothing =
throw (pn, "Assignment to storage variable was expected to have contract type " <> c1)
validContractType pn _ _ = pure ()

validContractType :: Pn -> ValueType -> SType a -> Exp a t -> Err ()
validContractType p (ContractType c) SInteger e =
let c' = contractId e in
assert (p, "Expression is expected to be a contract " <> show c <> " but it is a contract " <> show c') (c == c')
validContractType _ _ _ _ = pure ()

checkIffs :: Env -> [U.IffH] -> Err [Exp ABoolean Untimed]
checkIffs env = foldr check (pure [])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -465,7 +473,6 @@ checkExpr env@Env{constructors} typ e = case (typ, e) of
-- Control
(_, U.EITE p v1 v2 v3) ->
((,) <$> checkExpr env typ v2 <*> checkExpr env typ v3) `bindValidation` (\(e1, e2) -> do
_ <- checkITE p typ e1 e2
b <- checkExpr env SBoolean v1
pure $ ITE p b e1 e2)
-- Environment variables
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -519,18 +526,17 @@ checkExpr env@Env{constructors} typ e = case (typ, e) of

-- | Find the contract id of an expression with contract type
-- TODO fix
contractId :: Exp AInteger t -> Id
contractId (ITE _ _ a _) = contractId a
contractId (Var _ _ _ _) = error "Internal error: calldata variables cannot have contract types"
contractId (Create _ c _) = c
contractId (TEntry _ _ (Item _ (ContractType c) _)) = c
contractId (TEntry _ _ (Item _ _ _)) = error "Internal error: entry does not have contract type"

-- | Check that if both branches of an ITE have a contract type then it is the same contract type
checkITE :: Pn -> SType a -> Exp a t -> Exp a t -> Err ()
checkITE p SInteger e1 e2 =
assert (p, "Contract type of if then else branches do not match") (contractId e1 == contractId e2)
checkITE _ _ _ _ = pure ()
checkContractType :: Env -> Exp a t -> Err (Maybe Id)
checkContractType env (ITE p _ a b) =
checkContractType env a `bindValidation` \c1 ->
checkContractType env b `bindValidation` \c2 ->
c1 <$ assert (p, "Contract type of if-then-else branches does not match") (c1 == c2)

checkContractType _ (Var _ _ _ _) = throw (nowhere, "var")
checkContractType _ (Create _ c _) = pure $ Just c
checkContractType _ _ = throw (nowhere, "whateve")
-- checkContractType (TEntry _ _ (Item _ (ContractType c) _)) = c
-- checkContractType (TEntry _ _ (Item _ _ _)) = error "Internal error: entry does not have contract type"

checkEq :: forall a b. Pn -> SType a -> SType b -> Err ()
checkEq p t1 t2 = maybe err (\Refl -> pure ()) $ testEquality t1 t2
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