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File metadata and controls

250 lines (201 loc) · 11.6 KB


The primary job of the sequencer is to sequence participants in the ceremony by acting as the point of contact for participants. The sequencer is required to have a DoS-resilient internet connection and sufficiently powerful hardware to verify the transcript rapidly so that they are able to send the transcript to the next participant as soon as possible. Furthermore, the sequencer should be a semi-trusted entity as they have the power to censor participants, although they cannot affect the safety of the setup.

BatchTranscript object


class Witness:
    running_products: List[bls.G1Point]
    pot_pubkeys: List[bls.G2Point] = []
    bls_signatures: List[bls.G1Point] = []


class Transcript:
    num_g1_powers: int
    num_g2_powers: int
    powers_of_tau: PowersOfTau  # as defined in ./docs/contribution/
    witness: Witness


class Transcript
    transcripts: List[Transcript] = []
    participant_ids: List[str] = []
    participant_ecdsa_signatures: List[bytes] = []


Upon receiving the transcript back from a participant, the Sequencer MUST perform the following checks.

Contribution schema structure:

  • Schema Check - Verify that the received contribution.json matches the contributionSchema.json schema.
def schema_check(contribution_json: str, schema_path: str) -> bool:
    with open(schema_path) as schema_file:
        schema = json.load(schema_file)
            jsonschema.validate(contribution_json, schema)
            return True
        except Exception:
    return False

Contribution parameter check

This check verifies that the number of $\mathbb{G}_1$ and $\mathbb{G}_2$ powers meets expectations.

def parameter_check(batch_contribution: BatchContribution, batch_transcript: BatchTranscript) -> bool:
    for (contribution, transcript) in zip(batch_contribution.contributions, batch_transcript.transcripts):
        if contribution.num_g1_powers != transcript.num_g1_powers:
            return False
        if contribution.num_g2_powers != transcript.num_g2_powers:
            return False
        if contribution.num_g1_powers != len(contribution.powers_of_tau.g1_powers):
            return False
        if contribution.num_g2_powers != len(contribution.powers_of_tau.g2_powers):
            return False
    return True

Point Checks

  • Prime Subgroup checks
    • G1 Powers Subgroup check - For each of the $\mathbb{G}_1$ Powers of Tau (g1_powers), verify that they are actually elements of the prime-ordered subgroup.
    • G2 Powers Subgroup check - For each of the $\mathbb{G}_2$ Powers of Tau (g2_powers), verify that they are actually elements of the prime-ordered subgroup.
    • PoTPubkey Subgroup checks - Check that the PoTPubkey is actually an element of the prime-ordered subgroup.
def subgroup_checks(batch_contribution: BatchContribution) -> bool:
    for contribution in batch_contribution.contributions:
        if not all(bls.G1.is_in_prime_subgroup(P) for P in contribution.powers_of_tau.g1_powers):
            return False
        if not all(bls.G2.is_in_prime_subgroup(P) for P in contribution.powers_of_tau.g2_powers):
            return False
        if not bls.G2.is_in_prime_subgroup(contribution.pot_pubkey):
            return False
    return True
  • Non-zero check - Check that the pot_pubkeys are not equal to the point at infinity.
def non_zero_check(batch_contribution: BatchContribution) -> bool:
    for contribution in batch_contribution.contributions:
        if bls.G2.is_inf(contribution.pot_pubkey):
            return False
    return True

Pairing Checks

Note: The following pairing checks SHOULD be batched via a random linear combination which would reduce the number of final exponentiations to 2 and decrease the number of Miller loops needed.

  • Tau update construction - Verify that the latest contribution is correctly built on top of the previous ones. Let $[\tau^1_{k}]_1$ be the first power of tau from the most recent ( $k$ -th )contribution and $[\pi]_1^{k-1} := [\tau^1_{k-1}]_1$ be the transcript after updating from the previous correct contribution. Verifying that $\tau$ was updated correctly can then be performed by checking $e([\pi_{k-1}]_1, [x_k]_2) \stackrel{?}{=}e([\pi_{k}]_1, g_2)$
def tau_update_check(batch_contribution: BatchContribution, batch_transcript: BatchTranscript) -> bool:
    for (contribution, transcript) in zip(batch_contribution.contributions, batch_transcript.transcripts):
        tau = contribution.powers_of_tau.g1_powers[1]
        transcript_product = transcript.witness.running_products
        pk = contribution.pot_pubkey
        if bls.pairing(transcript_product, pk) != bls.pairing(tau, bls.G2.g2):
                return False
    return True
  • Correct construction of G1 Powers - Verify that the $\mathbb{G}_1$ points provided are indeed incremental powers of (the same) $\tau$. This check is done by asserting that the next $\mathbb{G}_1$ point is the result of multiplying the previous one with $\tau$: $e([\tau^{i + 1}]_1, g_2) \stackrel{?}{=}e([\tau^i]_1, [\tau]_2)$. Note that the check that the $\tau$ in $[\tau]_2$ is the same as $\pi_k$ is done via the g2_powers_check() below which verifies that $e([\tau^i]_1, g_2) \stackrel{?}{=}e(g_1, [\tau^i]_2)$ and $[\tau^i]_1 = [\pi_k]_1$ due to the Transcript updates rules.
def g1_powers_check(batch_contribution: BatchContribution) -> bool:
    for contribution in batch_contribution.contributions:
        powers = contribution.powers_of_tau.g1_powers
        pi = contribution.powers_of_tau.g2_powers[1]
        for power, next_power in zip(powers[:-1], powers[1:]):
            if bls.pairing(next_power, bls.G2.g2) != bls.pairing(power, pi):
                return False
    return True
  • Correct construction of G2 Powers - Verify that the $\mathbb{G}_2$ points provided are indeed incremental powers of $\tau$ and that $\tau$ is the same across $\mathbb{G}_1$ and $\mathbb{G}_2$. This check is done by verifying that $\tau^i$ is the same across $[\tau^i]_1$ and $[\tau^i]_2$. $e([\tau^i]_1, g_2) \stackrel{?}{=}e(g_1, [\tau^i]_2)$
def g2_powers_check(batch_contribution: BatchContribution) -> bool:
    for contribution in batch_contribution.contributions:
        g1_powers = contribution.powers_of_tau.g1_powers
        g2_powers = contribution.powers_of_tau.g2_powers
        for g1_power, g2_power in zip(g1_powers, g2_powers):
            if bls.pairing(bls.G1.g1, g2_power) != bls.pairing(g1_power, bls.G2.g2):
                return False
    return True

Verifying a Contribution

The sequencer MUST verify all above checks:

def verify_batch_contribution(batch_contribution: BatchContribution, identity: str) -> bool:
    for check in [schema_check, parameter_check, subgroup_checks, tau_update_check, g1_powers_check, g2_powers_check]:
        if not check(batch_contribution):
            return False
    return True

Signature Verification & Pruning

The sequencer MUST verify and prune the signatures in the contributions.

  • BLS Signature Verification - Verify that the participant correctly signed their contributor identity. It is assumed that signature encoding errors return False.
def bls_signature_check(batch_contribution: BatchContribution, identity: str) -> bool:
    for contribution in batch_contribution.contributions:
        pubkey = contribution.pot_pubkey
        message = identity
        signature = contribution.bls_signature
        if not bls.Verify(pubkey, message, signature):
            return False
    return True
  • ECDSA Signature Verification - Verify that the participant correctly signed their PoT Pubkeys. It is assumed that signature encoding errors return False.
def ecdsa_signature_check(batch_contribution: BatchContribution, identity: str) -> bool:
    ecdsa_signature = batch_contribution.ecdsa_signature
    typed_data = contribution_to_typed_data_str(batch_contribution)
    message = encode_structured_data(typed_data)  # Encode Data as per EIP 712
    recovered_address = recover_message(message, contribution.ecdsa_signature)  # Address recovery
    return recovered_address == identity[4:]  # Strip off leading 'eth|' padding from id & verify

Signature Pruning

The sequencer MUST prune invalid signatures from the contribution. If any of the BLS signatures are invalid, they must all be set to '' and if the ECDSA signature is invalid, it must also be set to ''.

def prune_invalid_signatures(batch_contribution: BatchContribution, identity: str) -> BatchContribution:
    if not all([bls_signature_check(contribution, identity) for contribution in batch_contribution]):
        for contribution in batch_contribution:
            contribution.bls_signature = ''
    if identity[:4] != 'eth|' or not ecdsa_signature_check(batch_contribution, identity):
        batch_contribution.bls_signature = ''
    return batch_contribution

Updating the transcript

Once the sequencer has performed the above verification checks and assuming they all passed, and the signatures have been pruned as above, they MUST update the transcript. Thy do so by adding the batch_contribution to the batch_transcript. The identity is a string that represents the user. It is generated by taking the Ethereum address or GitHub account from the users' login session and feeding them into eth_address_to_identity or github_handle_to_identity respectively.

def update_transcript(
        old_batch_transcript: BatchTranscript,
        batch_contribution: BatchContribution,
        identity: str) -> BatchTranscript:
    if not verify_batch_contribution(batch_contribution):
        return old_batch_transcript
    batch_contribution = prune_invalid_signatures(batch_contribution)
    new_batch_transcript = BatchTranscript()
    for (transcript, contribution) in zip(old_batch_transcript.transcripts, batch_contribution.contributions):
        new_transcript = Transcript(
                running_products=transcript.witness.running_products + [contribution.powers_of_tau.g1_powers[1]],
                pot_pubkeys=transcript.witness.pot_pubkeys + [contribution.pot_pubkey],
                bls_signatures=transcript.witness.bls_signatures + [contribution.bls_signature]
    new_batch_transcript.participant_ids = old_batch_transcript.participant_ids + [identity]
    new_batch_transcript.participant_ecdsa_signatures =\
        old_batch_transcript.participant_ecdsa_signatures + [batch_contribution.ecdsa_signature]
    return new_batch_transcript

Generating the contribution file for the next participant

Once the transcript has been updated, the sequencer MUST get a new Contribution file to send to the next participant.

def get_new_contribution_file(batch_transcript: BatchTranscript) -> BatchContribution:
    batch_contribution = BatchContribution()
    for transcript in batch_transcript.transcripts: