News (March 14 2024): ESE is featured in an ETHICOMP 2024 presentation and paper "Bringing Ethical Values into Agile Software Development" (peer-reviewed extended abstract, full paper).
News (August 22, 2024): Two more related papers have been accepted for publication (EuroPLoP 2024, ISTAS 2024).
Note: Access to IEEE Std. 7000 is free after registration for IEEE Xplore (click on "Access via Subscription").
- "What to Expect From IEEE 7000: The First Standard for Building Ethical Systems", IEEE Technology and Society, Spiekermann-Hoff, 2022
- "Why" Value-based Engineering with ISO/IEC/IEEE 24748-7000: motivation behind teh standard and UNICEF case study
- "Human Values as the Basis for Sustainable Information System Design", Winkler, Till and Spiekermann-Hoff, Sarah, IEEE Technology and Society, 2019
- "10 Principles for Value-Based Engineering", also featured in "Value-based Engineering: Prinzipien und Motivation für bessere IT-Systeme" (in German)
- "Value-Sensitive Design", Batya Friedman und David Hendry, MIT Press, 2019.
- A call for Software ethics "The Five Principles of Software Ethics"
- Context, Consequences, Contribution (3C) model: "A model to help tech companies make responsible technology a reality"
- Stefan Kapferer, Mirko Stocker, Olaf Zimmermann, "Towards responsible software engineering: combining value-based processes, agile practices, and green metering", Proceedings of IEEE ISTAS 2024 (to appear)
- Olaf Zimmermann, Mirko Stocker, Stefan Kapferer, "Bringing Ethical Values into Agile Software Development", Proc. of ETHICOMP 2024 (extended abstract (peer-reviewed), full paper in proceedings (pages 87 to 98))
- Proactive CARE framework:
- Gotterbarn, D., Kirkpatrick M.S., Wolf M.J., "From the Page to Practice: Support for Computing Professionals Using a Code of Ethics", Proc. of ETHCICOMP 2022 (proceedings PDF)
- Software Development Impact Statement (SoDIS) process:
- Gotterbarn, D., Rogerson, S., "Responsible Risk Assessment with Software Development: Creating the Software Development Impact Statement". Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 15, 2005 (PDF download)
- Positive responsibility
- Ladd, John. 1991. "Bhopal: An Essay on Moral Responsibility and Civic Virtue.", Journal of Social Philosophy 32: 73–91, 1991
- ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
- IEEE Computer Society Code of Ethics (IEEE-CS/ACM Joint Task Force on Software Engineering Ethics and Professional Practices)
- Ethical Guidelines of the German Informatics Society
- Swiss Informatics Society, SI Code of Ethics
- Homepage of the Agile Alliance that provides the Agile Manifesto, a "Subway Map to Agile Practices", an glossary, and other resources:
- Agile Coaching Ethics,
- Design Practice Repository and Reference (DPR) for agile architecting, API design, and beyond (since 2020)
This paper (in German) identifies related work, including an Ethics Canvas Manual, a Responsible Design Process, and an EDAP Schema (EDAP is short for "Ethische Deliberation für agile Prozesse", which translates to "ethical deliberation for agile processes").
Version 1.0 of ESE was supported by the Hasler Foundation.