kube-prune.sh [-h | --help] [-n | --namespace <namespace>] [-t | --time <time>] [-p | --pattern <pattern>] [--confirm-deletion]
Filter pods by namespace, matching a pattern, or older than a given time, then delete them.
Uses kubectl. Make sure kubectl is installed, and that you can list your pods with `kubectl get pods --all-namespaces`.
Pods are deleted only when you specify --confirm-deletion, be sure you want to delete all listed pods.
It is safe to use this script without --confirm-deletion.
-h,--help show this help text.
-n,--namespace set namespace, expects a string.
-t,--time list pods older than the time given, expects a string like 10s (10 seconds), 30m (30 minutes), 2h (2 hours) or 1d (one day).
-p,--pattern list pods matching a pattern, expects a string or a RegExp.
--confirm-deletion Delete pods. Be careful when using it!