A demonstration on how to use export templating to produce YAML.
For this tutorial, we are going to be working with a small set of data that looks like this:
Name | Height (m) | Occupation |
Andy | 1.73 | Student |
Bernd | 1.79 | Zoologist |
Carol | 1.65 | Carpenter |
By default, OpenRefine exports JSON. JSON is a very effective way to transport data, but it can sometimes be difficult to read. Consider the difference between these two presentations of the same data:
"rows" : [
"Name" : "Andy",
"Height (m)" : 1.73,
"Occupation" : "Student"
"Name" : "Bernd",
"Height (m)" : 1.79,
"Occupation" : "Zoologist"
"Name" : "Carol",
"Height (m)" : 1.65,
"Occupation" : "Carpenter"
- Name: Andy
Height (m): 1.73
Occupation: Student
- Name: Bernd
Height (m): 1.79
Occupation: Zoologist
- Name: Carol
Height (m): 1.65
Occupation: Carpenter
You can see from these two examples that they are both fairly readable. However, YAML has no commas or curly braces that interfere with readability.
You can follow along by pointing OpenRefine at the example spreadsheet:
- Go to http://localhost:3333/ in your web browser
- Begin a new project with https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=0Aq_3OYelM4ZUdEpYYmNKY0t1V0VjYlR5UjFYejVHbWc&hl=en_GB&single=true&gid=0&range=A1%3AC4&output=csv as the URL.
- Click on Export > Templating...
YAML is a very simple format. Its entire purpose is to be human readable. Also, it is focused on data, rather than documents. This makes it a perfect fit for sharing data from OpenRefine.
Basic We only need a single word in the prefix field:
Bonus points
If we want to be nice to YAML parsers, we can add some optional dashes. These help to tell the computer that's reading it that it has entered a YAML document. The pound sign or octothorpe (#) is the comment character.
--- #people
Generating rows is much simpler than the current JSON. The main thing to watch out for is that there is a blank line between rows.
Try changing:
"Person" : {{jsonize(cells["Person"].value)}},
"Height (m)" : {{jsonize(cells["Height (m)"].value)}},
"Occupation" : {{jsonize(cells["Occupation"].value)}}
- Name: {{cells["Person"].value}}
Height (m): {{cells["Height (m)"].value}}
Occupation: {{cells["Occupation"].value}}
Some points here:
- Keep the curly braces in place. That tells OpenRefine that you need to do some processing there.
- Remove the trailing commas from each part
- Make sure the cell headings match exactly. If you see "null" in the preview window instead of the correct value, you probably have the column name wrong.
Change the row separator from the default comma (,) to a blank line. Confirm that there's a blank line between each record in the preview window.
Adding three dots is good practice. It tells the parser that we've finished.