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172 lines (140 loc) · 6.54 KB


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Extract documentation from Common Lisp systems. Used in the Codex documentation generator and Quickdocs.


Documentation generators generally implement their own (ad hoc, informally-specified, etc.) version of docstring extraction, and as a result, every documentation generator extracts a different subset of documentation.

docparser isn't yet another documentation generator: it is a library for extracting documentation from Common Lisp systems in a structured manner so you can build a documentation generator on top of it. It parses systems and returns a set of objects representing packages, variables, functions, classes, etc. and their docstrings. It is designed to extract as much information from systems as possible, and let documentation generators choose what to keep and discard. This minimizes duplication of effort and separates docstring extraction from generation.

docparser has classes to represent every documentable Common Lisp construct:

  • Functions
  • Macros
  • Generic functions
  • Methods
  • Special variables and constants
  • Classes and class slots
  • Structures
  • Conditions
  • Type definitions
  • Packages

Additionally, docparser has custom subclasses to represent the documentation of CFFI definitions:

This improves API documentation generation for foreign library wrappers. Note that, when parsing documentation, docparser catches and ignores foreign library loading errors, so documentation can be generated even in a machine that can't properly load the library. This is useful for documenting libraries with complex external dependencies.


To extract documentation from a system (which will be Quickloaded automatically), do this:

(docparser:parse :my-system-name)

This returns an index, which is basically a store of documentation nodes. For a quick overview of what's in it, use the dump function:

CL-USER> (docparser:dump (docparser:parse :cl-yaml))
; some compilation output
Package "YAML.ERROR" with docstring "YAML errors."
  #<condition yaml-error>
  #<condition parsing-error>
  #<condition unsupported-float-value>
Package "YAML.FLOAT" with docstring "Handle IEEE floating point values."
  #<variable *float-strategy*>
  #<variable *sbcl-nan-value*>
  #<function not-a-number NIL>
  #<function positive-infinity NIL>
  #<function negative-infinity NIL>
Package "YAML.SCALAR" with docstring "Parser for scalar values."

To search for nodes by name or type, you use the query function:

CL-USER> (defparameter *index* (docparser:parse :cl-yaml))
; some compilation output

CL-USER> (docparser:query *index* :package-name "CL-YAML")
#(#<generic function parse (INPUT &KEY MULTI-DOCUMENT-P)>
  #<method parse ((INPUT STRING) &KEY MULTI-DOCUMENT-P)>
  #<function emit (VALUE STREAM)> #<function emit-to-string (VALUE)>)

CL-USER> (docparser:query *index* :package-name "CL-YAML"
                                  :symbol-name "PARSE")
#(#<generic function parse (INPUT &KEY MULTI-DOCUMENT-P)>
  #<method parse ((INPUT STRING) &KEY MULTI-DOCUMENT-P)>

CL-USER> (docparser:query *index* :package-name "CL-YAML"
                                  :symbol-name "PARSE"
                                  :class 'docparser:generic-function-node)
#(#<generic function parse (INPUT &KEY MULTI-DOCUMENT-P)>)

If you don't know what the index contains, you can go through it using the do-packages and do-nodes macros:

CL-USER> (docparser:do-packages (package *index*)
           (format t "~&In package: ~A." (docparser:package-index-name package))
           (docparser:do-nodes (node package)
             (print (class-of node))))
In package: YAML.ERROR.
In package: YAML.FLOAT.


You can extend docparser in two ways: Adding new parsers and new classes. Adding new classes probably won't be very useful unless you also modify the client of your extension to use them. Adding new parsers that instantiate existing documentation classes, however, can be very useful.

For instance, you could have a parser that extracts information from a custom defwidget macro in a GUI framework, and creates an instance of class-node with a modified docstring.

Alternatively, if you're writing a documentation generator specific to this framework, you could create a subclass of class-node, widget-node, with extra slots for the added information.

To define a new parser, use the define-parser macro. As an example of use, this is the definition of the parser for defmacro forms:

(define-parser cl:defmacro (name (&rest args) &rest body)
  (let ((docstring (if (stringp (first body))
                       (first body)
    (make-instance 'macro-node
                   :name name
                   :docstring docstring
                   :lambda-list args)))


Copyright (c) 2015 Fernando Borretti

Licensed under the MIT License.