- Check cross-browser compatibility for CSS, JavaScript and HTML
- Modern front-end Cheatsheets
- Check out what your favorite company's stack is
- A Guide to Becoming a Full-Stack Developer in 2017
- What happens when you type a URL into a web browser
- Sequelize: Getting Started
- Sequelize reference by @tmkelly28
- Short but useful Sequelize querying cheatsheet
- React Casts - Series of React tutorials by Cassio
- React Dev Tool Google Chrome Extension
- create-react-app: Create React apps with no build configuration.
- Find the perfect React starter template
- Getting Started with Redux (free course by Dan Abramov)
- Building React Applications with Idiomatic Redux (free course by Dan Abramov)
- Redux Dev Tool Chrome Extension
- redux-freeze: avoid accidental in-place mutations of state
- redux-saga: manage redux side-effects with es6 generators
- redux-promise-middleware: A thunk alternative with more bells and whistles
- Useful commands
- Get your IP address in Mac OSX/Unix:
ifconfig | grep 'inet '
- algoexpert.io (Made by FSA alumni)
- JavaScript implementation of popular algorithms and data structures
- Code Wars
- Geeks for Geeks
- Interview Cake
- Leet Code
- Coder Byte
- Hacker Rank
- Cracking the Coding Interview
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