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+This is the issue tracker for the maintenance of EPVOC.
+EPVOC is an ontology that defines classes and properties that are re-used across ontologies, vocabularies, and application profiles to represent data of the European Parliament.
+## Versions
+- Latest version:
+ - [HTML](index.html)
+ - [SHACL](epvoc.ttl)
+- [Version 0.9](./0.9/)
+- [Version 1.0](./1.0/)
+- [Version 1.1](./1.1/)
+- [Version 1.2](./1.2/)
+- [Version 2.1.0](./2.1.0/)
+- [Version 2.2.0](./2.2.0/)
+## Licence
+EPVOC is distributed under the terms and conditions described in the [European Parliament Legal Notice](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/legal-notice/).
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+@prefix schema: .
+@prefix owl: .
+@prefix xsd: .
+@prefix skosthes: .
+@prefix rdfs: .
+@prefix qb: .
+@prefix dct: .
+@prefix pim: .
+@prefix doap: .
+@prefix sh: .
+@prefix xml: .
+@prefix dcterms: .
+@prefix vann: .
+@prefix dcat: .
+@prefix euvoc: .
+@prefix prov: .
+@prefix foaf: .
+@prefix eli: .
+@prefix adms: .
+@prefix org: .
+@prefix xls2rdf: .
+@prefix eli-dl: .
+@prefix rdf: .
+@prefix epvoc: .
+@prefix dc: .
+@prefix skos: .
+@prefix skosxl: .
+ a owl:Ontology, adms:Asset;
+ dcterms:title "EPVOC ontology"@en;
+ dcterms:description "The EPVOC ontology defines classes and properties that are re-used across ontologies, vocabularies, and application profiles to represent data of the European Parliament."@en;
+ dcterms:created "2022-11-18"^^xsd:date;
+ dcterms:modified "2024-10-29"^^xsd:date;
+ dcterms:license ;
+ dcterms:type ;
+ owl:imports , ,
+ , ,
+ , , ,
+ ;
+ owl:versionInfo "2.2.0";
+ dcterms:conformsTo ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:publisher ;
+ dcterms:rightsHolder ;
+ dcterms:dateCopyrighted "2022"^^xsd:gYear;
+ owl:versionIRI ;
+ adms:status ;
+ foaf:logo ;
+ vann:preferredNamespaceUri ;
+ vann:preferredNamespacePrefix "epvoc" .
+epvoc:scAlignement a owl:AnnotationProperty;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:scAlignement"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "This property identifies the alignment with schema.org ontology."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:ContactPoint a owl:Class;
+ rdfs:subClassOf ;
+ epvoc:scAlignement ;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:ContactPoint"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "This class identifies a contact point for a person or an organisation."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:Room a owl:Class;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:Room"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "This class identifies a room (physical or virtual), E.g., it can be the room where an activity takes place or a person's office."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:agendaLabel a owl:DatatypeProperty;
+ rdfs:domain eli-dl:ForeseenActivity;
+ rdfs:range xsd:langString;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:agendaLabel"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "Label in the Agenda."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:byteSize a owl:DatatypeProperty;
+ rdfs:domain eli:Manifestation;
+ rdfs:range xsd:long;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:byteSize"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "This property identifies the size of a file in bytes."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:deathDate a owl:DatatypeProperty;
+ rdfs:domain foaf:Person;
+ rdfs:range xsd:dateTime;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:deathDate"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "This property identifies the death date of a person."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:decisionAboutId a owl:DatatypeProperty;
+ rdfs:domain eli-dl:Decision;
+ rdfs:range xsd:string, rdf:XMLLiteral;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:decisionAboutId"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "This property identifies uniquelely the object of a decision."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:epNumber a owl:DatatypeProperty;
+ rdfs:subPropertyOf dct:identifier;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:epNumber"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "This property indicates the internal identifier of documents of the European Parliament used by the EP Public Register."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:epNumberVersion a owl:DatatypeProperty;
+ rdfs:range xsd:string;
+ rdfs:subPropertyOf dct:identifier;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:epNumberVersion"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "This property identifies the version the epvoc:epNumber."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:expressionContent a owl:DatatypeProperty;
+ rdfs:range xsd:langString;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:expressionContent"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "This property is a shortcut of the more fully developed path from eli:Work to eli:Expression"@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:hadResponsibleOrganization a owl:DatatypeProperty;
+ rdfs:domain eli-dl:Activity;
+ rdfs:range org:Organization;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:hadResponsibleOrganization"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "This property identifies the name of the responsible organization."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:headingLabel a owl:DatatypeProperty;
+ rdfs:domain eli-dl:Activity;
+ rdfs:range xsd:langString;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:headingLabel"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "Heading section label."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:identifierYear a owl:DatatypeProperty;
+ rdfs:domain eli:Work;
+ rdfs:range xsd:string;
+ rdfs:subPropertyOf dct:identifier;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:identifierYear"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "This property indicates the year identifier for a document."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:itemNumberBegin a owl:DatatypeProperty;
+ rdfs:domain eli:Work;
+ rdfs:range xsd:integer;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:itemNumberBegin"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "This property identifies the starting number in a list of items."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:ItemNumberEnd a owl:DatatypeProperty;
+ rdfs:domain eli:Work;
+ rdfs:range xsd:integer;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:ItemNumberEnd"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "This property identifies the ending number in a list of items."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:numbering a owl:DatatypeProperty;
+ rdfs:domain eli:Work;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:numbering"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "This property refers to a number sequence that indicates order or is used for identification."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:officialFamilyName a owl:DatatypeProperty;
+ rdfs:range xsd:string;
+ rdfs:subPropertyOf foaf:familyName;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:officialFamilyName"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "This property identifies the family name of a person in the original language script."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:officialGivenName a owl:DatatypeProperty;
+ rdfs:subPropertyOf foaf:givenName;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:officialGivenName"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "This property identifies the family name of a person in the original language script."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:referenceText a owl:DatatypeProperty;
+ rdfs:domain eli-dl:Activity;
+ rdfs:range xsd:langString;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:referenceText"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "Reference text."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:sortLabel a owl:DatatypeProperty;
+ rdfs:range xsd:string;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:sortLabel"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "This property identifies the part of the family name of the Person used to sort alphabetically in a list."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:structuredLabel a owl:DatatypeProperty;
+ rdfs:domain eli-dl:Activity;
+ rdfs:range xsd:langString;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:structuredLabel"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "Structured label."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:translationReference a owl:DatatypeProperty;
+ rdfs:range xsd:string;
+ rdfs:subPropertyOf dct:identifier;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:translationReference"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "This property identifies the translation reference code for a Work or resource."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:upperFamilyName a owl:DatatypeProperty;
+ rdfs:domain foaf:Person;
+ rdfs:range xsd:string;
+ rdfs:subPropertyOf foaf:familyName;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:upperFamilyName"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "This property identifies the uppercase family name of a person."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:upperGivenName a owl:DatatypeProperty;
+ rdfs:domain foaf:Person;
+ rdfs:range xsd:string;
+ rdfs:subPropertyOf foaf:givenName;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:upperGivenName"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "This property identifies the uppercase given name of a person."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:upperOfficialFamilyName a owl:DatatypeProperty;
+ rdfs:domain foaf:Person;
+ rdfs:range xsd:string;
+ rdfs:subPropertyOf foaf:familyName;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:upperOfficialFamilyName"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "This property identifies the uppercase family name of a person in the original language script."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:upperOfficialGivenName a owl:DatatypeProperty;
+ rdfs:domain foaf:Person;
+ rdfs:range xsd:string;
+ rdfs:subPropertyOf foaf:givenName;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:upperOfficialGivenName"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "This property identifies the uppercase given name of a person in the original language script."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:hasRoom a owl:ObjectProperty;
+ rdfs:domain eli-dl:Activity;
+ rdfs:range epvoc:Room;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:hasRoom"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "This property associates a resource with a room (physical or virtual), . E.g., it can be the room where an activity takes place or a person's office."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:hasSite a owl:ObjectProperty;
+ rdfs:range org:Site;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:hasSite"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "This property identifies the site where a resource is located."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:isAboutDirectoryCode a owl:ObjectProperty;
+ rdfs:domain eli:Work;
+ rdfs:range skos:Concept;
+ rdfs:subPropertyOf eli:is_about;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:isAboutDirectoryCode"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "This property is a subproperty of eli:is_about and identifies the directory code of a Work. It points to concepts of the dir-eu-legal-act OP vocabulary."@en;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:isAboutSubjectMatter a owl:ObjectProperty;
+ rdfs:domain eli:Work;
+ rdfs:range skos:Concept;
+ rdfs:subPropertyOf eli:is_about;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:isAboutSubjectMatter"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "This property is a subproperty of eli:is_about and identifies the subject matter of a Work. It points to concepts of the subject-matter OP vocabulary."@en;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:memberDuringParliamentaryTerm a owl:ObjectProperty;
+ rdfs:domain org:Membership;
+ rdfs:range eli-dl:ParliamentaryTerm;
+ rdfs:subPropertyOf org:organization;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:memberDuringParliamentaryTerm"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "This property identifies the parliamentary term during which a person was a Member of the European Parliament."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:membershipClassification a owl:ObjectProperty;
+ rdfs:domain org:Membership;
+ rdfs:range euvoc:CorporateBodyClassification;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:membershipClassification"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "This property identifies the classification of an organisation linked to a membership."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:originalLanguage a owl:ObjectProperty;
+ rdfs:domain eli:Work;
+ rdfs:range dct:LinguisticSystem;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:originalLanguage"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "This property identifies the original language of a Work."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:scheduledIn a owl:ObjectProperty;
+ rdfs:range eli-dl:Activity;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:scheduledIn"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "This property identifies the relation between scheduled Activities"@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:versionType a owl:ObjectProperty;
+ rdfs:domain eli:Work;
+ rdfs:range epvoc:Status;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:versionType"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "This property identifies the type of version of a Work."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:workHadParticipation a owl:ObjectProperty;
+ rdfs:domain eli:Work;
+ rdfs:range eli:Participation;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:workHadParticipation"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "This property is a shortcut of the more fully developed path from eli:Work through an inverse of eli-dl:involved_work to an eli-dl:Activity, then eli-dl:had_participation to eli-dl:Participation. The eli-dl:Activity can be explicitly declared in the data, or not. The Participations referred to directly from a Work can come from different Activities (drafting, creation, publication, etc.); the fact that it is a shortcut of eli-dl:involved_work mean that the Participations do not necessarily come only from an Activity that created_a_realization_of the Work, but can come from any Activity in which this Work was used."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:agendaPoint a rdfs:Datatype;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:agendaPoint"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "This property identifies a specific point in Agenda."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:codictBodyId a rdfs:Datatype;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:codictBodyId"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "Body identifier in Codict."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:codictFunctionId a rdfs:Datatype;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:codictFunctionId"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "Function identifier in Codict."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:codictMandateId a rdfs:Datatype;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:codictMandateId"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "Mandate identifier in Codict."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:codictPersonId a rdfs:Datatype;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:codictPersonId"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "Person identifier in Codict."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:dlvId a rdfs:Datatype;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:dlvId"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "Identifier in DLV."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:periclesId a rdfs:Datatype;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:periclesId"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "Identifier in Pericles."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:publicRegister a rdfs:Datatype;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:publicRegister"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "Identifier in Public Register."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:speechId a rdfs:Datatype;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:speechId"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "Identifier of a speech"@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
+epvoc:votingId a rdfs:Datatype;
+ rdfs:label "epvoc:votingId"@en;
+ rdfs:comment "Identifier of Voting."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
+ adms:status .
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+The EPVOC ontology defines classes and properties that are re-used across ontologies, vocabularies, and application profiles to represent data of the European Parliament.
+ This property associates a resource with a room (physical or virtual), . E.g., it can be the room where an activity takes place or a person's office.
+ This property is a subproperty of eli:is_about and identifies the directory code of a Work. It points to concepts of the dir-eu-legal-act OP vocabulary.
+ This property is a subproperty of eli:is_about and identifies the subject matter of a Work. It points to concepts of the subject-matter OP vocabulary.
+ This property is a shortcut of the more fully developed path from eli:Work through an inverse of eli-dl:involved_work to an eli-dl:Activity, then eli-dl:had_participation to eli-dl:Participation. The eli-dl:Activity can be explicitly declared in the data, or not. The Participations referred to directly from a Work can come from different Activities (drafting, creation, publication, etc.); the fact that it is a shortcut of eli-dl:involved_work mean that the Participations do not necessarily come only from an Activity that created_a_realization_of the Work, but can come from any Activity in which this Work was used.
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