Rebuild your NixOS hosts using nixos configuration options.
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
rolleuh.url = "github:europowergenerators/rolleuh"; # <-- Import rolleuh as dependency
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, rolleuh }: {
apps = rolleuh.lib.generateDeployments self; # <-- Convert nixosConfigurations into deployment scripts
nixosConfigurations = {
myDatabase = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
system = "x86_64-linux";
modules = [
(import ./my-database.nix) # <-- Your own host configuration
rolleuh.nixosModules.rolleuh # <-- Rolleuh nixos options
rolleuh = { # <-- The deployment configuration of host myDatabase
sshString = "database-server";
useSudo = false;
buildOn = "local";
substituteOnTarget = true;
after = [ ];
before = [ ];
# tags = []; # Planned
myServer = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
system = "x86_64-linux";
modules = [
(import ./my-server.nix)
rolleuh = {
sshString = "[email protected]";
useSudo = false;
buildOn = "local";
substituteOnTarget = true;
after = [ "myDatabase" ];
before = [ ];
# tags = []; # Planned
# ... other configuration omitted ...
Now you can deploy hosts myDatabase and myServer. Run the following commands in a shell from your flake directory.
# Only deploy host myDatabase
nix run .#rolleuh.myDatabase
# Only deploy host myServer
nix run .#rolleuh.myServer
# Deploy all hosts in the right order
nix run .#rolleuh-all
✅ Straightforward deployment configuration
✅ Deploy many hosts in correct order
📝 Deploy hosts filtered by tag(s)
📝 Parallel deployments
📝 Post deployment tests
📝 Pre-deployment and post-deployment actions (like filesystem snapshots)
- Thank you to nixinate for the keep it simple (KISS) attitude.
- Thank you to home-manager for the directed asyclic graph (DAG) code.
- Thank you to nixus for inspiration.