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File metadata and controls

70 lines (46 loc) · 2.16 KB


beaconComponent {React.Node}
A React component or function to be used instead the default Beacon.

callback {function}
It will be called when Joyride's state changes. it returns a single parameter with the state.

continuous {boolean} ▶︎ false
The tour is played sequentially with the Next button.

debug {boolean} ▶︎ false
Log Joyride's actions to the console.

disableCloseOnEsc {boolean} ▶︎ false
Disable closing the tooltip on ESC.

disableOverlay {boolean} ▶︎ false
Don't show the overlay.

disableOverlayClose {boolean} ▶︎ false
Don't close the tooltip when clicking the overlay.

disableScrolling {boolean} ▶︎ false
Disable auto scrolling between steps.

floaterProps {Object}
Options to be passed to react-floater.

hideBackButton {boolean} ▶︎ false
Hide the "back" button.

locale {Object} ▶︎ { back: 'Back', close: 'Close', last: 'Last', next: 'Next', skip: 'Skip' }
The strings used in the tooltip.

run {boolean} ▶︎ true
Run/stop the tour.

scrollOffset {number} ▶︎ 20
The scroll distance from the element scrollTop value.

scrollToFirstStep {boolean} ▶︎ false
Scroll the page for the first step.

showProgress {boolean} ▶︎ false
Display the tour progress in the next button _e.g. 2/5 _in continuous tours.

showSkipButton {boolean} ▶︎ false
Display a button to skip the tour.

spotlightClicks {boolean} ▶︎ false
Allow mouse and touch events thru the spotlight. You can click links in your app.

spotlightPadding {boolean} ▶︎ 10
The padding of the spotlight.

stepIndex {number}
Setting a number here will turn Joyride into controlled mode.
You will receive the state events in the callback and you'll have to update this prop by yourself.

steps {Array<StepProps>} - required
The tour's steps.

styles {Object}
Override the styling of the Tooltip globally

tooltipComponent {React.Node}
A React component or function to be used instead the default Tooltip excluding the arrow.