{formatWithSuffix(new Date(selectedDate))}
diff --git a/apps/web/lib/features/integrations/calendar/setup-time-sheet.tsx b/apps/web/lib/features/integrations/calendar/setup-time-sheet.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bbf761212
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/web/lib/features/integrations/calendar/setup-time-sheet.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+"use client"
+import React from 'react'
+import { DataTableTimeSheet } from './table-time-sheet'
+export function SetupTimeSheet() {
+ return (
+ )
diff --git a/apps/web/lib/features/integrations/calendar/table-time-sheet.tsx b/apps/web/lib/features/integrations/calendar/table-time-sheet.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a7316ec29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/web/lib/features/integrations/calendar/table-time-sheet.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+"use client"
+import * as React from "react"
+import {
+ ColumnDef,
+ ColumnFiltersState,
+ SortingState,
+ VisibilityState,
+ flexRender,
+ getCoreRowModel,
+ getFilteredRowModel,
+ getPaginationRowModel,
+ getSortedRowModel,
+ useReactTable,
+} from "@tanstack/react-table"
+import { ArrowUpDownIcon, MoreHorizontal } from "lucide-react"
+import { Button } from "@components/ui/button"
+import {
+ DropdownMenu,
+ DropdownMenuContent,
+ DropdownMenuItem,
+ DropdownMenuLabel,
+ DropdownMenuSeparator,
+ DropdownMenuTrigger,
+} from "@components/ui/dropdown-menu"
+import {
+ Table,
+ TableBody,
+ TableCell,
+ TableHead,
+ TableHeader,
+ TableRow,
+} from "@components/ui/table"
+import {
+ Select,
+ SelectContent,
+ SelectGroup,
+ SelectItem,
+ SelectLabel,
+ SelectTrigger,
+ SelectValue,
+} from "@components/ui/select"
+import {
+ MdKeyboardDoubleArrowLeft,
+ MdKeyboardDoubleArrowRight,
+ MdKeyboardArrowLeft,
+ MdKeyboardArrowRight
+} from "react-icons/md";
+import { ConfirmStatusChange } from "."
+import { useModal } from "@app/hooks"
+const data: TimeSheet[] = [
+ {
+ id: 1,
+ task: "chore(deps-dev): bump karma from 5.2.3 to 6.3.16chore",
+ name: "Gauzy Platform SaaS",
+ description: "Members count 11",
+ employee: "Ruslan Konviser",
+ status: "Approved",
+ time: '08:00h'
+ },
+ {
+ id: 2,
+ task: "chore(deps-dev): bump karma from 5.2.3 to 6.3.16chore",
+ name: "Gauzy Platform SaaS",
+ description: "Members count 11",
+ employee: "Ruslan Konviser",
+ status: "Pending",
+ time: '08:00h'
+ },
+ {
+ id: 3,
+ task: "chore(deps-dev): bump karma from 5.2.3 to 6.3.16chore",
+ name: "Gauzy Platform SaaS",
+ description: "Members count 11",
+ employee: "Ruslan Konviser",
+ status: "Approved",
+ time: '08:00h'
+ },
+ {
+ id: 4,
+ task: "chore(deps-dev): bump karma from 5.2.3 to 6.3.16chore",
+ name: "Gauzy Platform SaaS",
+ description: "Members count 11",
+ employee: "Ruslan Konviser",
+ status: "Pending",
+ time: '08:00h'
+ },
+ {
+ id: 5,
+ task: "chore(deps-dev): bump karma from 5.2.3 to 6.3.16chore",
+ name: "Gauzy Platform SaaS",
+ description: "Members count 11",
+ employee: "Ruslan Konviser",
+ status: "Rejected",
+ time: '06:00h'
+ },
+export type TimeSheet = {
+ id: number,
+ task: string,
+ name: string,
+ description: string,
+ employee: string,
+ status: "Approved" | "Pending" | "Rejected",
+ time: string
+const statusOptions = [
+ { value: "Approved", label: "Approved" },
+ { value: "Pending", label: "Pending" },
+ { value: "Rejected", label: "Rejected" },
+function getStatusColor(status: string) {
+ switch (status) {
+ case 'Rejected':
+ return "text-red-400";
+ case 'Approved':
+ return "text-gray-500";
+ case 'Pending':
+ return "text-orange-400";
+ default:
+ return "";
+ }
+export const columns: ColumnDef
[] = [
+ {
+ accessorKey: "task",
+ header: "Task",
+ cell: ({ row }) => (
+ {row.getValue("task")}
+ ),
+ },
+ {
+ accessorKey: "name",
+ header: ({ column }) => (
+ ),
+ cell: ({ row }) => (
+ ),
+ },
+ {
+ accessorKey: "employee",
+ header: ({ column }) => (
+ ),
+ cell: ({ row }) => (
+ {row.original.employee}
+ ),
+ },
+ {
+ accessorKey: "status",
+ header: ({ column }) => (
+ ),
+ cell: ({ row }) => {
+ return
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ accessorKey: "time",
+ header: () => (
+ Time
+ ),
+ cell: ({ row }) => (
+ {row.original.time}
+ ),
+ },
+ {
+ id: "actions",
+ enableHiding: false,
+ cell: ({ row }) => {
+ return (
+ );
+ },
+ },
+export function DataTableTimeSheet() {
+ const [sorting, setSorting] = React.useState([])
+ const [columnFilters, setColumnFilters] = React.useState(
+ []
+ )
+ const [columnVisibility, setColumnVisibility] =
+ React.useState({})
+ const [rowSelection, setRowSelection] = React.useState({})
+ const table = useReactTable({
+ data,
+ columns,
+ onSortingChange: setSorting,
+ onColumnFiltersChange: setColumnFilters,
+ getCoreRowModel: getCoreRowModel(),
+ getPaginationRowModel: getPaginationRowModel(),
+ getSortedRowModel: getSortedRowModel(),
+ getFilteredRowModel: getFilteredRowModel(),
+ onColumnVisibilityChange: setColumnVisibility,
+ onRowSelectionChange: setRowSelection,
+ state: {
+ sorting,
+ columnFilters,
+ columnVisibility,
+ rowSelection,
+ },
+ })
+ return (
+ <>
+ {table.getHeaderGroups().map((headerGroup) => (
+ {headerGroup.headers.map((header) => {
+ return (
+ {header.isPlaceholder
+ ? null
+ : flexRender(
+ header.column.columnDef.header,
+ header.getContext()
+ )}
+ )
+ })}
+ ))}
+ {table.getRowModel().rows?.length ? (
+ table.getRowModel().rows.map((row) => (
+ {row.getVisibleCells().map((cell) => (
+ {flexRender(
+ cell.column.columnDef.cell,
+ cell.getContext()
+ )}
+ ))}
+ ))
+ ) : (
+ No results.
+ )}
+ {table.getFilteredSelectedRowModel().rows.length} of{" "}
+ {table.getFilteredRowModel().rows.length} row(s) selected.
+ >
+ )
+function SelectFilter({ selectedStatus }: { selectedStatus?: string }) {
+ const { isOpen, closeModal, openModal } = useModal();
+ const [selected] = React.useState(selectedStatus);
+ const [newStatus, setNewStatus] = React.useState('');
+ const getColorClass = () => {
+ switch (selected) {
+ case "Rejected":
+ return "text-red-500 border-red-500 rou";
+ case "Approved":
+ return "text-green-500 border-green-500";
+ case "Pending":
+ return "text-orange-500 border-orange-500";
+ default:
+ return "text-gray-500 border-gray-200";
+ }
+ };
+ const onValueChanges = (value: string) => {
+ setNewStatus(value);
+ openModal()
+ }
+ return (
+ <>
+ >
+ );
+const TaskActionMenu = ({ idTasks }: { idTasks: any }) => {
+ const handleCopyPaymentId = () => navigator.clipboard.writeText(idTasks);
+ return (
+ Actions
+ Copy payment ID
+ View customer
+ View payment details
+ );
+const TaskDetails = ({ description, name }: { description: string; name: string }) => {
+ return (
+ ever
+ {name}
+ {description}
+ );
diff --git a/apps/web/lib/features/integrations/calendar/time-sheet-filter-popover.tsx b/apps/web/lib/features/integrations/calendar/time-sheet-filter-popover.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..253535e39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/web/lib/features/integrations/calendar/time-sheet-filter-popover.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+import { useState } from "react";
+import { useOrganizationTeams, useTeamTasks } from "@app/hooks";
+import { Button } from "@components/ui/button"
+import {
+ Popover,
+ PopoverContent,
+ PopoverTrigger,
+} from "@components/ui/popover"
+import { SettingFilterIcon } from "assets/svg"
+import { SelectItems } from "lib/components";
+import { statusOptions } from "@app/constants";
+export function TimeSheetFilter() {
+ const { teams, activeTeam } = useOrganizationTeams();
+ const { activeTeamTask, tasks } = useTeamTasks();
+ const [status, setStatus] = useState('');
+ const [taskId, setTaskId] = useState('');
+ const [teamId, setTeamId] = useState('');
+ const [membersId, setMembersId] = useState('')
+ return (
Select Filter
+ setTeamId(team ? team.id : '')}
+ itemId={(team) => (team ? team.id : '')}
+ itemToString={(team) => (team ? team.name : teamId)}
+ triggerClassName="border-slate-100 dark:border-slate-600"
+ />
+ setMembersId(members ? members.id : '')}
+ itemId={(members) => (members ? members.id : membersId)}
+ itemToString={(members) => (members ? members.employee.fullName : '')}
+ triggerClassName="border-slate-100 dark:border-slate-600"
+ />
+ setStatus(value.value ? value.value : status)}
+ itemId={(value) => value.label}
+ itemToString={(value) => (value.label)}
+ triggerClassName="border-slate-100 dark:border-slate-600"
+ />
+ setTaskId(task ? task.id : taskId)}
+ itemId={(task) => (task ? task.id : '')}
+ itemToString={(task) => (task ? task.title : '')}
+ triggerClassName="border-slate-100 dark:border-slate-600"
+ />
+ )
diff --git a/apps/web/lib/features/manual-time/add-manual-time-modal.tsx b/apps/web/lib/features/manual-time/add-manual-time-modal.tsx
index 8f220c52b..9c9a63431 100644
--- a/apps/web/lib/features/manual-time/add-manual-time-modal.tsx
+++ b/apps/web/lib/features/manual-time/add-manual-time-modal.tsx
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ export function AddManualTimeModal(props: IAddManualTimeModalProps) {
const [team, setTeam] = useState();
const [taskId, setTaskId] = useState('');
const [timeDifference, setTimeDifference] = useState('');
+ const [memberId, setMemberId] = useState('')
const { activeTeamTask, tasks, activeTeam } = useTeamTasks();
const { teams } = useOrganizationTeams();
@@ -159,11 +160,11 @@ export function AddManualTimeModal(props: IAddManualTimeModalProps) {
buttonClassName={'decoration-transparent w-full flex items-center w-full border-gray-300 justify-start text-left font-normal text-black h-10 border dark:border-slate-600 rounded-md"'}
diff --git a/apps/web/lib/features/task/task-activity.tsx b/apps/web/lib/features/task/task-activity.tsx
index 7579e41d8..9246f9731 100644
--- a/apps/web/lib/features/task/task-activity.tsx
+++ b/apps/web/lib/features/task/task-activity.tsx
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ export function TaskActivity({ task }: { task: ITeamTask }) {