- We mostly work asynchronically, which means that you are free to work at any hour you prefer! Our employees & contractors live in different time zones.
Unless our client/project requires more frequent updates (e.g. hourly), as a standard, all our employees should provide daily updates about the progress.
If the project follows Scrum, it's best, of course, to make it over a daily standup meeting.
If the project did not follow Scrum, we found that it's best to provide 2 updates to the client per day: one when an employee starts work and notifies the client about the plan to work on specific tasks/features and a second notification right before employee finish work, about progress on tasks/features done during the workday.
Every update should include videos and/or screenshots about features that were built (if it's appropriate of course) to get early feedback and reference tasks numbers (e.g. task URL in JIRA or Github issue # / URL, etc., of course, if the project uses some sort of tasks management tool)
If an employee is going to take a day off, it’s mandatory to notify the client in advance.
All our employees/contractors are using Time Tracking tools (e.g. http://github.com/ever-co/ever-gauzy, Upwork Timer, HubStaff timer, or some other timer software client prefer to use for a particular project)
Nobody controls the time of day when our employees/contractors work - they are free to set their own schedule as long as it allows them to do one short daily meeting (only if required by client project). Of course, depending on the project and the client you work for, additional calls/chats/meetings may need to be scheduled.