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File metadata and controls

470 lines (352 loc) · 19.4 KB




All the Python scripts have a list of useful options that can be viewed by passing the -h option. Note that many of the scripts that run on audio files can also run on video files.

Diarization and voice-activity detection

To process an audio (.mp3, .wav, .flac, .ogg, or .opus) file or a video (.mp4 or .mov) file, run

# to process an audio file
python3 scripts/ data/audio/FILE
# processing a video file or view is the same command, just a different directory
python3 scripts/ data/video/FILE
python3 scripts/ data/views/FILE

The file must be in data/audio, data/video, or data/views for to process it. If one of those directories is passed as the argument, every file in the directory will be processed.

The script outputs a waveform file to data/waveforms containing the data necessary to visualize the audio on the interface. It also outputs an annotations file to data/annotations containing the annotations of when each unique speaker speaks, when voice activity occurs, and when the non-voice activity occurs. Lastly, it outputs a stats file which contains various metrics about the file including but not limited to sampling rate, duration, number of speakers, and snr.

VRS files

To process a .vrs file created by Project Aria glasses, move the file to data/vrs and run

python3 scripts/ data/vrs/FILE

The file must be in data/vrs for to work. The files are output to data/graphical/FILE_NAME where FILE_NAME is FILE without the extension.

The script extracts the videos from the eye-tracking, SLAM-left, SLAM-right, and RGB cameras; the audio from the microphones; the magnetometer data; the IMU-left and IMU-right data; the GPS data (if any); and the barometer data (if any).

Pose data (data specifying the position and rotation) of the glasses can be created by running

python3 scripts/ data/graphical/FILE_NAME

To visualize the pose data in the interface, you'll need to process one of the videos from the cameras. After picking one of the videos, you can optionally run these commands:

# Rotate the video to the correct orientation
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf transpose=1 output.mp4
# Combine the audio and video
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -i input.wav -c:v copy -c:a aac -ac 1 output.mp4

Finally, rename the video to FILE_NAME.mp4, move it to data/video, and run

python3 scripts/ data/video/FILE_NAME.mp4

Once finished, open it in the interface (which will automatically detect the pose file).

Speech to text

In order to run speech to text, you must have whisper.cpp and a model installed. This can be done on Linux by running

# in the speechviz directory
git clone
cd whisper.cpp
cp ../scripts/transcribe.cpp .
mkdir -p ../scripts/models
bash models/ base.en
make ggml.o whisper.o
g++ -std=c++17 -O3 -Iexamples -fPIC -pthread \
  transcribe.cpp ggml.o whisper.o -o ../scripts/transcribe
mv models/ggml-base.en.bin ../scripts/models/whisper-base.en.bin
cd ..
rm -rf whisper.cpp

Then, speech to text can be run by

python3 scripts/ data/audio/FILE

This requires the audio file to be data/audio. The transcription file is output to data/transcripts.

Face detection and clustering

First we need to build dlib. This assumes you have a gpu; if you just want to use the cpu, use DDLIB_USE_CUDA=0 instead.

git clone
cd dlib
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DDLIB_USE_CUDA=1
cd ..
python3 install

A bug can occur where the version of your gcc compiler is higher than versions compatible with cuda. If you get a message saying DLIB WILL NOT USE CUDA, try changing cmake and python3 lines to the following respectively:

python3 install \
    --set CUDA_HOST_COMPILER=/path/to/gcc/compiler/version10/or/lower

Now gpu use should be supported for dlib.

If you want to automatically encode and cluster, and have it put the correct information in the appropriate directories for visualization, run

python3 scripts/ \
    -i data/imagesForEncoding/nameOfFolderWithImages

Note: It is very important that the name of the folder with images from the video matches the name of the video that it corresponds to without its extension. For example, if your video is called video1.mp4, the nameOfFolderWithImages should also be called video1before you use If it does not match, you will have to manually rename the folder created to be the extensionless video name.

If you want to manually just encode or just re-cluster, you can use the appropriate script between scripts/ and scripts/

The script encodes information about detecting faces in 128 dimensions. This can later be clustered based on the encodings.

Encoding faces is able to be done without human intervention and takes a while, so you don't want to repeat doing it once it has been already done once. Clustering requires some human input, doesn't take as long, and its accuracy can change dramatically based on the parameter --epsilon making it appealing to rerun just clustering to improve results.

To run encoding,

python3 scripts/ \
    --dataset videoNamedFolderWithImages \
    --encodings data/imagesForEncoding/videoName/videoName.pickle \
    -d cnn --outputs optionalFolderForFacesDetected

Second, we can cluster/re-cluster the faces to see how many unique people have been identified.

python3 scripts/ \
    --encodings data/imagesForEncoding/videoName/videoName.pickle \
    --outputs data/faceClusters/videoName --epsilon epsilonFloatNumber

where epsilonFloatNumber is a parameter for the clustering method DBSCAN. DBSCAN clusters groups based on density of points (comparison of DBSCAN to other clustering). Epsilon controls how far points can be from one another and still considered a neighborhood. As a result, having too small of a value and no clusters will be found (they will all be considered noise). Having too large of a value and all will be considered the same cluster. Finding the correct epsilon can take some trial and error, and for the few tests I've done with this data, it has fallen around .35 and .4. As a rule of thumb, when you find too many faces, increase epsilon; if you find too few, lower epsilon.

This will make a few folders in a folder given to outputs. Face-1 is faces that it found to be noise, and Face0, Face1, etc. are folders containing the faces it thinks are the same person.

Extracting audio features

To extract audio features from a file, run

python3 scripts/ data/audio/FILE

This will output a file to data/features/FILE_NAME-features.npz where FILE_NAME is FILE without the extension. This file is a NumPy archive containing the features extracted from the audio file. To load the features, see numpy.load. The features extracted are:

  • spectral_centroid
  • spectral_bandwidth
  • spectral_rolloff
  • spectral_contrast
  • spectral_flatness
  • mfcc
  • amplitude_envelope
  • rms
  • zero_crossing_rate

These features maintain the number of channels. When the audio file has multiple channels, the script will also output the features for the audio converted to mono; these features have the suffix _mono.

Other than amplitude_envelope, more on these features can be found in the librosa documentation.

University of Iowa specific

Some scripts are specific to a study conducted by the University of Iowa on hearing aids. Below are some instructions on how to use these scripts and specifications of what they do.

Add survey data to stats

If you have a file of the survey data from the uiowa study, you can add it to the interface by running

python3 scripts/ path/to/survey data/stats/folder

where path/to/survey is the path to the file containing the survey data. The file should be a csv file with the following columns: run, type, eVal. and where stats folder is the folder containing the stats files. This will add the survey data to the stats files in the stats folder.

Combine stats

With the folder containing the text files from PhaseII and PhaseIII of the University of Iowa study, you can combine all the stats files of a folder with one another into one large csv file allowing for comparison of the various ema and time between all runs across experiments. See Combine speechviz stats for how to combine the stats file this code generates for each participant with each other.

To generate the combined stats file for a participant run

python3 scripts/ path/to/study/participant output/stat/path.csv

Combine folders

Combine speechviz stats

With this script you can combine all the stats files of a folder with one another into one large csv file allowing for comparison of the various stats collected (i.e. snr, number of conversation turns, etc.) between all files in that folder.

python3 scripts/ data/stats/folder output/file/path

where data/stats/folder is the path to the folder containing all the separate stats files. This will create a file called output/file/path (or whatever you substitute it with) that has all the stats in one folder.

Combine audio

With this script you can combine all the audio files of a folder into one audio file allowing for annotations made from this file to be back propagated to all the files that make it up (in development).

python3 scripts/ data/audio/folder

where data/audio/folder is the path to the folder containing all the separate audio files. This will create a file called data/views/folder.wav.


For the LLM scripts, one must download a quantized LLM that uses the standard alpaca prompt template (or rewrite the prompts the scripts use to match your LLM's prompt). The exact model used when coding this (open-llama-7B-open-instruct.ggmlv3.q6_K.bin) can be downloaded here and should be placed in scripts/models.

Auto annotate news

To automatically generate annotations on files for what is suspected to be news, one must first perform speech recognition as detailed above. The LLM takes in the transcript and decides if it is more likely to be news or not news (other). If the LLM thinks it is news, it will annotate the part of the file where that transcript starts and ends as news. To run this script, run

python3 scripts/ data/transcription/folder

where data/transcription/folder is the path to the folder containing the transcription file. This will automatically update the annotation file for that file to reflect what is thought to be news on the interface

Compare manual news annotation to LLM annotations

If you wish to compare the accuracy of the LLM's news annotations with manual annotations you have done via the interface (where you add a label that contains News in the name, i.e. ManualNews, and give the segments added to it the same name, i.e. ManualNews1 etc.) you can run

python3 scripts/ data/annotations/file

where data/annotations file is the path to the annotations file/folder you wish to compare the accuracy of. This will output the accuracy of the LLM's news annotations compared to the manual annotations at the file scripts/output/llmMatchPercentages.csv.

Maximize accuracy with different parameters

If you have manual news annotations to compare and want to find what parameters on result in the highest accuracy you can use this script as an example (needs to be updated to whatever files you annotated manually) and look at the results. It does a combination of with different parameters, followed by and to output into one csv at scripts/output/llmMatchPercentages.csv. To run this script, run

python3 scripts/

This will output the average accuracy of all the LLM's news annotations compared to all the manual annotations at the file scripts/output/llmMatchPercentages.csv and you can see which is highest and use that.

Other scripts

There are a couple of other small scripts that are useful.

Rename files replaces substrings in file names.

python3 scripts/ old new

For example, if you have the files audio/bbc.wav, waveforms/bbc-waveform.json, and annotations/bbc-annotations.json, you can replace bbc with npr by running

python3 scripts/ bbc npr

This will rename the files to audio/npr.wav, waveforms/npr-waveform.json, and annotations/npr-annotations.json.

Download pyannote models downloads the pyannote models that speechviz uses. It is run without any arguments. The PYANNOTE_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable must be set (see pyannote access for more information). This script is only useful if you are building speechviz in an image so that the models don't have to be downloaded every time the image is run.


To be able to use the interface, you must have an account. To create one, run

node server/db.js new user USERNAME PASSWORD

If USERNAME is an already existing user, no new account will be created. A user's password can be changed by running

node server/db.js update user USERNAME PASSWORD

Lastly, to remove a user, run

node server/db.js delete user USERNAME

One more utility provided by db.js is the list subcommand:

# list all usernames in the database
node server/db.js list users
# list all of the database's tables
node server/db.js list tables


Annotations on the interface are stored in a version control system called Fossil (more info on the implementation can be found in the versioning documentation). Fossil needs to be installed and initialized before the interface can be used. To do this, run

python3 scripts/

This will install Fossil in the data directory and create a repository named speechviz.fossil in the same directory. If you've run this script before, it will not overwrite the existing repository.


The interface can only be accessed if the server is running. To start it, run

npm start

and open http://localhost:3000 (or the IP address output in the console). By default, the server listens on port 3000. To specify a different port, run with -- --port=PORT (where PORT is the port you want the server to listen on):

npm start -- --port=PORT

Once you open up the interface, you will be greeted with a login page. Enter your username and password to log in. If you don't have an account, see the Users section.

After logging in, you will be redirected to an index page containing a list of audio and video files. These are the files found in data/audio and data/video respectively. Your files need to be moved to these directories to be found by the interface. Each file FILE in these directories also needs a respective waveform file in data/waveforms named FILE_NAME-waveform.json where FILE_NAME is FILE without the extension. If you ran on FILE while it was in its respective directory, the waveform file will already be in its correct folder, and an annotations file containing the annotations will be in data/annotations. Annotations files aren't required to view a file in the interface.

Clicking on a file in the list open's up the main interface which contains the waveform and annotations (if any) for the file. Some notable features:

  • On the left of the screen is a tree containing the analysis for the file. Checking an item will enable that group / segment in the waveform and show its children in the tree (if any).
  • Some tree items have a popup that is displayed when the tree item's text is clicked. This popup contains options for its respective tree item which differ depending on the kind of group / segment it is. For example, a segment under a speaker can be moved and copied; a custom segment can be moved and renamed; and a labeled group can be moved, renamed, and recolored.
  • A labeled group can be created by entering a name into the textbox and clicking the Add Label button next to it. It will then appear in the Labeled group. Other groups can then be moved to that label. This can be useful for manually annotating a category, like a speaker, without disrupting the original model's output.
  • Custom segments can be added by clicking the Add Segment button, which will add a 2.5-second-long segment at the current time under the Custom group. These can then be moved to a labeled group as a manual annotation of that label.
  • Editable segments (such as custom ones) have handles at their start and end that can be dragged to change when it starts and end.
  • Notes can help to remember who is who (e.g. "Speaker 1 is the man with the raspy voice") and can be taken in the big text box. The notes are saved.
  • A change can be undone by clicking the undo button or using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Z (Cmd+Z on Mac). Redoing changes is currently unimplemented.
  • Other options can be found by clicking the settings button (its icon is a gear).
  • To save, click the save button (its icon is a floppy disk) or press Ctrl+S (Cmd+S on Mac). Afterwards, choose what branch of the annotation's version control you want to save it to, add a commit message, and hit save.
  • To view previous annotations versions, click the versions button, then click the commit you want to view.

This is by no means an exhaustive list.