This is an introduction level workshop that covers scaling options for applications and clusters in AKS and you will learn:
- What kind of scaling options are available for applications and clusters in AKS
- How to manually scale pods and nodes
- What is Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) and how does it work
- How cluster autoscaler works
- What is Kubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaler (KEDA) and how to use it to scale your applications
Here is the preliminary agenda for the workshops (still work in progress and subject to change):
- Welcome
- Lab-01 - provision workshop resources (20 min)
- Scaling applications in AKS concepts (slides)
- Lab-02 - build and deploy test application (xx min)
- Lab-03 - create monitoring dashboard for test application
- Lab-04 - manually scale applications in AKS
- Lab-05 - use Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) to automatically scale applications
- Scaling AKS cluster concepts (slides)
- Lab-06 - manually scale the node count in an AKS cluster
- Lab-07 - use cluster autoscaler to automatically scale an AKS cluster to meet application demands
- Kubernetes Event-driven Autoscaling KEDA (slides)
- Lab-08 - Kubernetes Event-driven Autoscaling KEDA
- Lab-09 - use KEDA to autoscale application processing Azure Service Bus Queue
- Lab-10 - cleaning up resources
- Prerequisites
- Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
- Kubernetes Event-driven Autoscaling KEDA
- Horizontal Pod Autoscaling
- Scaling options for applications in AKS
- Visit the Github Issue to comment on this workshop.