Thanks for dropping by. The aim of our docs is ensure coherency and clarity. The goal any concepts introduced in our docs is followed up with an explanation and supporting links. The audience we are aim for in our docs are developers, validators, and protocol contributors.
When it comes to new content, the first thing to consider is the audience and the level of knowledge required to understand the content. It is important to understand that the audience and write sufficiently with concepts explained, backed up with sufficient illustration or rich media content, and/or additional links/content to further explain. By the end of the article, the goal is to ensure adequate understanding and opportunity to explore more.
The way we can nurture further growth and discovery is to allow the reader to uncover more. We have launched our Community to help non-technical community better understand all world of web3. Deeper content and lessons are fruther unraveled in our Academy. Further content from the Academy might link to our other forms of rich-media contents, like YouTube.
In terms of our Docs, its important to maintain clarity, coherency, and engagement. These key questions will help maintain these standard as you work on new or existing pages:
- Can I concisely explain the topic in a few sentences or a few paragraphs as the introduction?
- Can I utilize rich-media elements (images, diagrams, videos, links) to illustrate my point?
- Can I further the learning of my readers with additional content?
- Are there any hands-on exercises I can utilize to further strengthen this learning?
- Does the content fit correctly to its surrounding? For example, if I have a content explaining Key Management, it belongs in the Protocol -> Concepts section because both Develop and Validate section uses this reference.
- Can I cross link (call-to-action) my article or contribution to other sections of the docs so that others can easily discover this new information?
The process to contribute is simple. Make sure you have a Github account and have the repository cloned. Any changes should be made in the form of a Pull Request. Make sure to use descriptive titles and descriptions to aid in the review process. Any physical code changes to the core protocol should be made with the Evmos Repo and make sure to submit both code and docs changes at the same time.
If there are a large scale changes, re-index might be necessary. We use Algolia DocSearch to power our search. It might take up to a week for the change to propagate.
If you need any assistance or have any questions, please reach out to the Evmos Core Team via our social links found on our main site.