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Using Astro

Using Astro

Who am I

  • I am Jan, 36 years old
  • currently DevOps Engineer, doing web development since a long time
  • passionate about new technologies and learning

What are we talking about today

  • What is Astro ?
  • Goals of Astro
  • Mechanisms (Project Structure, Routing, ...)
  • Things I'd like you to know about
  • Future outlook
  • Feedback, Questions & Open Discussion

What is Astro ?

  • Static Site Generator
  • Bring your own JavaScript Framework
  • Islands Architecture
  • HTML first build tool
  • Based on Snowpack (Module Bundler, heavily relies on ES Modules)


  • make better and faster webpages
    • power web applications
    • expression and possibilities of JavaScript
    • ship as less as possible through the browser (Simplicity of Webpages / Speed of Static HTML)
  • have a nice developer experience


  • Project Structure
  • Astro files (pages / components without runtime)
  • Markdown OOB
  • Hydration
  • Routing

Initializing a new project

# create your project
mkdir new-project-directory
cd new-project-directory
npm init astro

# install your dependencies
npm install

# start the dev server and open your browser
npm start

layout: cover background: './images/folder-structure.jpg'

Project Structure

Astro files

  • have the .astro extension
  • can be pages
  • can be components
  • consist of HTML
    • add frontmatter script section for server side rendering
    • add JSX for templating

layout: cover background: './images/markdown-cutted.png'

Markdown Support

Islands architecture & Partial Hydration

Where is Vue ?

Let's integrate Vue in our project...

layout: image-right image: './images/astro-routing-rendering.png'


Other features I want you to know about

  • Collections API
  • Tailwind support
  • Generation of sitemap.xml
  • State libraries (Vuex)
  • Styling
Framework Global CSS Scoped CSS CSS Modules
Astro (.astro) N/A
React / Preact

Future Outlook

  • Currently positioned as Static Site Generator
  • support of more frameworks (possible)
  • mixture between static and dynamic sites (possible)
  • Named Slots
  • Image Support


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layout: center

Thank you for listening

Feedback, Questions & Open Discussion