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Subsampled Gene Observations

Software such as Preseq can show how sequencing library diversity changes with increasing sequencing depth. This tool is an attempt to generate a similar metric using a measurement which is more biologically relevant for RNA-Sequencing datasets: the number of different genes which have been observed (default: FPKM > 0).

The package is comprised of four scripts which must be run separately:

  • Subsample a set of aligned BAM files using Picard
  • Count the FPKM gene counts using Cufflinks
  • Count the aligned reads in the subsampled BAM files using samtools
  • A Python script which takes this output and plots a graph.

Note: The first two scripts are currently written to work with our setup in SciLifeLab, and will require modification to run on different systems.

Example output

Subsampled gene observations

Step 1: Subsample the BAM files

bash *.bam

This will set off SLURM sbatch jobs to create 9 subsampled files for each input BAM file (10% to 90% in 10% steps). A soft-link is created for the original file so that there is a file for the 100% step.

The script will check for existing files and skip that step if the target file already exists. As such, if some jobs fail you can run the script again to fill in the gaps.

Command Line Flag Description
-l Directory for log files. Default: ./logs/
-o Directory for output. Default: ./downsampled/

Step 2: Cufflinks analysis

Once the subsampling is complete, cufflinks must be run on each file.

bash -b <fasta reference> -g <gtf reference> *.bam

This will create jobs for the cufflinks analysis. As with the subsampling script, the script will check for existing files and any where the target file already exists. As such, if some jobs fail you can run the script again to fill in the gaps.

Command Line Flag Description
-b FASTA reference file. Required.
-g GTF reference file. Required.
-l Directory for log files. Default: ./logs/
-o Directory for output. Default: ./cufflinks/
-n Number of cores to use. Default: 1

Step 3: Count Reads (optional)

If you would like the plot the number of detected genes versus actual subsampled read counts (as shown in the example above), you need to count the aligned reads in each BAM file. This script uses samtools to count the reads in each input and output a tab-delimited file with filename and read count.

Note: You can skip this step and just plot the x axis as percentages instead of read counts - just omit the -c paramter when running the plotting script.

bash *.bam
Command Line Flag Description
-o Directory for output file. Default: ./read_counts.txt

Step 4: Plotting

Finally, submit the directories of the completed cufflinks analysis to the plotting script:

python *_cufflinksAnalysis/

The script will parse the directory names, assuming the structure <sample_name>_<subsample_proportion>. Next, it will go through the directories looking for a file called genes.fpkm_tracking. It will open this and loop through each line (each gene) and count those where the FPKM is greater than the specified threshold (default: 0).

If a read counts file is specified with -c, the script will attempt to find a read count for each subsample point and use this value on the x axis.

Finally, the script creates a plot using the proportions as the x axis.

Command Line Flag | Description ----------------- | -------------------- | ----------- <input directories> | Required.
List of cufflinks results directories -f, --fpkm-cutoff | Default: 0
Cutoff at which to count genes as observed. -c, --read-counts | Default: None
File containing BAM file read counts, used for x axis instead of percentages. See Step 3. -o, --output | Default: gene_counts
Plot output filename base. Default: gene_counts.png / .pdf -l, --log | Default: info
Level of log messages to display. Can be debug, info or warning. -u, --log-output | Default: stdout
Log output filename.


The scripts are written in bash and Python. Picard, Cufflinks and samtools must be installed for the first three steps.

The following Python libraries are required:

  • matplotlib
  • argparse
  • collections (defaultdict)
  • logging
  • os
  • re


These scripts were written for use at the National Genomics Infrastructure at SciLifeLab in Stockholm, Sweden. They are part of a larger repository of NGI Visualization Scripts.

For more information, please get in touch with Phil Ewels.