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Client Configuration Values

Eric J. Smith edited this page Feb 13, 2016 · 8 revisions




Read about Client Configuration Values on the UI Documentation Page

Usage Example

The below example demonstrates how we would turn on or off log event submissions at runtime without redeploying the app or changing server config settings.

First, we add a (completely arbitrary for this example) enableLogSubmission client configuration value key with value true in the Project's Settings in the Exceptionless dashboard.

Exceptionless Client Configuration Value

Then, we register a new client side plugin that runs each time an event is created. If our key (enableLogSubmission) is set to false and the event type is set to log, we will discard the event.

ExceptionlessClient.Default.Configuration.AddPlugin("Conditionally cancel log submission", 100, context => {
    var enableLogSubmission = context.Client.Configuration.Settings.GetBoolean("enableLogSubmission", true);
    // only cancel event submission if it’s a log event and enableLogSubmission is false
    if (context.Event.Type == Event.KnownTypes.Log && !enableLogSubmission) {
        context.Cancel = true;

.NET Helpers

The GetBoolean method checks the enableLogSubmission key. This helper method makes it easy to consume saved client configuration values. The first parameter defines the settings key (name). The second parameter is optional and allows you to set a default value if the key doesn’t exist in the settings or was unable to be converted to the proper type (e.g., a boolean).

We have a few helpers to convert string configuration values to different system types. These methods also contain overloads that allow you to specify default values.


  • GetString
  • GetBoolean
  • GetInt32
  • GetInt64
  • GetDouble
  • GetDateTime
  • GetDateTimeOffset
  • GetGuid
  • GetStringCollection (breaks a comma delimited list into an IEnumerable of strings)

Subscribing to Setting Changes

To be notified when client configuration settings change, subscribe to them using the below code.

ExceptionlessClient.Default.Configuration.Settings.Changed += SettingsOnChanged;
private void SettingsOnChanged(object sender, ChangedEventArgs<KeyValuePair<string, string>> args) {
   Console.WriteLine("The key {0} was {1}", args.Item.Key, args.Action);
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