In this exercise you'll be writing code to keep track of a list of programming languages you want to learn on Exercism.
You have six tasks, which will all involve dealing with lists.
To keep track of the languages you want to learn, you'll need to create an new list. Define the newList
binding that contains a new, empty list.
// => []
Currently, you have a piece of paper listing the languages you want to learn: F#, Clojure and Haskell. Define the existingList
binding to represent this list.
// => ["F#"; "Clojure"; "Haskell"]
As you explore Exercism and find more interesting languages, you want to add them to your list. Implement the addLanguage
function to add a new language to the beginning of your list.
addLanguage "TypeScript" ["JavaScript"; "CoffeeScript"]
// => ["TypeScript"; "JavaScript"; "CoffeeScript"]
Counting the languages one-by-one is inconvenient. Implement the countLanguages
function to count the number of languages on your list.
countLanguages ["C#"; "Racket"; "Rust"; "Ruby"]
// => 4
At some point, you realize that your list is actually ordered backwards! Implement the reverseList
function to reverse your list.
reverseList ["Prolog"; "C"; "Idris"; "Assembly"]
// => ["Assembly"; "Idris"; "C"; "Prolog"]
While you love all languages, F# has a special place in your heart. As such, you're really excited about a list of languages if:
- The first on the list is F#.
- The second item on the list is F# and the list contain either two or three languages.
Implement the excitingList
function to check if a list of languages is exciting:
excitingList ["Nim"; "F#"]
// => true