These are types common to many different languages. Track-specific sub-types could be covered by specific track exercises.
Thanks for wanting to contribute to Exercism's type reference documents! Contributions are very welcome!
To contribute, check the list below to see which documents have already been written. You can then contribute by submitting a PR to update an existing document, or to add a missing document.
- Array
- Big integer
- Bit
- Boolean
- Byte
- Bytes
- Char
- Class
- Collection
- Date
- Datetime
- Decimal number
- Deque
- Dictionary
- Double
- Duration
- Enum
- Error
- Floating-point number
- Function
- Future
- Half
- Hash map
- Integer
- List
- Long
- Map
- Null
- Nullable
- Number
- Object
- Pair
- Pattern
- Pointer
- Product type
- Promise
- Range
- Record
- Regular expression
- Set
- Short
- Signed
- Single
- Stack
- String
- Struct
- Sum type
- Symbol
- Time
- Timestamp
- Triple
- Tuple
- Undefined
- Unsigned
- Word