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This proposal seeks funding for the creation and administration of video content to support the Decred project over the next 6 months beginning April 1st, 2021.


Video content is a powerful and immensely popular way of inducing education, spreading awareness, and generating hype. Having a presence on platforms like YouTube, Bitchute, Twitter and others is a benefit to Decred.

It is important to maintain a social media presence in order to best market Decred and display the health of the project as it continuously adapts, upgrades, and expands utilizing its unique suite of governance features.


In addition to myself, I am happy to include two new community members who have created video content: Karamble and Decred Society.

Decred Society has produced a number of Decred related videos which can be viewed on his YouTube Channel.

Karamable, a long time Decred contributor, has proven his skills by producing Decred related animations and teasers.

Examples of Karamble's work:


Decred Society - Focus on Decred Fundamentals. Video ideas include:

  • How does De­cred build on Bit­coins ori­gin­al design?
  • How does De­cred’s Treas­ury make the pro­ject more sus­tain­able?
  • How De­cent­ral­ised can De­cred be­come?
  • Com­par­ing the se­cur­ity of pure POW with De­cred’s Hy­brid solu­tion
  • Why is be­ing fork res­ist­ant so im­port­ant?
  • How does a pro­ject get lis­ted on the DCR­DEX?

Exitus - Focus on News Updates, Tutorials, assist Decred Society with video creation and general editing when needed, provide video editing support for the Decred Project.

Karamble - Focus on Video and Gif animations, coordinated for project releases. Features and announcements will be created for social media use. Impression and click-through numbers have shown that a high reach can be achieved with visually appealing material to inform users about the releases and spark deeper engagement.

Metrics From Phase 2

Youtube Metric 6 Month Value
Views 23,836
Like % 99.2%
Subs Gained 504
Subs Lost 236
New Comments 193

Last phase saw a small increase in views and engagement. I attribute this to the exchange rate increase and the impressive 1.6 release.

I believe the real action will start once Decred gets listed on larger fiat exchanges, or once the DEX is user friendly with stable coin pairs - whatever comes first.

Maximum billable amount from Phase 2: $16,200 ($2,700/Month)

Actual billed amount from Phase 2: $6,720


Maximum Billable amount of $3,200 USD/Month to be paid in DCR via the Contractor Management System.

I, Exitus, will manage the proposal and review the billing each month.

Any funds unused will remain in treasury.