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javascript: function test() { setTimeout(async () => { await navigator.clipboard.readText().then((clipboardString) => { const obj = JSON.parse(clipboardString); function get_sel(x) { var res = ""; for (var i = 0; i < x.options.length; i++) { if (x.options[i].value == x.value) { res = x.options[i].textContent; } }; return (res) } function get_full_state(stateName) { const stateNameToAbbreviation = { 'Alabama': 'AL', 'Alaska': 'AK', 'Arizona': 'AZ', 'Arkansas': 'AR', 'California': 'CA', 'Colorado': 'CO', 'Connecticut': 'CT', 'Delaware': 'DE', 'Florida': 'FL', 'Georgia': 'GA', 'Hawaii': 'HI', 'Idaho': 'ID', 'Illinois': 'IL', 'Indiana': 'IN', 'Iowa': 'IA', 'Kansas': 'KS', 'Kentucky': 'KY', 'Louisiana': 'LA', 'Maine': 'ME', 'Maryland': 'MD', 'Massachusetts': 'MA', 'Michigan': 'MI', 'Minnesota': 'MN', 'Mississippi': 'MS', 'Missouri': 'MO', 'Montana': 'MT', 'Nebraska': 'NE', 'Nevada': 'NV', 'New Hampshire': 'NH', 'New Jersey': 'NJ', 'New Mexico': 'NM', 'New York': 'NY', 'North Carolina': 'NC', 'North Dakota': 'ND', 'Ohio': 'OH', 'Oklahoma': 'OK', 'Oregon': 'OR', 'Pennsylvania': 'PA', 'Rhode Island': 'RI', 'South Carolina': 'SC', 'South Dakota': 'SD', 'Tennessee': 'TN', 'Texas': 'TX', 'Utah': 'UT', 'Vermont': 'VT', 'Virginia': 'VA', 'Washington': 'WA', 'West Virginia': 'WV', 'Wisconsin': 'WI', 'Wyoming': 'WY' }; const abbreviation = stateNameToAbbreviation[stateName]; if (abbreviation) { return abbreviation; } else { return stateName; } }; function get_short_state(statename) { const abbreviationToStateName = { 'AL': 'Alabama', 'AK': 'Alaska', 'AZ': 'Arizona', 'AR': 'Arkansas', 'CA': 'California', 'CO': 'Colorado', 'CT': 'Connecticut', 'DE': 'Delaware', 'FL': 'Florida', 'GA': 'Georgia', 'HI': 'Hawaii', 'ID': 'Idaho', 'IL': 'Illinois', 'IN': 'Indiana', 'IA': 'Iowa', 'KS': 'Kansas', 'KY': 'Kentucky', 'LA': 'Louisiana', 'ME': 'Maine', 'MD': 'Maryland', 'MA': 'Massachusetts', 'MI': 'Michigan', 'MN': 'Minnesota', 'MS': 'Mississippi', 'MO': 'Missouri', 'MT': 'Montana', 'NE': 'Nebraska', 'NV': 'Nevada', 'NH': 'New Hampshire', 'NJ': 'New Jersey', 'NM': 'New Mexico', 'NY': 'New York', 'NC': 'North Carolina', 'ND': 'North Dakota', 'OH': 'Ohio', 'OK': 'Oklahoma', 'OR': 'Oregon', 'PA': 'Pennsylvania', 'RI': 'Rhode Island', 'SC': 'South Carolina', 'SD': 'South Dakota', 'TN': 'Tennessee', 'TX': 'Texas', 'UT': 'Utah', 'VT': 'Vermont', 'VA': 'Virginia', 'WA': 'Washington', 'WV': 'West Virginia', 'WI': 'Wisconsin', 'WY': 'Wyoming' }; 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