Releases: exponential-decay/archives-nz-rosetta-csv-ingest
Final Release with Import Sheet Capability
A release to capture the final version before being refactored.
Archives NZ ingest code for E2 and E3 including first provenance work
Archives NZ ingest code for E2 and E3 including first provenance work. Automatically attaches provenance information if provided with the appropriate command, e.g.
c:\working\git\archives-nz-rosetta-csv-ingest>python --csv 2015-06-10-e2-droid-report-utf-8-distilled-v82-20150327.csv --exp "no-ppt-E2_List_Control_LC19600_Export_2015_06_29 - revised list based on correct character encoding.csv" --ros rosetta-csv-validation-schema-with-events-anz.json --cfg e2-rosetta-csv-mapping-events-production.cfg --prov > no-ppt-2015-07-02-e2-ingest-sheet.csv
This release also contains configuration and validation sheets to include modification date and creation date.
Initial release for first two born-digital ingests into Rosetta at Archives New Zealand
Initial release for first two born-digital ingests into Rosetta at Archives New Zealand