ezplatform-admin-ui changes between v2.0.0-beta5 and v2.0.0-beta6
- EZP-31182: As an Editor I want to access Version compare from the versions table (#1205)
- EZP-31314: Update animation for Content Tree (#1214)
- EZP-31223: Harmonize Headers and exit button for specific previews (#1231)
- EZP-29950: Filtered search - Change the design for Creator selected tag to be consistent with subtree tag (#1242)
- EZP-31380: Disable manage rows/cells buttons for table and row toolbars (#1232)
- EZP-31382: As a Developer, I want to have access to userId in JS scripts (#1233)
- EZP-31236: Add Tooltips as new UI component (#1176)
- EZEE-2971: As an editor, I want to see all the sites in a table view (#1260)
- EZP-31386: Update design for widgets in Site Builder (#1253)
- EZP-30639: As a Developer I want deprecated Core ViewController actions to be dropped (#1225)
- EZP-31416: Remove selection bar on the right from UDW (Browse) (#1263)
- EZP-31421: Change class .ez-card--fieldtype-container to more universal one (#1262)
- EZP-29948: Add a Date picker field when Custom range is selected for Last modified or Created (#1261)
- EZP-29947: Show search criteria tags when performing filtered search (#1265)
- EZP-31438: Add tooltips to Site Builder (#1268)
- EZP-31118: Introduce strict types for ContentService (#1148)
- EZP-31477: When the user selects Limitations then a list of SiteAccess should be loaded by SiteAccessService (#1272)
- EZEE-3029: Add basic policy for version comparison (#1278)
- EZP-31079: Recreate features inspired by EzCoreExtra (by Jerome Vieilledent) as native in our core (#1259)
- EZEE-2982: As an Editor, I want to edit content in the UDW (#1282)
- EZP-31491: As a developer, I want to add icon to top menu entry (#1284)
- EZP-31448: Introduce strict types for LocationService (#1275)
- EZP-31482: Introduce strict types for FieldType & VO (#1281)
- EZP-31220: As a Developer I'd like eZ Platform packages to be compatible with Symfony 5 (#1276)
- EZP-30850: Custom tag is not properly styled when Right align is set (#1207)
- EZP-31297: Persistent XSS in user preferences (#1211)
- EZP-31339: ContentTree configuration not resolved correctly (#1212)
- EZP-31261: UDW tree is not loaded properly when switching from Bookmarks tab (#1199)
- EZP-30908: Hour covers (X) button for ezdatetime field type (#1196)
- EZP-31347: Select field hidden outside page - universal fix (#1218)
- EZP-31349: Content Tree animation triggered for changes on Details tab (#1221)
- EZP-30009: Missing translation for All modules/ All functions policy (#1215)
- EZP-30575: [User setting short/long Date and Time format] Cannot use characters in format strings (#1191)
- EZP-31137: RTE dropdown for block styles does not show all positions when custom ones are in use (#1217)
- EZP-30761: Admin UI doesn't handle very long strings well (#1177)
- EZP-30485: Console error when typing # in anchor name field (#1197)
- EZP-31367: Content tree should display the root location of the section
- EZEE-2975: In Page Builder dropdown widgets are too low after being expanded (#1234)
- EZP-31233: Cannot change headers in table in RTE on Firefox
- EZP-31381: Overlay covers Send to Trash pop-up (#1235)
- EZP-31384: Broken Content on the fly create template style (#1239)
- EZEE-2933: Error in console when pressing Enter in RTE in Page Builder (#1243)
- EZP-31310: Subtree limitation doesn't work properly for content having multiple locations (#1249)
- EZP-31394: Wrong button and behavior for edit action in version table (#1246)
- EZP-31395: reverse relation list is not displayed with the correct permissions
- EZP-31371: Copying a web page link w/o protocol in a Word paragraph leads to a 404 error (#1245)
- EZP-31392: Fix failing image asset test (#1247)
- EZP-30482: No limitation to image content type when embedding image to RTE (#1252)
- EZP-31404: Validation error message is not aligned with new create form style (#1257)
- EZP-31356: Cannot select block style in RTE when using scroll in dropdown on FF and Safari (#1256)
- EZP-31299: Search results only show content in its main language (#1223)
- EZP-31430: Can't select existing object for ImageAsset field (#1264)
- EZP-31407: Unnecessary tooltip in the header (#1266)
- EZP-31066: Error when clicking the link in RTE (#1267)
- EZEE-2930: Cannot create form in item with user field
- EZEE-3030: Links containing 'ezlocation` or 'ezcontent' keywords break RTE validation on paste (#1283)