ezsystems/ezplatform-admin-ui changes between v2.2.3 and v2.2.4
- EZEE-3455: [Image upload] no validation message for files bigger than 2mb (#1702)
- EZP-32321: The user should be able to delete content when he has access to all its languages (#1703)
- EZEE-3375: 'Radio' PB block's attribute is not rendering properly (#1700)
- EZEE-3465: Page Edit uses wrong Siteaccess (#1706)
- EZP-32308: Content/Edit Policy with Location Limitation breaks the back office (#1699)
- EZP-32294: Location removal removes all children silently and unreversable (#1707)
- EZP-32338: URL aliases of Contents with missing "alwaysAvailable" flag are broken after edit (#1711)
- EZP-32311: Having more than 6 Languages defined will result in some of them hidden when creating a new translation (#1709)
- EZEE-3486: [connector dam] error when selecting unsplash image by 'Select from your Repository' option (#1717)