A boilerplate application for building web apps using koa2, cassandra and passport, react and redux.
- Local Authentication using passport
- Cassandra integration
- Dockerfile added to deploy the app
- React and Redux in the client
- Webpack configuration
├── app
│ ├── actions
│ ├── components
│ ├── constants
│ ├── containers
│ ├── index.js
│ ├── reducers
│ └── store
├── Dockerfile
├── index.js
├── package.json
├── README.md
├── src
│ ├── config
│ ├── index.js
│ ├── lib
│ ├── middleware
│ ├── models
│ ├── routes
│ ├── tmp
│ └── views
├── test
│ └── test.spec.js
├── webpack.config.js
└── webpack.prod.config.js
$ npm install
# Start application
$ npm run dev
# Run test cases
$ npm run test
# Generate test report
$ npm run report