Automatically track the detailed OrderInformation of you Polestar order!
Get notifications via E-Mail if anything happens regarding your future car!
It checks every 6 hours if the OrderModel of the Polestar GRAPH API of your order has changed. If there are any changes it will send you an email with a detailed report of what has changed.
The service uses an in-memory database to keep track of the "old" state of the order. On startup the OrderModel will be fetched and stored date will be used to detect the changes. It makes no sense to run this program just for a short time. I suggest to run it as a daemon on a server.
Polestar has not officially released the used APIs for consumers/ 3rd party apps. That's why I cannot guarantee that the usage of this service is allowed nor that the APIs will provide the required features in the future.
This is an OpenSource project. If you want to participate just clone the repository, do your changes and create a PullRequests.
To build the project on your own Java 17+ is required. Open a shell within the project directory and execute the following command:
mvnw install
You can find the resulting polestar-order-tracker-X.X.X.jar
in the target
Create a copy of the file application.yml
from sample-conf
directory and place it next to the
which you have build on your own or downloaded
from Releases page.
Adjust the values in this file according to your needs (Setup E-Mail Server and your Polestar order details)
Property | Description | Possible Values/ Example |
polestar-order-tracker.order-configs[]enabled | Enable this order to keep track of it | true, false |
polestar-order-tracker.order-configs[]notify-email | Provide a list of E-Mail recipient, which will get notified about changes | [email protected] |
polestar-order-tracker.order-configs[]order-id | The UUID of your Polestar Order. Open your order via the Web-Portal. You will see an URL like in your Browsers address bar. We need the ID from the end of the url. |
424641db-6692-49a8-aa10-2fe970516404 |
polestar-order-tracker.order-configs[]username | Your E-Mail of your Polestar ID | [email protected] |
polestar-order-tracker.order-configs[]password | Your Password of your Polestar ID | sup3rS3cur3 |
Just start the service with the following command
java -jar polestar-order-tracker-X.X.X.jar
The service can also started as Docker container. Therefore the configuration should be done via environment variables:
ENV | Description | Possible Values/ Example |
SPRING_MAIL_PORT | SMTP Server Port | 587 |
SPRING_MAIL_USERNAME | SMTP Username | [email protected] |
SPRING_MAIL_PASSWORD | SMTP User Password | sup3rS3cur3 |
POLESTARORDERTRACKER_ORDERCONFIGS_0_ENABLED | Enable this order to keep track of it | true, false |
POLESTARORDERTRACKER_ORDERCONFIGS_0_NOTIFYEMAIL_0 | Provide a E-Mail recipient, which will get notified about changes | [email protected] |
POLESTARORDERTRACKER_ORDERCONFIGS_0_ORDERID | The UUID of your Polestar Order. Open your order via the Web-Portal. You will see an URL like in your Browsers address bar. We need the ID from the end of the url. |
424641db-6692-49a8-aa10-2fe970516404 |
POLESTARORDERTRACKER_ORDERCONFIGS_0_USERNAME | Your E-Mail of your Polestar ID | [email protected] |
POLESTARORDERTRACKER_ORDERCONFIGS_0_PASSWORD | Your Password of your Polestar ID | sup3rS3cur3 |