- Database name
- Database user
- Database pass
- Database host
- email from
- date format
- mail server
- mail host
- mail port
- mail user
- mail pass
- site root = getcwd();
- site docs = getcwd() . 'documents/'; (default, should be changed outside webroot)
- office app - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12424787/how-to-check-if-a-shell-command-exists-from-php
- rewrite - in_array('mod_rewrite', apache_get_modules())
- file_types - (create default list)
- account permissions - (create default list)
- user types - (create default list)
- debug - false
- Database name
- Database user
- Database pass
- Database host
- Check settings work
- Write Database details, Create a connection to cfg
- Generate and write Security settings to cfg
- Generate and write permissions to cfg
- Generate and write user types
- Write debug false to cfg
- Import blank database
- Site URL - Automatic
- Site Root - Automatic
- Site Docs
- Check Site Docs folder exists and is writeable
- Append Structure to cfg
- Mail server
- Mail from
- Mail host
- Mail Port
- Mail user
- Mail pass
- Check mail settings
- Append mail settings to cfg
- Create the master user account
- Check account details are valid
- Add account to database
- Send activation email
- Show completion message
- Add link to delete the install file and direct to homepage
- unset install file
- direct to SITE_URL