How to use:
Copy nodevfee.exe and nodevfeeDll.dll to Claymore directory (in same directory with EthDcrMiner64.exe).
Create bat file and use it nodevfee.exe EthDcrMiner64.exe YOUR_USUAL_PARAMETERS.
Example: nodevfee.exe EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal 0x043B3b62201Bdf08cA97E3C7a2b00C359c0d4c0a.worker1 -epsw x -r 1 To make it work after miner restart add option -r 1 to bat file and create reboot.bat with exactly same parameters
nodevfee.exe EthDcrMiner64.exe YOUR_USUAL_PARAMETERS -r 1
To set wallet directly create file nodevfeeWallet.txt with your wallet address inside.
Note: might be needed to work with -allcoins / -allpools.
Create nodevfeeLog.txt file in same directory to enable logging / delete to disable.
To redirect devfee pools to your main pool create file nodevfeePools.txt.
Example (redirecting pools to
Format : PoolCount (including main pool N + 1) MainPoolAddress MainPoolPort (space between address and port not colon)
DevFeePool1Address DevFeePool1Port
DevFeePool2Address DevFeePool2Port
DevFeePoolNAddress DevFeePoolNPort
Big advantage there is no need to give administrative privilages...:) Happy Mining...!!! Donation: ETH: 0x043B3b62201Bdf08cA97E3C7a2b00C359c0d4c0a Credits: minhook - The Minimalistic x86/x64 API Hooking Library for Windows (Tsuda Kageyu)