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This is an api wrapper for . Please read our API documentation to understand the different responses.

Getting Started

It can be used in the browser by including the minified version or in a node project


Use it in a npm environment:

npm install pinknetworkjs

Use it in the browser:

<!-- >= 2.0.0 --> 
<script type="text/javascript" src="" /> 
<!-- api wrapper for browser --> 
<script type="text/javascript" src="./node_modules/pinknetworkjs/pinknetwork.min.js" /> 


Non Cycle Roll Example

const pinknetwork = require("pinknetworkjs");
const bankroll = new pinknetwork.bankroll()

// create the transaction memo for a roll with multiplier 2x and a rake of 5% and a deposit of 10 WAX
let betconfig = bankroll.createBetConfigByMultiplier(2, 5);
// memo returns false if the bankroll is too small to handle this transaction
let memo = bankroll.createRollTransactionMemo(10, "rake.recipient", betconfig)
// subscribe to the roll to get notified when the result is available
if(memo === false) {
    console.log("bankroll too small")

// TODO: send transaction with memo["memo"]

// wait for new roll results
bankroll.getRollSubscription().onNewRollResult((roll) => {
    console.log(roll) // This prints a ROLL_RESULT object. For more information visit the api documentation

Cycle Roll Example

const pinknetwork = require("pinknetworkjs");
const bankroll = new pinknetwork.bankroll()

// the roll_id of the cycle roll you want to join
const roll_id = 4;

// create the transaction memo to join a cycle roll with multiplier 2x and a rake of 5% and a deposit of 10 WAX
let betconfig = bankroll.createBetConfig(2, 1, 4700, 10000);
// memo returns false if the bankroll is too small to handle this transaction
let memo = bankroll.createCycleRollTransactionMemo(roll_id, 10, betconfig)
// subscribe to the roll to get notified when the result is available
if(memo === false) {
    console.log("bankroll too small")

// TODO: send transaction with memo["memo"]

// listen to new roll results
bankroll.getCycleRollSubscription(roll_id).onNewRollResult((roll) => {
    console.log(roll) // This prints a ROLL_RESULT object. For more information visit the api documentation

// get notified for every new bet for this specific roll_id
bankroll.getCycleRollSubscription(roll_id).onNewBet((bet) => {
    console.log(bet) // A new bet came in. BET_OBJECT

Chat Example

const pinknetwork = require("pinknetworkjs");
const chat = new"chatroom");

// login method 1 (has to be done once and then cookie authentication will handle everything)
async function login_to_chat_version_1() {
  let sig = await scatter.getArbitrarySignature(user.publicKey, chat.getAuthenticationSignText());
  // return authentication token
  return await chat.authenticate_arbitrary(sig, user.account.publicKey,, true);

// login method 2 (has to be done once and then cookie authentication will handle everything and works with hardware wallets)
async function login_to_chat_version_2() {
  let sig = await api.transact(chat.getAuthenticationTransaction(, user.account.authority), {broadcast: false, sign: true})
  // return authentication token
  return await chat.authenticate_transaction(sig.signatures[0], user.account.publicKey,, user.account.authority, true);

// login method 3 (has to be done on every single connected)
async function login_to_chat_version_3() {
  let sig = await scatter.authenticate(chat.getNonce(), "login", user.publicKey)
  await chat.login(sig, user.publicKey,, true);

chat.onLoad(function(messages) {
  // on initial connect the past messages are sent

chat.onMessage(function(message) {
  // new chat message

chat.onError(function(message) {
  // error occurred with message: message

chat.onLogin(function(info) {
  // session was successfully created

chat.onLogout(function() {
  // session was successfully destroyed



The bankroll api has the following classes, but you can only interact with the BankrollAPI class which will return the other classes.

class BankrollAPI

  • getRollSubscription()

    • @return RollSubscription // object of class RollSubscription
  • getCycleRollSubscription(int roll_id)

    • @param roll_id // roll_id of the subscription
    • @return CycleRollSubscription // object with the id roll_id
  • createBetConfigByMultiplier(float multiplier, float rake, int max_roll = 10000)

    • @param multiplier // example 2.1
    • @param rake // rake the rake_recipient will receive 1.0 = 1.0%
    • @param max_roll // maximum number a roll result can be
    • @return BetConfig // initiate BetConfig class with multiplier and rake (lower_bound = 1 and upper_bound will be calculated)
  • createBetConfigByRange(int lower_bound, int upper_bound, float rake, int max_roll = 10000)

    • @param lower_bound // between 1 and max_roll
    • @param upper_bound // between lower_bound and max_roll
    • @param rake // rake the rake_recipient will receive 1.0 = 1.0%
    • @param max_roll // maximum number a roll result can be
    • @return BetConfig // initiate BetConfig class with lower_bound, upper_bound and rake (multiplier will be calculated)
  • createBetConfig(float multiplier, int lower_bound, int upper_bound, int max_roll = 10000)

    • @param multiplier // example 2.1
    • @param lower_bound // between 1 and max_roll
    • @param upper_bound // between lower_bound and max_roll
    • @param max_roll // maximum number a roll result can be
    • @return BetConfig // initiate BetConfig class
  • createRollTransactionMemo(float amount, string rake_recipient, BetConfig bet_config)

    • @param amount // WAX which is sent (used to verify whether the bet is allowed)
    • @param rake_recipient // Account name which receives the rake
    • @param bet_config // BetConfig object
    • @return string // memo of the transaction
  • createCycleRollTransactionMemo(int roll_id, float amount, BetConfig bet_config)

    • @param roll_id // roll_id of the cycle roll
    • @param amount // WAX which is sent (used to verify whether the bet is allowed)
    • @param bet_config // BetConfig object
    • @return string // memo of the transaction
  • async request(string endpoint, params = {}, version = 1, method = "GET")

    • @param endpoint // example "rolls/1"
    • @param params // example {"limit": 50}
    • @param version // api endpoint version
    • @param method // GET or POST. If POST, the params will be the data
    • @return {"success": bool, "data": mixed, "code": int, "message": string}

    • async getRollHistory(limit = 50, page = 1, rake_recipient = null, bettor = null) // endpoint /v1/rolls
    • async getRollResult(roll_id) // endpoint /v1/rolls/:roll_id
    • async getRollRanking(rake_recipient = null, sort = "wagered", time = 0, limit = 50, page = 1) // endpoint /v1/rolls/ranking
    • async getRollAccountRanking(account, rake_recipient = null, time = 0) // endpoint /v1/rolls/ranking/:account

    • async getCycleRollInfo(roll_id) // endpoint /v1/cycles/info/:roll_id
    • async getCycleRollRanking(roll_id) // endpoint /v1/cycles/ranking/:roll_id
    • async getCycleRollAccountRanking(roll_id, account, time = 0) // endpoint /v1/cycles/ranking/:roll_id/:account
    • async getCycleRollHistory(roll_id, limit = 50, page = 1, bettor = null) // endpoint /v1/cycles/:roll_id
    • async getCycleRollResult(roll_id, cycle_id) // endpoint /v1/cycles/:roll_id/:cycle_id

    • async getBankrollBalance() // endpoint /v1/available-funds/latest
    • async getBankrollBalanceHistory(step = 3600 * 6, time = 0) // endpoint /v1/available-funds
    • async getExchangeRate(token_1 = "pink", token_2 = "wax") // endpoint /v1/exchange-rate/:token_pair/latest
    • async getExchangeRateHistory(token_1 = "pink", token_2 = "wax", step = 3600 * 6, time = 0) // endpoint /v1/exchange-rate/:token_pair
    • async getBankrollProfit() // endpoint /v1/profit/latest
    • async getBankrollProfitHistory(step = 3600 * 6, time = 0) // endpoint /v1/profit

class BetConfig

This is a config class which stores multiplier, lower_bound, upper_bound and max_roll and is needed to create transaction memos or calculate the max bet. The rake is also stored indirectly in this class because it is calculated with the difference between multiplier and winning percentage (upper_bound - lower_bound + 1) / max_roll. The methods createBetConfigByMultiplier, createBetConfigByRange, createBetConfig are used to initiate objects of this class.

    • getLowerBound() @return int
    • getUpperBound() @return int
    • getMultiplier() @return float
    • getMaxRoll() @return int

class RollSubscription

This class contains a socket connection to the endpoint /bankroll/v1/rolls/subscribe and fires events whenever the bankroll is updated or a new roll came in which you have subscribed to.

  • Methods

    • getMaxBet(BetConfig bet_config)
  • Events

    • onNewRollResult(callback cb)
    • onBankrollUpdate(callback cb)
  • Subscribers

    • subscribeRakeRecipient(string wax_account)
    • subscribeIdentifier(string identifier)
    • subscribeAll()

class CycleRollSubscription

This class contains the socket connection to the endpoint /bankroll/v1/cycles/subscribe/[:roll_id] and fires a event when a new bet or a new result was published on the blockchain for roll_id

  • Methods

    • getMaxBet(BetConfig bet_config)
  • Events

    • onNewRollResult(callback cb)
    • onNewBet(callback cb)
    • onRollReduction(callback cb)
    • onBankrollUpdate(callback cb)


The chat api allows to provide a simple chat with scatter (or any other wallet which can sign) authentication and connects to the backend servers, so it can be used in frontend only applications.

class ChatAPI

  • Methods

    • login(string signature, string publicKey, string account_name) // use scatter method authenticate to sign the nonce
      • signature The signature which is returned by scatter.authenticate(chat.getNonce(), "login", publicKey)
      • publicKey the public Key of the account which you want to authenticate
      • account_name the account name bound to the public key
    • authenticate_arbitrary(string signature, string publicKey, string account_name, bool stay_logged_in) // creates an authentication token which can be used to authenticate to the chat in the future without having to sign anything
      • signature The method scatter.getArbitrarySignature of the text which is returned by getAuthenticationSignText()
      • publicKey the public Key of the account which you want to authenticate
      • account_name the account name bound to the public key
      • stay_logged_in if set to true in browser a cookie will be set which will automatically authenticate the user in the future (you dont need to do anything if this is true)
    • authenticate_transaction(string signature, string publicKey, string account_name, string permission, bool stay_logged_in) // creates an authentication token which can be used to authenticate to the chat in the future without having to sign anything
      • signature The signature of the transaction which is returned by getAuthenticationTransaction()
      • publicKey the public Key of the account which you want to authenticate
      • account_name the account name bound to the public key
      • permission the permission which is used to sign the transaction
      • stay_logged_in if set to true in browser a cookie will be set which will automatically authenticate the user in the future (you dont need to do anything if this is true)
    • logout() // sends logout events and destroys the user's chat session
    • send(string message) // sends a chat message
  • Getter

    • isAuthenticated() // is client authenticated?
    • getNonce() // returns the nonce which has to be signed by the user if you use the login method
    • getAuthenticationSignText() // returns the text the user has to sign to use the authenticate_arbitrary method
    • getAuthenticationTransaction() // returns the transaction the user has to sign to use the authenticate_transaction method
  • Events

    • onMessage(callback cb) // new message came in
    • onLoad(callback cb) // chat loaded (last 25 messages)
    • onError(callback cb) // error occurred. message is passed as argument
    • onLogout(callback cb) // the socket connection destroyed the user's session
    • onLogin(callback cb) // the authentication was successful. The user info object is passed as callback argument