All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
1.1.1 (unreleased) - 2023-09-28
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- README descriptions
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1.1.0 - 2023-09-28
- Stanford cars dataset with training fast usage
- Model loading in meta-train
- Changelog
- Learning rate to tensorboard summary
- Early Stopping with count and delta
- defaults.yaml file with all configurations according to ultralytics
- entrypoint in src
- release
- Remaining hyperparams to yaml config file
- tests for default and entrypoint
- Readme description
- Datasets loading between meta train/val and meta test
- meta_train, meta_test, learn_centroids, predict into entrypoint
- get_allowed_datasets into ALLOWED_BASE_DATASETS in init
- argument names from ultralytics
- version to 1.1.0
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1.0.0 (2023-09-24)
- learn centroids script in src.core
- predict scirpt in src.core
- custom dataset option
- image channels option
- Continous integration tests on Github Actions
- added more tests on datasets and net
- CI tests on python 3.7-3.10
- Test badge in README
- coverage bagde in README
- centroids, core
- version in src.init
- README pip install '-r'
- image channels not static
- urls for tests with new light test releases
- train script secondary validation argument
- tran -> meta-train
- test -> meta-test
- moved some functions from src.core to src.utils
- how dataset is downlaoded to allow light tests
- workflow name to tests
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0.2.0 (2023-09-13)
- omniglot dataset
- AbstractClassificationDataset class
- yaml configuration save
- flowers102 dataset
- scripts to launch training
- results in README
- dataset description with images in README
- ùcosine distance
- training images
- added eval_each hyperparameter
- image_size param
- basic unit tests
- test function in src.core
- train_all bash script
- installation wiki in README
- presentation
- results graphs
- torch.nograd() in validation
- loss computation
- image size changed between mini_imagenet and omniglot
- distance computation bug
- flowers102 basic training size
- requirements troch and torchvision
- mini imagenet dataset to extend AbstractClassificationDataset
- training script moved in src.core
- download_imagenet bash script
0.1.0 (2023-09-11)
- Basic, .gitignore for Pycharm projects
- Prototypical networks Paper
- requirements.txt file for installation
- Prototypical network and loss
- DataLoader for meta-dataset
- mini_imagenet dataset in pre-release
- hyperparameters control on epochs, learning rate, NC, NQ, NS, episodes
- Validation every epoch
- model saving each X steps
- Tensorboard training summary
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