NOTE: This repo is under construction and will be having a more updated complete version in near future with more scenarios to test and work with.
The objective of this HOL is to understand, learn and experience how to deploy a cloud native application to any supported kubernetes running either on-premises, any other cloud provider location or at the edge. The application will be deployed to an Azure App service (Github Actions) and Azure SQL managed instance.
For the purpose of this part of the HOL you will be deploying a base AKS cluster that will represent an on-premises location as mentioned above. We are using AKS here to simplify deployment and to leverage the cloud load balancer instead of creating everything from scratch at this time. You can however, use any existing supported kubernetes supported by CNCF and Azure Arc. Cloud native anywhere with Azure Arc enables you to deploy Azure cloud native services and brings the intelligent cloud services to any infrastructure.
A sample representation of this deployment will be something similar to this image below:
If you already have a system already installed with these tools. Great! Use that.
- Azure Subscription- If you do not have one. get one here for free.
- Github Account- Create one if you don't have one and fork this repo.
- Azure CLI, HELM v3, Kubectl tool- we will use the Azure Cloud Shell. To simplify the process to setup all tools and modules, we have automated the process by deoloying a Windows 10 VM along with custom script extension. To get started:
Fork this repository to your github account using portal or by running
git clone
You can also use your favorite tools - PowerShell, VS Code, portal or Terminal application to deploy the Admin VM:
cd /sparkhol/Prereq $prereqRgName="spark3-prereq" # prereqRgName="spark3-prereq" az group create --name $prereqRgName --location eastus # change the 'adminPassword' parameter value in the parameters.json file locally. az deployment group create --resource-group $prereqRgName --name $prereqRgName-deployment --template-uri --parameters parameters.json # This deployment should finish in ~20 mins. This will deploy all tools in a Windows10 VM. Please ensure to check your licensing conformance.
Login to the VM using the username and password and create a shortcut of the application C:\Program Files\Azure Data Studio\azuredatastudio application to the desktop or taskbar.
Launch Azure datastudio and this should now enable all extensions and python libraries. You can install them manually if not installed. We are not using these extensions at this time though. These extensions include - Azure Arc, Azure Data CLI, Azure PostgreSQL
We suggest you run the below steps as well using the Admin VM created above so that all information are in the same place.
Another option is to use GitHub CodeSpaces. It includes all the tools and also a compatible version of AZ CLI. However, it is in beta and requires you to enroll first.
SSH keys- login to Azure Cloud shell or to the admin created above and run the below command. The following ssh-keygen command generates 4096-bit SSH RSA public and private key files by default in the ~/.ssh directory. If an SSH key pair exists in the current location, those files are overwritten.
ssh-keygen -m PEM -t rsa -b 4096 # not required for this scenario
Azure Service principal- login to Azure Cloud shell and run.
az login --use-device-code # Ensure you are in the correct subscription az account show
If not set the correct subscription
az account set -s <your subscription name> az account list -o table az ad sp create-for-rbac -n "<Unique SP Name>" --role contributor
Copy the json output from the above command to a notepad. Keep a set of your username and password ready for later for our data controller and SQL server instance. You can also choose to use the same credentials as that the admin virtual machine.
There are series of activities that we will perform. Here is a simple representation. Please note that due to the continuous change of the platform and how we deploy these services, the flow image is subject to change and is not always a very updated one. Also, we have tried Cloud Shell Bash (Git Bash and PowerShell using VS Code) commands, and the experience was inconsistent at this time. Most likely since it is still in preview. We will use the PowerShell using VSCode for our scenario here.
az version
# Ensure you are in 2.25.0 and not 2.26.0; there appears to be some known issues at this time that doesnt work well for what we are trying to do today.
az extension add --upgrade --yes --name connectedk8s
az extension add --upgrade --yes --name k8s-extension
az extension add --upgrade --yes --name customlocation
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.ExtendedLocation --wait
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Web --wait
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration --wait
az extension add --upgrade --yes --name arcdata
# az extension add --upgrade --yes --name azdata
# az extension remove --name appservice-kube
az extension add --yes --source ""
# aksClusterGroupName="onpremk8s"
# Name of resource group for the AKS cluster
# aksName="${aksClusterGroupName}-aks"
# Name of the AKS cluster
# resourceLocation="eastus"
# "eastus" or "westeurope" This step is very critical since these are the currently only supported regions with App services anywhere.
az group create -g $aksClusterGroupName -l $resourceLocation
az aks create --resource-group $aksClusterGroupName --name $aksName --node-vm-size Standard_D8s_v3 --enable-aad --generate-ssh-keys -l $resourceLocation
$infra_rg="$(az aks show --resource-group $aksClusterGroupName --name $aksName --output tsv --query nodeResourceGroup)"
# infra_rg=$(az aks show --resource-group $aksClusterGroupName --name $aksName --output tsv --query nodeResourceGroup)
az network public-ip create --resource-group $infra_rg --name MyPublicIP --sku STANDARD -l $resourceLocation
$staticIp="$(az network public-ip show --resource-group $infra_rg --name MyPublicIP --output tsv --query ipAddress)"
# staticIp=$(az network public-ip show --resource-group $infra_rg --name MyPublicIP --output tsv --query ipAddress)
az aks get-credentials --resource-group $aksClusterGroupName --name $aksName --admin
kubectl get ns
Create new Resource Group and onboard the cluster as a Azure Arc enabled kubernetes cluster, also known as Connected Cluster
# groupName="onconnectedres"
# Name of resource group for the connected cluster
az group create -g $groupName -l $resourceLocation
# clusterName="${groupName}-cluster"
# Name of the connected cluster resource
az connectedk8s connect --resource-group $groupName --name $clusterName -l $resourceLocation
# If you need to disconnect
# az connectedk8s delete --name connectedres-cluster --resource-group connectedres
az connectedk8s show --resource-group $groupName --name $clusterName
# workspaceName="$groupName-workspace"
# Name of the Log Analytics workspace
az monitor log-analytics workspace create --resource-group $groupName --workspace-name $workspaceName --location $resourceLocation
# az monitor log-analytics workspace create \
--resource-group $groupName \
--workspace-name $workspaceName \
--location $resourceLocation
az monitor log-analytics workspace get-shared-keys --resource-group $groupName --workspace-name $workspaceName
$logAnalyticsWorkspaceId="$(az monitor log-analytics workspace show --resource-group $groupName --workspace-name $workspaceName --query customerId --output tsv)"
$wsId="$(az monitor log-analytics workspace show --resource-group $groupName --workspace-name $workspaceName --query id --output tsv)"
Once the workspace is created, note the CustomerID, WorkspaceID and Workspace key in an encoded format to be used with App service extension creation. The customerID and workspaceid ("customerId": "< in the json output >"; "id": "/subscriptions/< subscription id >/resourcegroups/onconnectedres/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/onconnectedres-workspace")
NOTE: The encoded format and the relevant steps are tested for Bash version only. Hence, for Powershell - we will not be using the Log Analytics Integration with App services at this time.
# logAnalyticsWorkspaceId=$(az monitor log-analytics workspace show \
--resource-group $groupName \
--workspace-name $workspaceName \
--query customerId \
--output tsv)
# logAnalyticsWorkspaceIdEnc="$(printf %s $logAnalyticsWorkspaceId | base64)"
# logAnalyticsKey=$(az monitor log-analytics workspace get-shared-keys \
--resource-group $groupName \
--workspace-name $workspaceName \
--query primarySharedKey \
--output tsv)
# logAnalyticsKeyEncWithSpace=$(printf %s $logAnalyticsKey | base64)
# logAnalyticsKeyEnc=$(echo -n "${logAnalyticsKeyEncWithSpace//[[:space:]]/}")
# extensionName="appservice-ext"
# Name of the App Service extension
# $namespace="spark3-location"
# Namespace in your cluster to install the extension and provision resources
# kubeEnvironmentName="appsvc-kube-environment"
# Name of the App Service Kubernetes environment resource, add your empid to make it unique
az k8s-extension create --resource-group $groupName --name $extensionName --cluster-type connectedClusters --cluster-name $clusterName --extension-type 'Microsoft.Web.Appservice' --release-train stable --auto-upgrade-minor-version true --scope cluster --release-namespace $namespace --configuration-settings "Microsoft.CustomLocation.ServiceAccount=default" --configuration-settings "appsNamespace=${namespace}" --configuration-settings "clusterName=${kubeEnvironmentName}" --configuration-settings "loadBalancerIp=${staticIp}" --configuration-settings "keda.enabled=true" --configuration-settings "buildService.storageClassName=default" --configuration-settings "buildService.storageAccessMode=ReadWriteOnce" --configuration-settings "customConfigMap=${namespace}/kube-environment-config" --configuration-settings "${aksClusterGroupName}"
# az k8s-extension create \
--resource-group $groupName \
--name $extensionName \
--cluster-type connectedClusters \
--cluster-name $clusterName \
--extension-type 'Microsoft.Web.Appservice' \
--release-train stable \
--auto-upgrade-minor-version true \
--scope cluster \
--release-namespace $namespace \
--configuration-settings "Microsoft.CustomLocation.ServiceAccount=default" \
--configuration-settings "appsNamespace=${namespace}" \
--configuration-settings "clusterName=${kubeEnvironmentName}" \
--configuration-settings "loadBalancerIp=${staticIp}" \
--configuration-settings "keda.enabled=true" \
--configuration-settings "buildService.storageClassName=default" \
--configuration-settings "buildService.storageAccessMode=ReadWriteOnce" \
--configuration-settings "customConfigMap=${namespace}/kube-environment-config" \
--configuration-settings "${aksClusterGroupName}" \
--configuration-settings "logProcessor.appLogs.destination=log-analytics" \
--configuration-protected-settings "logProcessor.appLogs.logAnalyticsConfig.customerId=${logAnalyticsWorkspaceIdEnc}" \
--configuration-protected-settings "logProcessor.appLogs.logAnalyticsConfig.sharedKey=${logAnalyticsKeyEnc}"
kubectl get svc,pods,deployments -n $namespace
# Observe the various pods and services being created such as log processor, build service and image cache.
$extensionId="$(az k8s-extension show --cluster-type connectedClusters --cluster-name $clusterName --resource-group $groupName --name $extensionName --query id --output tsv)"
# extensionId=$(az k8s-extension show \
--cluster-type connectedClusters \
--cluster-name $clusterName \
--resource-group $groupName \
--name $extensionName \
--query id \
--output tsv)
az resource wait --ids $extensionId --custom "properties.installState!='Pending'" --api-version "2020-07-01-preview"
kubectl get pods -n $namespace
Create a Custom location and map it to the cluster and the extension. You can create a custom location using the Azure portal also. Let us use that.
# customLocationName=$namespace
# Name of the custom location
$connectedClusterId="$(az connectedk8s show --resource-group $groupName --name $clusterName --query id --output tsv)"
# connectedClusterId=$(az connectedk8s show --resource-group $groupName --name $clusterName --query id --output tsv)
az customlocation create --resource-group $groupName --location $resourceLocation --name $customLocationName --host-resource-id $connectedClusterId --namespace $namespace --cluster-extension-ids $extensionId
# az customlocation create \
--resource-group $groupName \
--location $resourceLocation \
--name $customLocationName \
--host-resource-id $connectedClusterId \
--namespace $namespace \
--cluster-extension-ids $extensionId
Browse the custom location resource using the Azure portal and note the Arc-enabled services.
# You can also use the below to view the custom locations.
az customlocation show --resource-group $groupName --name $customLocationName
# az customlocation show \
--resource-group $groupName \
--name $customLocationName
$customLocationId="$(az customlocation show --resource-group $groupName --name $customLocationName --query id --output tsv)"
# customLocationId=$(az customlocation show \
--resource-group $groupName \
--name $customLocationName \
--query id \
--output tsv)
Here let us use the Azure portal to onboard to Insights. We will skip the defender for now since it also requires you to have defender turned on in your subscription. Commands are given below for references purposes only. More details here:
az k8s-extension create --name "azuremonitor-containers" --cluster-name $clusterName --resource-group $groupName --cluster-type connectedClusters --extension-type Microsoft.AzureMonitor.Containers --configuration-settings logAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceID=$wsId
# az k8s-extension create --name "azuremonitor-containers" \
--cluster-name $clusterName \
--resource-group $groupName \
--cluster-type connectedClusters \
--extension-type Microsoft.AzureMonitor.Containers
--configuration-settings logAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceID=$wsId
# Ensure you have Azure Defender Plan turned on in Azure Security Center before you create the Defender extension
az k8s-extension create --name "azure-defender" --cluster-name $clusterName --resource-group $groupName --cluster-type connectedClusters --extension-type Microsoft.AzureDefender.Kubernetes --configuration-settings logAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceID=$wsId
# az k8s-extension create --name "azure-defender" \
--cluster-name $clusterName \
--resource-group $groupName \
--cluster-type connectedClusters \
--extension-type Microsoft.AzureDefender.Kubernetes \
--configuration-settings logAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceID=$wsId
# Test create an alert by creating a new pod. This usually takes upto 30 min to show up in the Security Center.
kubectl get pods --namespace=asc-alerttest-662jfi039n
az appservice kube create --resource-group $groupName --location $resourceLocation --name $kubeEnvironmentName --custom-location $customLocationId --static-ip $staticIp
# az appservice kube create \
--resource-group $groupName \
--location $resourceLocation \
--name $kubeEnvironmentName \
--custom-location $customLocationId \
--static-ip $staticIp
az appservice kube show --resource-group $groupName --name $kubeEnvironmentName
# az appservice kube show \
--resource-group $groupName \
--name $kubeEnvironmentName
kubectl get pods -n $namespace
You can use the portal instead of the command lines. The new portal experience is better. It also creates a default App Services Plan along with the WebApp.
# appPlanName=Appplan-$RANDOM
# webAppName=WebApp-$appPlanName
az appservice plan create -g $groupName -n $appPlanName --custom-location $customLocationId --per-site-scaling --is-linux --sku K1
# az appservice plan create -g $groupName -n $appPlanName \
--custom-location $customLocationId \
--per-site-scaling --is-linux --sku K1
kubectl get pods -n $namespace
Create two Web Applications. .Net Core and Nodejs.
The below command lines are for reference purposes. You can use the portal instead.
# az webapp create --resource-group $groupName --plan $appPlanName --name $webAppName --runtime "DOTNETCORE|3.1"
# You now should now be able to browse the webApp home page following the webApp URL. Now create another WebApp with Node runtime.
# az webapp create --plan $appPlanName --resource-group $groupName --name sampleApp --custom-location $customLocationId --runtime 'NODE|12-lts'
# az webapp create \
--plan $appPlanName \
--resource-group $groupName \
--name sampleApp \
--custom-location $customLocationId \
--runtime 'NODE|12-lts'
Deploy a sample Nodejs 'Hello world' app using
kubectl get pods -n $namespace
Deploy an ASP.Net appliction using Azure App Service 'Deployment Center' to todo app
- Fork the repo to your github account
- Copy the name of your repo for "dotnetcore-sqldb-tutorial' app
- Use this URI and Github Actions to deploy the applicaiton to your .Net core web App via 'Deployment Center'
- Create a Application Setting with name 'MyDbConnection' and set to "Data Source=tcp:,;Initial Catalog=;User Id=;Password=;"
You can create it manually or using the below command. We will create it using the portal
az webapp config connection-string set --resource-group $groupName --name $webAppName --settings MyDbConnection="
Data Source=tcp:<SQL MI Public IP>,<port>;Initial Catalog=<dbname>;User Id=<username>;Password=<password>;" --connection-string-type SQLAzure
az k8s-extension create --name arc-data-services --extension-type microsoft.arcdataservices --cluster-type connectedClusters --cluster-name $clusterName --resource-group $groupName --auto-upgrade false --scope cluster --release-namespace $namespace --config Microsoft.CustomLocation.ServiceAccount=sa-bootstrapper
kubectl get pods -n $namespace
This is to include data services extension with our custom location. You can either use the portal to update the location with the extension services or use the CLI below. LETS USE THE PORTAL EXPERIENCE. The below commands are yet to be tested for PowerShell scenario.
# extensionId=$(az k8s-extension show --name arc-data-services --cluster-type connectedClusters --cluster-name $clusterName --resource-group $groupName --query id -o tsv)
# connectedClusterId=$(az connectedk8s show --name $clusterName --resource-group $groupName --query id -o tsv)
# az customlocation list-enabled-resource-types --name $namespace --resource-group $groupName
# az customlocation update --cluster-extension-ids $extensionId --host-resource-id $connectedClusterId --name $customLocationName --namespace $namespace --resource-group $groupName --location $resourceLocation
- Make sure you visit the Arc-enabled services for custom location using the portal or cli to ensure both data and app services are listed.
Deploy a Data controller using azure portal; Choose 'azure-arc-aks-premium-storage' template and chnage the storage class to 'managed-premium'
Deploy a SQLMI instance using azure portal and endpoint as 'LoadBalancer'
kubectl get pods -n $namespace # Wait for the pods to come up kubectl get datacontrollers -n $namespace
FROM sys.databases
WHERE name = N'tododb'
CREATE TABLE [tododb].[dbo].[Todo](
[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Description] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[CreatedDate] [datetime2](7) NOT NULL
Congratulations! you have now successfully deployed a cloud native .net core application using App service anywhere and an always updated SQL MI instance to an on-premises kubernetes cluster (AKS in this case though). Your target location can be anywhere of your choice: any other cloud, on-prem or at the edge.
NOTE: This repo is under construction and will be having a more updated complete version in near future with more scenarios to test and work with.