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Fabric Control Framework Management CLI for administrative operations over Kafka


Management CLI talks to various CF components over Kafka to query and perform various administrative operations. Below is the list of the operations supported so far

Command SubCommand Action Input Output
delegations claim Claim delegation(s) from AM to Broker broker Broker, am Aggregate Manager, did [Delegation Id] Delegation Id of delegation claimed
delegations reclaim Reclaim delegation(s) from Broker to AM broker Broker, am Aggregate Manager, did [Delegation Id] Delegation Id of delegation reclaimed
delegations query Get delegation(s) from an actor actor Actor, did [Delegation Id] Delegations for an actor or Delegation identified by Delegation Id
slices close Closes slice for an actor actor Actor, sliceid [Slice Id] Success or Failure status
slices remove Removes slice for an actor actor Actor, sliceid [Slice Id] Success or Failure status
slices query Get slice(s) from an actor actor Actor, sliceid [Slice Id] Slices for an actor or Slice identified by Slice Id
slivers remove Closes sliver for an actor actor Actor, sliverid [Sliver Id] Success or Failure status
slivers close Removes sliver for an actor actor Actor, sliverid [Sliver Id] Success or Failure status
slivers query Get sliver(s) from an actor actor Actor, sliverid [Sliver Id] Reservations for an actor or Sliver identified by Sliver Id


Python 3.7+


Ensure that following are installed

  • virtualenv
  • virtualenvwrapper


Multiple installation options possible. For CF development the recommended method is to install from GitHub MASTER branch:

$ mkvirtualenv mgmtcli
$ workon mgmtcli
$ pip install git+

For inclusion in tools, etc, use PyPi

$ mkvirtualenv mgmtcli
$ workon mgmtcli
$ pip install fabric-mgmt-cli


Management CLI expects the user to set FABRIC_MGMT_CLI_CONFIG_PATH environment variable from where config.yml to be picked. If the environment variable is not set, it will try to look for config.yml in users home directory.

In addition, User is expected to pass either Fabric Identity Token or Fabric Refresh Token to all the commands. Alternatively, user is expected to set atleast one of the environment variables FABRIC_ID_TOKEN and FABRIC_REFRESH_TOKEN.

Create config.yml with default content as shown below.

User is expected to update the following parameters:

  • Kafka Cluster Parameters
  • CF Peers with Kafka topics
  • Log File Location
  - kafka-topic: managecli-topic
  - kafka-server: broker1:9092
  - kafka-schema-registry-url: http://schemaregistry:8081
  - kafka-key-schema: /etc/fabric/message_bus/schema/key.avsc
  - kafka-value-schema: /etc/fabric/message_bus/schema/message.avsc
  - kafka-ssl-ca-location:  /etc/fabric/message_bus/ssl/cacert.pem
  - kafka-ssl-certificate-location:  /etc/fabric/message_bus/ssl/client.pem
  - kafka-ssl-key-location:  /etc/fabric/message_bus/ssl/client.key
  - kafka-ssl-key-password:  fabric
  - kafka-security-protocol: SSL
  - kafka-group-id: fabric-cf
  - kafka-sasl-mechanism:
  - kafka-sasl-producer-username:
  - kafka-sasl-producer-password:
  - kafka-sasl-consumer-username:
  - kafka-sasl-consumer-password:

  ## The directory in which actor should create log files.
  ## This directory will be automatically created if it does not exist.
  - log-directory: /var/log/managecli

  ## The filename to be used for actor's log file.
  - log-file: manage.log

  ## The default log level for actor.
  - log-level: DEBUG

  ## actor rotates log files. You may specify how many archived log files to keep here.
  - log-retain: 5

  ## actor rotates log files after they exceed a certain size.
  ## You may specify the file size that results in a log file being rotated here.
  - log-size: 5000000

  - logger: managecli
  - name: managecli
  - guid: managecli-guid
  - credmgr-host:

  - peer:
    - name: orchestrator
    - type: orchestrator
    - guid: orchestrator-guid
    - kafka-topic: orchestrator-topic
  - peer:
    - name: net1-am
    - guid: net1-am-guid
    - type: authority
    - kafka-topic: net1-am-topic
  - peer:
    - name: site1-am
    - guid: site1-am-guid
    - type: authority
    - kafka-topic: site1-am-topic
  - peer:
      - name: broker
      - guid: broker-guid
      - type: broker
      - kafka-topic: broker-topic


Management CLI supports show and manage commands:

$ fabric-mgmt-cli
Usage: fabric-mgmt-cli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  -v, --verbose
  --help         Show this message and exit.

  delegations  Delegation management
  maintenance  Maintenance Operations
  net          Dataplane network management
  slices       Slice management
  slivers      Sliver management

Delegation Commands

List of the delegation commands supported can be found below:

$ fabric-mgmt-cli delegations
Usage: fabric-mgmt-cli delegations [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Delegation management

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  claim    Claim delegation(s) from AM to Broker
  close    Closes delegation for an actor
  query    Get delegation(s) from an actor
  reclaim  Reclaim delegation(s) from Broker to AM
  remove   Removes sliver for an actor

Slice Commands

List of the Slice commands supported can be found below:

$ fabric-mgmt-cli slices
Usage: fabric-mgmt-cli slices [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Slice management

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  close          Closes slice for an actor
  query          Get slice(s) from an actor
  remove         Removes slice for an actor
  removealldead  Removes slice for an actor

Sliver Commands

List of the Sliver commands supported can be found below:

$ fabric-mgmt-cli slivers
Usage: fabric-mgmt-cli slivers [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Sliver management

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  close   Closes sliver for an actor
  query   Get sliver(s) from an actor
  remove  Removes sliver for an actor

Maintenance Commands

List of the Maintenance commands supported can be found below:

$ fabric-mgmt-cli maintenance
Usage: fabric-mgmt-cli maintenance [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Maintenance Operations

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  site     Change Maintenance modes (PreMaint, Maint, Active) for a

  testbed  Change Maintenance modes (PreMaint, Maint, Active) for the...


NOTE: Specific projects/users can still be allowed to provision by passing:

  • Comma separated list of email addresses of the allowed users in the argument --users
  • Command separated list of the allowed project ids in the argument --projects
Change Testbed Maintenance Mode

Move Testbed in Pre-Maintenance Mode.

$ fabric-mgmt-cli maintenance testbed --actor orchestrator --mode PreMaint --deadline '2022-12-26T22:29:51.214418+00:00' --end '2022-12-30T22:29:51.214418+00:00'

Move Testbed in Maintenance Mode.

$ fabric-mgmt-cli maintenance testbed --actor orchestrator --mode Maint

Move Testbed in Active Mode

$ fabric-mgmt-cli maintenance testbed --actor orchestrator --mode Active
Change Site Maintenance Mode

Move Site in Pre-Maintenance Mode.

$ fabric-mgmt-cli maintenance site --name RENC --actor orchestrator --mode PreMaint --deadline '2022-12-26T22:29:51.214418+00:00' --end '2022-12-30T22:29:51.214418+00:00'

Move Site in Maintenance Mode.

$ fabric-mgmt-cli maintenance site --name RENC --actor orchestrator --mode Maint

Move Site in Active Mode

$ fabric-mgmt-cli maintenance site --name RENC --actor orchestrator --mode Active
Change Worker Maintenance Mode

Move Worker in Pre-Maintenance Mode.

$ fabric-mgmt-cli maintenance site --name RENC --actor orchestrator --mode PreMaint --deadline '2022-12-26T22:29:51.214418+00:00' --end '2022-12-30T22:29:51.214418+00:00' --workers

Move Worker in Maintenance Mode.

$ fabric-mgmt-cli maintenance site --name RENC --actor orchestrator --mode Maint --workers

Move Worker in Active Mode

$ fabric-mgmt-cli maintenance site --name RENC --actor orchestrator --mode Active --workers

Network Management Commands

List of the Network Management commands supported can be found below:

$ fabric-mgmt-cli net
Usage: fabric-mgmt-cli net [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Dataplane network management

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  create  Create a new network service
  delete  Delete an existing network service by name
  show    Subgroup for network information commands
  sync    Control NSO device synchronization