- Setup and test Firestore db
- Setup and testFirebase Auth
- Deployed to Vercel
- We fixed "type": "module" bug.
- Stopped using environment variables (for now).
- Dynamic Routes for users.
- Creating reusable functions to interact with Firestore db.
- On signup user is added to DB
- Create db queries for adding a new user, adding quotes and displaying the quote collection by a given user
- .env.local doesn't work with firestore?
- Complete functionality for delete/add quote on users/[id.js] i.e. page should be re-rendered when new quotes are added or when an exisring quote is deleted
- Merge form-clear branch
- Update daily log md for 9th Nov
- Investigate dot.env()/environment variables for initFirebase.js
- Look for a way to solve refresh bug on users/[id.js] page (and any page that uses ProtectedRoute component)
- Message mentors about code review
- Update the main readme.md before code review at 4pm
- Create a reusable component for quotes
- Add some content to homepage
- filter functionality for quotes on users/[id.js] page
- Create at least one game
Firebase (return the id of a newly added document)
async function addQuote(uidFromAuth, newQuote) {
//const d = await setDoc(doc(db, `users/${user}/quotes`, "a"), newQuote); // Adds doc named "a" with given quote
const userQuoteCol = collection(db, `users/${uidFromAuth}/quotes`);
const ref = await addDoc(userQuoteCol, newQuote); // [Todo] GET random ID?
return ref.id;
- Finish the real/fake game
- Implement search feature
- Start styling the app
- Add dark mode functionality
- Continued Building the RealOrFake game.
- Building the search feature on the home page.
- Continued Building the RealOrFake game.
- Added basic styles to the app.
- Added Theme feature with Chakra ui.
- Continued Building the RealOrFake game.
- Styling the app.
- Continued Building the RealOrFake game.
- Continued Styling the app.
- Added some tests.
- Add a loader to some of the pages.
- Testing
- Cypress doesn't work with newest version of NextJS (13) so we reverted back to version 12.0.0
- Server needs to run so cyrpess can use it
- Test every page (S)
- Get started on badges (M)
- Save quote from homepage (A)
- Guess the author game (A/Y)
- Fill in the blank game (A/Y)
- MERGE b4 code review!!!