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Inference in the wild

Update: we have added support for Detectron2.

In this short tutorial, we show how to run our model on arbitrary videos and visualize the predictions. Note that this feature is only provided for experimentation/research purposes and presents some limitations, as this repository is meant to provide a reference implementation of the approach described in the paper (not production-ready code for inference in the wild).

Our script assumes that a video depicts exactly one person. In case of multiple people visible at once, the script will select the person corresponding to the bounding box with the highest confidence, which may cause glitches.

The instructions below show how to use Detectron to infer 2D keypoints from videos, convert them to a custom dataset for our code, and infer 3D poses. For now, we do not have instructions for CPN. In the last section of this tutorial, we also provide some tips.

Step 1: setup

The inference script requires ffmpeg, which you can easily install via conda, pip, or manually.

Download the pretrained model for generating 3D predictions. This model is different than the pretrained ones listed in the main README, as it expects input keypoints in COCO format (generated by the pretrained Detectron model) and outputs 3D joint positions in Human3.6M format. Put this model in the checkpoint directory of this repo.

Note: if you had downloaded d-pt-243.bin, you should download the new pretrained model using the link above. d-pt-243.bin takes the keypoint probabilities as input (in addition to the x, y coordinates), which causes problems on videos with a different resolution than that of Human3.6M. The new model is only trained on 2D coordinates and works with any resolution/aspect ratio.

Step 2 (optional): video preprocessing

Since the script expects a single-person scenario, you may want to extract a portion of your video. This is very easy to do with ffmpeg, e.g.

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ss 1:00 -to 1:30 -c copy output.mp4

extracts a clip from minute 1:00 to minute 1:30 of input.mp4, and exports it to output.mp4.

Optionally, you can also adapt the frame rate of the video. Most videos have a frame rate of about 25 FPS, but our Human3.6M model was trained on 50-FPS videos. Since our model is robust to alterations in speed, this step is not very important and can be skipped, but if you want the best possible results you can use ffmpeg again for this task:

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -filter "minterpolate='fps=50'" -crf 0 output.mp4

Step 3: inferring 2D keypoints with Detectron

Using Detectron2 (new)

Set up Detectron2 and use the script inference/ (no need to copy this, as it directly uses the Detectron2 API). This script provides a convenient interface to generate 2D keypoint predictions from videos without manually extracting individual frames.

To infer keypoints from all the mp4 videos in input_directory, run

cd inference
python \
    --cfg COCO-Keypoints/keypoint_rcnn_R_101_FPN_3x.yaml \
    --output-dir output_directory \
    --image-ext mp4 \

The results will be exported to output_directory as custom NumPy archives (.npz files). You can change the video extension in --image-ext (ffmpeg supports a wide range of formats).

Note: although the architecture is the same (ResNet-101), the weights used by the Detectron2 model are not the same as those used by Detectron1. Since our pretrained model was trained on Detectron1 poses, the result might be slightly different (but it should still be pretty close).

Using Detectron1 (old instructions)

Set up Detectron and copy the script inference/ from this repo to the tools directory of the Detectron repo. This script provides a convenient interface to generate 2D keypoint predictions from videos without manually extracting individual frames.

Our Detectron script is a simple adaptation of (which works on images) and has a similar command-line syntax.

To infer keypoints from all the mp4 videos in input_directory, run

python tools/ \
    --cfg configs/12_2017_baselines/e2e_keypoint_rcnn_R-101-FPN_s1x.yaml \
    --output-dir output_directory \
    --image-ext mp4 \
	--wts \

The results will be exported to output_directory as custom NumPy archives (.npz files). You can change the video extension in --image-ext (ffmpeg supports a wide range of formats).

Step 4: creating a custom dataset

Run our dataset preprocessing script from the data directory:

python -i /path/to/detections/output_directory -o myvideos

This creates a custom dataset named myvideos (which contains all the videos in output_directory, each of which is mapped to a different subject) and saved to data_2d_custom_myvideos.npz. You are free to specify any name for the dataset.

Note: as mentioned, the script will take the bounding box with the highest probability for each frame. If a particular frame has no bounding boxes, it is assumed to be a missed detection and the keypoints will be interpolated from neighboring frames.

Step 5: rendering a custom video and exporting coordinates

You can finally use the visualization feature to render a video of the 3D joint predictions. You must specify the custom dataset (-d custom), the input keypoints as exported in the previous step (-k myvideos), the correct architecture/checkpoint, and the action custom (--viz-action custom). The subject is the file name of the input video, and the camera is always 0.

python -d custom -k myvideos -arc 3,3,3,3,3 -c checkpoint --evaluate pretrained_h36m_detectron_coco.bin --render --viz-subject input_video.mp4 --viz-action custom --viz-camera 0 --viz-video /path/to/input_video.mp4 --viz-output output.mp4 --viz-size 6

You can also export the 3D joint positions (in camera space) to a NumPy archive. To this end, replace --viz-output with --viz-export and specify the file name.

Limitations and tips

  • The model was trained on Human3.6M cameras (which are relatively undistorted), and the results may be bad if the intrinsic parameters of the cameras of your videos differ much from those of Human3.6M. This may be particularly noticeable with fisheye cameras, which present a high degree of non-linear lens distortion. If the camera parameters are known, consider preprocessing your videos to match those of Human3.6M as closely as possible.
  • If you want multi-person tracking, you should implement a bounding box matching strategy. An example would be to use bipartite matching on the bounding box overlap (IoU) between subsequent frames, but there are many other approaches.
  • Predictions are relative to the root joint, i.e. the global trajectory is not regressed. If you need it, you may want to use another model to regress it, such as the one we use for semi-supervision.
  • Predictions are always in camera space (regardless of whether the trajectory is available). For our visualization script, we simply take a random camera from Human3.6M, which fits decently most videos where the camera viewport is parallel to the ground.