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Multiple best values for a list of hyperparameter? #2470

Answered by Jasha10
praksharma asked this question in Q&A
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So you want to run 12 different optimizations, right? You want to optimize x and y once for each combination of n and a_lims?

I don't think Hydra's Optuna sweeper supports this use-case. The Optuna sweeper is designed to run global optimization on all sweep parameters.

Wrapping your routine with a parent python script would work.
Another idea is to use a for-loop in python to loop over values of n and a_lims, then use a utility like hydra_zen.launch to run the Hydra app once for each value of n and a_lims.

Click here for an example using `hydra_zen.launch`:
pip install hydra-zen
from hydra_zen import launch
from omegaconf import DictConfig

yaml_data = """
  - ove…

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question Hydra usage question optuna sweep
2 participants