I finally realised that [UtilFunctions colorToHex:color]
isn't as elegant as a category on NSColor.
Using a hexadecimal color to create an NSColor:
@try {
// Both shorthand and full forms of hexadecimal colours are accepted
[colorWell setColor:[NSColor colorWithHex:@"#F00"]];
[colorWell setColor:[NSColor colorWithHex:@"#Ff0000"]];
@catch (NSException *exception) {
NSLog(@"%@", [exception description]);
It'll throw an exception if one attempts to use a string that is not 3 or 6 characters in length, excluding the hash.
Getting the hexadecimal representation of a given NSColor:
NSString *hexColor = [color hexColor]
See this blog post: Extracting hex value from NSColor. Get this & more useful Cocoa Categories here: Cocoa Categories;