Solutions to all Turing Tumble puzzles in the Educator Guide (see the notation used in the solutions).
- Challenge #1: Gravity
- Challenge #2: Re-entry
- Challenge #3: Ignition
- Challenge #4: Fusion
- Challenge #5: Entropy
- Challenge #6: Total Internal Reflection
- Challenge #7: Path of Least Resistance
- Challenge #8: Depolarization
- Challenge #9: Dimers
- Challenge #10: Double Bond
- Challenge #11: Selectivity
- Challenge #12: Duality - Part 1
- Challenge #13: Duality - Part 2
- Challenge #14: Duality - Part 3
- Challenge #15: Inversion
- Challenge #16: Termination
- Challenge #17: Fixed Ratio
- Challenge #18: Entanglement
- Challenge #19: Entanglement
- Challenge #20: Symbiosis
- Challenge #21: Quantum Number
- Challenge #22: Depletion
- Challenge #23: Tetrad
- Challenge #24: Ennead
- Challenge #25: Regular Expression
- Challenge #26: Nucleus
- Challenge #27: Reflection
- Challenge #28: Latch
- Challenge #29: One-Shot Switch
- Challenge #30: Overflow
Make all of the blue balls (and only the blue balls) reach the end.
balls:8B-8R; start:B; trace:8B
___o ___
| .\. .-. |
| .-./.-.-. |
| - |
|____% %____|
Images with title text and objective description: SVG, PNG, PDF.
Make all of the blue balls (and only the blue balls) reach the end.
balls:8B-8R; start:B; trace:8B
___o ___
| .\. .-. |
| .-.\.-.-. |
| / |
|____% %____|
Images with title text and objective description: SVG, PNG, PDF.
Release one blue ball and then all of the red balls.
balls:8B-8R; start:B; trace:8RB
___o ___
| .\. ./. |
| .-.\./.-. |
| - |
|____% %____|
Images with title text and objective description: SVG, PNG, PDF.
Release one red ball and then all of the blue balls.
balls:8B-8R; start:R; trace:8BR
___ o___
| ./. .\. |
| ./.-.-.\. |
| - |
|____% %____|
Images with title text and objective description: SVG, PNG, PDF.
Make the pattern blue, red, blue, red, blue, red…
balls:8B-8R; start:B; trace:8(RB)
___o ___
| .\. ./. |
| .-.\./.-. |
| - |
|____% %____|
Images with title text and objective description: SVG, PNG, PDF.
Make the pattern blue, red, blue, red, blue, red…
balls:8B-8R; start:B; trace:8(RB)
___o ___
| .\. ./. |
| .-.\./.-. |
| X |
|____% %____|
Images with title text and objective description: SVG, PNG, PDF.
Create a path for the blue balls to reach the output with only 6 ramps.
balls:8B-8R; start:B; trace:8B
___o ___
| .\. .-. |
| .-./.-.-. |
| - |
|____% %____|
Images with title text and objective description: SVG, PNG, PDF.
Make the pattern blue, red, blue, red, blue, red…
balls:8B-8R; start:B; trace:8(RB)
___o ___
| .\. ./. |
| .-.\./.-. |
| - |
|____% %____|
Images with title text and objective description: SVG, PNG, PDF.
Make the pattern blue, blue, red, blue, blue, red…
balls:10B-10R; start:B; trace:5(RBB)
___o ___
| .>. ./. |
| .\.\./.-. |
| - |
|____% %____|
Images with title text and objective description: SVG, PNG, PDF.
Make the pattern blue, blue, red, red, blue, blue, red, red…
balls:8B-8R; start:B; trace:4(RRBB)
___o ___
| .>. .<. |
| .\.\././. |
| - |
|____% %____|
Images with title text and objective description: SVG, PNG, PDF.
Flip bits 2 and 5 to the right.
balls:2B-0R; start:B; trace:BB
___o ___
| .\. .-. |
| .-.\.-.-. |
| - |
|____% %____|
Images with title text and objective description: SVG, PNG, PDF.
Intercept a blue ball.
balls:8B-8R; start:B; trace:b
___o ___
| .\. .-. |
| .-.\.-.-. |
| - |
|____% %____|
Images with title text and objective description: SVG, PNG, PDF.
Intercept a red ball.
balls:8B-8R; start:B; trace:rB
___o ___
| .\. .\. |
| .-.\.-./. |
| \ |
|____% %____|
Images with title text and objective description: SVG, PNG, PDF.
If the machine starts with bit A pointing to the left, intercept a blue ball. Otherwise, intercept a red ball.
balls:8B-8R; start:B; trace:b|rB
___o ___
| .\. .\. |
| .-.\.-./. |
|.-.-.^./.-.| A
| \ |
|____% %____|
Images with title text and objective description: SVG, PNG, PDF.
If bit A starts to the left, intercept a blue ball. If bit A starts to the right, intercept a red ball.
balls:8B-8R; start:B; trace:bB|rB
___o ___
| .>. ./. |
| .\.\./.-. |
|.-.-.^.-.-.| A
| X |
|____% %____|
Images with title text and objective description: SVG, PNG, PDF.
Let only 3 blue balls reach the bottom and catch the 4th ball in the interceptor.
balls:8B-8R; start:B; trace:bBBB
___o ___
| .<. .-. |
| .\.\.-.-. |
| - |
|____% %____|
Images with title text and objective description: SVG, PNG, PDF.
Make the pattern blue, blue, blue, red, red, red.
balls:8B-8R; start:B; trace:r3R3B
___o ___
| .<. .<. |
| ././.\.\. |
| - |
|____% %____|
Images with title text and objective description: SVG, PNG, PDF.
If the top bit AND the bottom bit start pointed to the right, put a ball in interceptor left. Otherwise put a ball in interceptor right.
balls:8B-8R; start:B; trace:b
___o ___
| .\. .-. |
| .-.\.-.-. |
| - |
|____% %____|
Images with title text and objective description: SVG, PNG, PDF.
If the top bit AND the bottom bit start pointed to the right, intercept a blue ball. Otherwise, intercept a red ball.
balls:8B-8R; start:B; trace:b|rB
___o ___ ___o ___
| .\. .\. | | .\. ./. |
| .-.\.-.\. | | .-.\.\.-. |
|.-.-.^.-.\.| |.-.-.^.\.-.|
|-.-.\.\.-./| |-.-.\.\./.-|
|.-.-.^./.\.| |.-.-.^.X.-.|
|-.-./.\.-./| |-.-.\.X./.-|
|.-./.-.\./.| |.-.-./.\.-.|
|-./.-.-.X.-| |-.-.\.-./.-|
|.-.\.-./.\.| |.-.-./.\.-.|
|-.-.\./.-./| |-.-.\.-./.-|
| U | | U |
|____% %____| |____% %____|
Images with title text and objective description: SVG, PNG, PDF.
balls:8B-8R; start:B; trace:b|rB|rRB|rRRB
___o ___
| .\. ./. |
| .-.\./.-. |
| U |
|____% %____|
Images with title text and objective description: SVG, PNG, PDF.
If the top bit OR the bottom bit start pointed to the right, intercept a blue ball. Otherwise, intercept a red ball.
balls:8B-8R; start:B; trace:b|rB
___o ___
| .\. .\. |
| .-.\.-.\. |
| U |
|____% %____|
Images with title text and objective description: SVG, PNG, PDF.
balls:8B-8R; start:B; trace:b|rB
___o ___
| .\. ./. |
| .-.\./.-. |
| U |
|____% %____|
Images with title text and objective description: SVG, PNG, PDF.
Use register A to count the number of blue balls. Use 15 or fewer balls.
balls:15B-0R; start:B; trace:15B
___o ___
| .<. .-. |
| .\.\.-.-. |
| / |
|____% %____|
Images with title text and objective description: SVG, PNG, PDF.
Register A starts at 15. Subtract the number of blue balls from the register. (Use 15 or fewer balls.)
balls:15B 0R; start:B; trace:15B
___o ___
| .>. .-. |
| ././.-.-. |
| - |
|____% %____|
Images with title text and objective description: SVG, PNG, PDF.
Let exactly 4 blue balls reach the end. (Intercept the 5th.)
balls:8B-8R; start:B; trace:b4B
___o ___
| .<. .-. |
| ././.-.-. |
| - |
|____% %____|
Images with title text and objective description: SVG, PNG, PDF.
Let exactly 9 blue balls reach the end. (Intercept the 10th.)
balls:12B 12R; start:B; trace:b9B
___o ___
| .>. .-. |
| ././.-.-. |
| - |
|____% %____|
Images with title text and objective description: SVG, PNG, PDF.
Generate the pattern 3R6B.
balls:8B-8R; start:B; trace:r3R6B
___o ___
| .>. .>. |
| ././././. |
| - |
|____% %____|
Images with title text and objective description: SVG, PNG, PDF.
Generate the pattern 4B1R4B.
balls:10B-10R; start:B; trace:r4B1R4B
___o ___
| .>. .>. |
| ./././.U. |
| - |
|____% %____|
Images with title text and objective description: SVG, PNG, PDF.
Reverse the direction of each of the 9 starting bits, regardless of the direction they point to start
balls:8B-8R; start:B; trace:rBB
___o o___
| .>. .\. |
| .^.\.-.^. |
| \ |
|____% %____|
Images with title text and objective description: SVG, PNG, PDF.
Release only the blue balls.
balls:8B-8R; start:B; trace:8B
___o ___
| .\. .-. |
| .-.\.-.-. |
| - |
|____% %____|
Images with title text and objective description: SVG, PNG, PDF.
Release a blue ball, a red ball, and then the rest of the blue balls.
balls:8B-8R; start:B; trace:7BRB
___o ___
| .{. ./. |
| .{*\./.-. |
| - |
|____% %____|
Images with title text and objective description: SVG, PNG, PDF.
Count the blue balls in register A. If there are more than 7, gear bit OV must flip right (and stay right) to indicate the overflow.
balls:*B-0R; start:B; trace:*B
___o ___
| .<. .-. |
| .\.\.-.-. |
| - |
|____% %____|
Images with title text and objective description: SVG, PNG, PDF.