Releases: faker-ruby/faker
Releases · faker-ruby/faker
v2.1.1 (2019-10-08)
- PR #1685 Upgrade i18n @EduardoGHdez
has identified that i18 has fix a security vulnerability, that has been fixed in the 0.8 version.
Rollback Faker::Time
changes because we should expect the date format from activesupport's en.yml.
Release Faker 2.0
v2.0 (2019-31-07)
Important Note:
Version 2 has several breaking changes
. We replaced positional arguments with keyword arguments and the list below contains all the changed methods:
Faker::Books::Dune.quote(character = nil)
becomesFaker::Books::Dune.quote(character: nil)
Faker::Books::Dune.saying(source = nil)
becomesFaker::Books::Dune.saying(source: nil)
Faker::Books::Lovecraft.fhtagn(number_of = nil)
becomesFaker::Books::Lovecraft.fhtagn(number: nil)
Faker::Books::Lovecraft.paragraph(sentence_count = nil, random_sentences_to_add = nil)
becomesFaker::Books::Lovecraft.paragraph(sentence_count: nil, random_sentences_to_add: nil)
Faker::Books::Lovecraft.paragraph_by_chars(chars = nil)
becomesFaker::Books::Lovecraft.paragraph_by_chars(characters: nil)
Faker::Books::Lovecraft.paragraphs(paragraph_count = nil)
becomesFaker::Books::Lovecraft.paragraphs(number: nil)
Faker::Books::Lovecraft.sentence(word_count = nil, random_words_to_add = nil)
becomesFaker::Books::Lovecraft.sentence(word_count: nil, random_words_to_add: nil)
Faker::Books::Lovecraft.sentences(sentence_count = nil)
becomesFaker::Books::Lovecraft.sentences(number: nil)
Faker::Books::Lovecraft.words(num = nil, spaces_allowed = nil)
becomesFaker::Books::Lovecraft.words(number: nil, spaces_allowed: nil) = nil) nil)
Faker::Address.postcode(state_abbreviation = nil)
becomesFaker::Address.postcode(state_abbreviation: nil)
Faker::Address.street_address(include_secondary = nil)
becomesFaker::Address.street_address(include_secondary: nil) = nil) nil)
Faker::Address.zip_code(state_abbreviation = nil)
becomesFaker::Address.zip_code(state_abbreviation: nil)
Faker::Alphanumeric.alpha(char_count = nil)
becomesFaker::Alphanumeric.alpha(number: nil)
Faker::Alphanumeric.alphanumeric(char_count = nil)
becomesFaker::Alphanumeric.alphanumeric(number: nil)
Faker::Avatar.image(slug = nil, size = nil, format = nil, set = nil, bgset = nil)
becomesFaker::Avatar.image(slug: nil, size: nil, format: nil, set: nil, bgset: nil)
Faker::Bank.account_number(digits = nil)
becomesFaker::Bank.account_number(digits: nil)
Faker::Bank.iban(country_code = nil)
becomesFaker::Bank.iban(country_code: nil)
Faker::ChileRut.full_rut(min_rut = nil, fixed = nil)
becomesFaker::ChileRut.full_rut(min_rut: nil, fixed: nil)
Faker::ChileRut.rut(min_rut = nil, fixed = nil)
becomesFaker::ChileRut.rut(min_rut: nil, fixed: nil)
Faker::Code.ean(base = nil)
becomesFaker::Code.ean(base: nil)
Faker::Code.isbn(base = nil)
becomesFaker::Code.isbn(base: nil)
Faker::Code.nric(min_age = nil, max_age = nil)
becomesFaker::Code.nric(min_age: nil, max_age: nil)
Faker::Commerce.department(max = nil, fixed_amount = nil)
becomesFaker::Commerce.department(max: nil, fixed_amount: nil)
Faker::Commerce.price(range = nil, as_string = nil)
becomesFaker::Commerce.price(range: nil, as_string: nil)
Faker::Commerce.promotion_code(digits = nil)
becomesFaker::Commerce.promotion_code(digits: nil)
Faker::Company.polish_register_of_national_economy(length = nil)
becomesFaker::Company.polish_register_of_national_economy(length: nil)
Faker::CryptoCoin.acronym(coin = nil)
becomesFaker::CryptoCoin.acronym(coin: nil)
Faker::CryptoCoin.coin_name(coin = nil)
becomesFaker::CryptoCoin.coin_name(coin: nil)
Faker::CryptoCoin.url_logo(coin = nil)
becomesFaker::CryptoCoin.url_logo(coin: nil)
Faker::Date.backward(days = nil)
becomesFaker::Date.backward(days: nil)
Faker::Date.between(from, to)
becomesFaker::Date.between(from:, to:)
Faker::Date.between_except(from, to, excepted)
becomesFaker::Date.between_except(from:, to:, excepted:)
Faker::Date.birthday(min_age = nil, max_age = nil)
becomesFaker::Date.birthday(min_age: nil, max_age: nil)
Faker::Date.forward(days = nil)
becomesFaker::Date.forward(days: nil)
Faker::Demographic.height(unit = nil)
becomesFaker::Demographic.height(unit: nil)
Faker::File.dir(segment_count = nil, root = nil, directory_separator = nil)
becomesFaker::File.dir(segment_count: nil, root: nil, directory_separator: nil)
Faker::File.file_name(dir = nil, name = nil, ext = nil, directory_separator = nil)
becomesFaker::File.file_name(dir: nil, name: nil, ext: nil, directory_separator: nil)
Faker::Fillmurray.image(grayscale = nil, width = nil, height = nil)
becomesFaker::Fillmurray.image(grayscale: nil, width: nil, height: nil)
Faker::Finance.vat_number(country = nil)
becomesFaker::Finance.vat_number(country: nil)
Faker::Hipster.paragraph(sentence_count = nil, supplemental = nil, random_sentences_to_add = nil)
becomesFaker::Hipster.paragraph(sentence_count: nil, supplemental: nil, random_sentences_to_add: nil)
Faker::Hipster.paragraph_by_chars(chars = nil, supplemental = nil)
becomesFaker::Hipster.paragraph_by_chars(characters: nil, supplemental: nil)
Faker::Hipster.paragraphs(paragraph_count = nil, supplemental = nil)
becomesFaker::Hipster.paragraphs(number: nil, supplemental: nil)
Faker::Hipster.sentence(word_count = nil, supplemental = nil, random_words_to_add = nil)
becomesFaker::Hipster.sentence(word_count: nil, supplemental: nil, random_words_to_add: nil)
Faker::Hipster.sentences(sentence_count = nil, supplemental = nil)
becomesFaker::Hipster.sentences(number: nil, supplemental: nil)
Faker::Hipster.words(num = nil, supplemental = nil, spaces_allowed = nil)
becomesFaker::Hipster.words(number: nil, supplemental: nil, spaces_allowed: nil)
Faker::Internet.domain_name(subdomain = nil)
becomesFaker::Internet.domain_name(subdomain: nil) = nil, *separators) nil, separators: nil)
Faker::Internet.fix_umlauts(string = nil)
becomesFaker::Internet.fix_umlauts(string: nil)
Faker::Internet.free_email(name = nil)
becomesFaker::Internet.free_email(name: nil)
Faker::Internet.mac_address(prefix = nil)
becomesFaker::Internet.mac_address(prefix: nil)
Faker::Internet.password(min_length = nil, max_length = nil, mix_case = nil, special_chars = nil)
becomesFaker::Internet.password(min_length: nil, max_length: nil, mix_case: nil, special_characters: nil)
Faker::Internet.safe_email(name = nil)
becomesFaker::Internet.safe_email(name: nil)
Faker::Internet.slug(words = nil, glue = nil)
becomesFaker::Internet.slug(words: nil, glue: nil)
Faker::Internet.url(host = nil, path = nil, scheme = nil)
becomesFaker::Internet.url(host: nil, path: nil, scheme: nil)
Faker::Internet.user_agent(vendor = nil)
becomesFaker::Internet.user_agent(vendor: nil)
Faker::Internet.user_name(specifier = nil, separators = nil)
becomesFaker::Internet.user_name(specifier: nil, separators: nil)
Faker::Internet.username(specifier = nil, separators = nil)
becomesFaker::Internet.username(specifier: nil, separators: nil)
Faker::Invoice.amount_between(from = nil, to = nil)
becomesFaker::Invoice.amount_between(from: nil, to: nil)
Faker::Invoice.creditor_reference(ref = nil)
becomesFaker::Invoice.creditor_reference(ref: nil)
Faker::Invoice.reference(ref = nil)
becomesFaker::Invoice.reference(ref: nil)
Faker::Json.add_depth_to_json(json = nil, width = nil, options = nil)
becomesFaker::Json.add_depth_to_json(json: nil, width: nil, options: nil)
Faker::Json.shallow_json(width = nil, options = nil)
becomesFaker::Json.shallow_json(width: nil, options: nil)
Faker::Lorem.characters(char_count = nil)
becomesFaker::Lorem.characters(number: nil)
Faker::Lorem.paragraph(sentence_count = nil, supplemental = nil, random_sentences_to_add = nil)
becomesFaker::Lorem.paragraph(sentence_count: nil, supplemental: nil, random_sentences_to_add: nil)
Faker::Lorem.paragraph_by_chars(chars = nil, supplemental = nil)
becomesFaker::Lorem.paragraph_by_chars(number: nil, supplemental: nil)
Faker::Lorem.paragraphs(paragraph_count = nil, supplemental = nil)
becomesFaker::Lorem.paragraphs(number: nil, supplemental: nil)
Faker::Lorem.question(word_count = nil, supplemental = nil, random_words_to_add = nil)
becomesFaker::Lorem.question(word_count: nil, supplemental: nil, random_words_to_add: nil)
Faker::Lorem.questions(question_count = nil, supplemental = nil)
becomesFaker::Lorem.questions(number: nil, supplemental: nil)
Faker::Lorem.sentence(word_count = nil, supplemental = nil, random_words_to_add = nil)
becomesFaker::Lorem.sentence(word_count: nil, supplemental: nil, random_words_to_add: nil)
Faker::Lorem.sentences(sentence_count = nil, supplemental = nil)
becomesFaker::Lorem.sentences(number: nil, supplemental: nil)
Faker::Lorem.words(num = nil, supplemental = nil)
becomesFaker::Lorem.words(number: nil, supplemental: nil)
Faker::LoremFlickr.colorized_image(size = nil, color = nil, search_terms = nil, match_all = nil)
becomesFaker::LoremFlickr.colorized_image(size: nil, color: nil, search_terms: nil, match_all: nil)
Faker::LoremFlickr.grayscale_image(size = nil, search_terms = nil, match_all = nil)
becomesFaker::LoremFlickr.grayscale_image(size: nil, search_terms: nil, match_all: nil)
Faker::LoremFlickr.image(size = nil, search_terms = nil, match_all = nil)
becomesFaker::LoremFlickr.image(size: nil, search_terms: nil, match_all: nil)
Faker::LoremFlickr.pixelated_image(size = nil, search_terms = nil, match_all = nil)
becomesFaker::LoremFlickr.pixelated_image(size: nil, search_terms: nil, match_all: nil)
- `Faker::LoremPixel.image(size = nil, is_gray = nil, ca...
Small release
Fix lib/faker/version.rb
Revert fakerbot and move to it own repository inside organization
v1.9.4 (2019-06-19)
- PR #1605 fix shallow_json for frozen_string_literal @causztic
- PR #1597 Fix broken test @vbrazo
- PR #1578 Namespaces should inherit Base @vbrazo
- PR #1626 Update tty tree @Zeragamba
- PR #1559 Fix name_with_middle field for en-AU @psibi
- PR #1548 Chore/improve pt-BR specs @paulodiovani
- PR #1542 Fixed typos to the @gkunwar
- PR #1541 Add new categories to armenian @hovikman
- PR #1549 Faker::Movies::GratefulDead => Faker::Music::GratefulDead @bcharna
- PR #1538 Add Sports namespace @vbrazo
- Deprecates
- Deprecates
- PR #1636 Fix default values for arguments in Lorem doc @mikong
- PR #1617 Fix Dota README @TheSmartnik
- PR #1612 Update returned example player @ncallaway
- PR #1611 Documentation error fix @tomlockwood
- PR #1575 Add issues templates @vbrazo
Feature Request
- PR #1631 Faker::Tezos: add block faker @akettal
- PR #1619 Add Faker::Music::Opera @Adsidera
- PR #1607 Add Faker::Game with title, genre, and platform generators. @connorshea
- PR #1603 Add Faker::Internet.uuid @ianks
- PR #1560 Add Faker::Creature::Horse @wndxlori
- PR #1507 Add CLI - Integrate fakerbot 🤖 @akabiru
- PR #1540 Add sic_code to company #355 @bruno-b-martins
- PR #1537 Adds the Faker::Sports::Basketball generator @ecbrodie
- PR #1520 Allow subdomains for Internet.domain_name @cianooooo
Update/add locales
- PR #1629 Fix sintax error on game.yml file @ricardobsilva
- PR #1627 add more data for Faker::Games @BlazingRockStorm
- PR #1620 Added Yuumi as a Champion @eddorre
- PR #1621 Updated classes to match the changes that Blizzard rolled out late last year. Updated hero pool to add the latest two heroes added to the game. @eddorre
- PR #1602 Remove white space, fix minor typos @darylf
- PR #1595 Fix accented French surnames @Samy-Amar
- PR #1585 Add Meepo to Dota heroes and quotes @justinoue
- PR #1594 Changed Startrek to Stargate :) @Defoncesko
- PR #1591 fix-chinese-city @locez
- PR #1592 Add coffee country for Japanese @schmurfy
- PR #1593 removes duplicates in fr-CA and fr-CH @schmurfy
- PR #1587 Add ancient god for Japanese @yizknn
- PR #1582 Add fighters and DLC to Faker::Games::SuperSmashBros @boardfish
- PR #1583 updates to RuPaul @notactuallypagemcconnell
- PR #1581 add latest list of phish tunes from that are by the band and not covers @notactuallypagemcconnell
- PR #1573 Fix data of music albums @sankichi92
- PR #1567 Fix name_with_middle in Chinese locales @rockymeza
- PR #1564 Update League of legends content @michebble
- PR #1558 remove misspelling of Japanese @michebble
- PR #1554 Extend list of cryptocurrencies @kamilbielawski
- PR #1552 Fix subscription: Fix missing double quotes @psibi
- PR #1551 Yaml syntax for stargate.yml: Fix missing double quote @psibi
- PR #1550 Fix kpop - yaml syntax issue. Double quote is missing @psibi
- PR #1545 Remove trailing space from "kangaroo " & "gnu " translation in animals @spikeheap
- PR #1543 Add pt-BR genders @fladson