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Single-step Retrosynthesis Prediction by Leveraging Commonly Preserved Substructures


Our work consists of the following modules:

  • Reaction retrieval

    The reaction retrieval module aims to retrieve candidate reactants on train and val data for a given product molecule. The submodule RetrievalModel implements the dual encoder introduced in the paper.

  • Substructure extraction

    We extract the commonly preserved substructures from the product molecule and the retrieved candidates based on molecular fingerprints. The sub*.py implement the extraction process.

  • Substructure-level sequence-to-sequence Learning

    We use the submodule MolecularTransformer for sequence to sequence learning.


# clone repo
git clone
cd RetroSub/
git submodule update --init --recursive

# setup
# fix typo, and change some codes to run the submodules with recent pytorch version.
bash scripts/ 

# conda environment for reaction retrieval
conda create -n retrieval python=3.6
conda run -n retrieval pip install -r RetrievalModel/requirements.txt -f

# conda environment for substructure extraction, seq2seq model inference, ranking model training.
conda create -n retrosub -c pytorch -c conda-forge -y rdkit=2022.03.1 tqdm func_timeout pytorch=0.4.1 future six tqdm pandas torchvision gputil notebook python=3.7 
cd MolecularTransformer
conda run -n retrosub pip install torchtext==0.3.1 
conda run -n retrosub pip install -e .
cd -

# conda environment for model training (requires python 3.5)
cd MolecularTransformer
conda create -n mol_transformer python=3.5 future six tqdm pandas pytorch=0.4.1 torchvision -c pytorch
conda run -n mol_transformer pip install torchtext==0.3.1
conda run -n mol_transformer pip install -e . 
cd -

Retrosynthesis on USPTO_full

We provide our processed data, trained models, and predictions on the test data as references. Reproducing the paper results with this would be quite easy (the following steps 0-6 can be skipped).

# in the root folder of this repo
tar xzvf release_data.tar.gz --strip-components=2
rm release_data.tar.gz 

# the directory layout should be:
├── ...
├── ckpts
│   └── uspto_full
│            └── dual_encoder  # checkpoint of the dual encoder model
├── data  
│   └── uspto_full    
│            └── retrieval     # the *.json files are used for subextraction.
│            └── subextraction # the training and valid data used for substructure-level seq2seq training.
│            └── vanilla_AT    # AugmentedTransformers predictions for test data with no extracted substructures.
├── models                     # all the models to reproduce the paper results. 
└── ...

# Go to Step 7 to reproduce the results.

We also provide a demo to run our model on the user-defined input at demo.ipynb. Please refer to for details.

Step 0: Donwload and preprocess the data

curl -L >
mkdir -p data
unzip -d data/uspto_full

conda run -n retrosub --no-capture-output python data_utils/  
# on test, the valid reaction ratio in the above script should be 95.616%    

# The directory layout should be:
├── ...
├── data  
│   └── uspto_full       
└── ...

Step 1: Reaction retrieval

conda activate retrieval

# train dual encoder, the dev acc shall be around 0.79, we train the model on one V100 32G GPU
bash scripts/uspto_full/

# build and search the index, please change the dual encoder checkpoint if the model is re-trained.
bash scripts/uspto_full/ epoch116_batch349999_acc0.79

conda deactivate

Step 2: Substructure extraction

conda activate retrosub

# build reaction dictionary from reactant to products, which will be used during extraction.
python data_utils/ --dir ./data/uspto_full

# Do substructure extraction on uspto_full, and generate the training data. 
# This step was done on a CPU cluster, the data was split into 200 chunks. 
# Following the reviewers' suggestion, we find that pre-computing the fingerprints could
# significantly reduce the extraction time. However, we leave the code as it was in order 
# to reproduce the paper results.
for chunk_id in {0..199}
    bash scripts/uspto_full/ $chunk_id 200 subextraction
conda deactivate

# build the training data 

# Collect substructures on train set only in order to obtain predictions on valid data.
# This is used to collect data to train the ranker. 
python data_utils/ --total_chunks 200 \
            --out_dir ./data/uspto_full/subextraction/

# train model (on train/val set) to obtain predictions on test data, and report results in the paper.
python data_utils/ --total_chunks 200 \
            --out_dir ./data/uspto_full/subextraction/

# collect the statistics over the substructures (reproduce numbers in the paper)
python data_utils/ --total_chunks 200 --out_dir ./data/uspto_full/subextraction/

Step 3: Substructure-level seq2seq

# train the model with src-train.txt/tgt-train.txt and src-val.txt/tgt-val.txt
# we trained the model on 8xV100 32G GPU for about 1.5 days.
conda activate mol_transformer    
bash scripts/uspto_full/ subextraction 10
conda deactivate
# get the averged parameters of the last 5 checkpoints when the ppl on training data 
# stops decreasing, and place the model to ./models/

Step 4: Collect predictions

conda activate retrosub
# predict and merge the predicted fragments with substructures.
# it takes about 5 hours on 8xV100 32G GPU
python -u data_utils/ --model uspto_full_retrosub --dir subextraction

# merge predictions of all chunks. 
python data_utils/ --total_chunks 200 \
                --dir data/result_uspto_full_retrosub_subextraction/    

# the output file dump_res_False_analysis.json and dump_res_True_analysis.json
# in the folder data/result_uspto_full_retrosub_subextraction are the predictions
# using all the extracted substructures and the correct substructures, respectively.

Step 5: Reproduce the vanilla AT model used in our paper

# generate training data
conda activate retrosub
python data_utils/ --input_dir data/uspto_full \
             --output_dir data/uspto_full/vanilla_AT
conda deactivate

# train the model, we train the model on 8xV100 32G GPU for about two days.
conda activate mol_transformer
bash scripts/uspto_full/ vanilla_AT 8    

# get the averged parameters of the last 5 checkpoints when the ppl on training data stop decreasing,
# and place the model to ./models/
# we share the data with no extracted substructures in vanilla_AT folder, src-no_sub.txt and tgt-no_sub.txt
python MolecularTransformer/ -model ./models/ \
        -src ./data/uspto_full/vanilla_AT/src-no_sub.txt \
        -output ./data/uspto_full/vanilla_AT/predictions-no_sub.txt \
        -batch_size 32 -replace_unk -max_length 200 -fast -n_best 10 -beam_size 10 -gpu 0
conda deactivate

Step 6: Train the ranker.

# The ranker should be trained on the predictions of the valid data, i.e.,
#   in Step 2, obtain the training data with data_utils/ 
#   in Step 3, train the the substructure-level seq2seqmodel
#   in Step 4, obtain predictions on the valid data.

conda activate retrosub
# build the training data for ranker
python --val_preds VAL_DATA_RESULT_DIR/dump_res_False_analysis.json \
         --data_save_path data/rank_training_data.pkl

# train the ranking model, stop training after several epochs, the final results should be comparable.
python --do_training --data_save_path data/rank_training_data.pkl \
        --model_save_dir models/ranker

Step 7: Re-produce paper results with 1-topk_acc.ipynb and 2-amidation.ipynb.