Authors: Justin Karneges [email protected], Konstantin Bokarius [email protected]
EPCP library for Python.
You can install from PyPi:
pip install pubcontrol
Or from this repository:
python install
NOTE: ZMQ publishing requires the pyzmq
and tnetstring
for Python 3) packages to be installed.
from base64 import b64decode
from pubcontrol import PubControl, PubControlClient, Item, Format
class HttpResponseFormat(Format):
def __init__(self, body):
self.body = body
def name(self):
return 'http-response'
def export(self):
return {'body': self.body}
def callback(result, message):
if result:
print('Publish successful')
print('Publish failed with message: ' + message)
# PubControl can be initialized with or without an endpoint configuration.
# Each endpoint can include optional JWT authentication info.
# Multiple endpoints can be included in a single configuration.
# Initialize PubControl with a single endpoint:
pub = PubControl({'uri': '<myrealm>',
'iss': '<myrealm>', 'key': b64decode('<realmkey>')})
# Add new endpoints by applying an endpoint configuration:
pub.apply_config([{'uri': '<myendpoint_uri_1>'},
{'uri': '<myendpoint_uri_2>'}])
# Remove all configured endpoints:
# Explicitly add an endpoint as a PubControlClient instance:
pubclient = PubControlClient('<myendpoint_uri>')
# Optionally set JWT auth: pubclient.set_auth_jwt(<claim>, '<key>')
# Optionally set basic auth: pubclient.set_auth_basic('<user>', '<password>')
# Publish across all configured endpoints:
pub.publish('<channel>', Item(HttpResponseFormat('Test publish!')))
pub.publish('<channel>', Item(HttpResponseFormat('Test async publish!')),
blocking=False, callback=callback)
You can configure PubControl
to require subscribers when publishing messages in both PubControlClient
and PubControl
. When requiring subscribers, the internal PubSubMonitor
class is used to keep track of all subscribed-to channels and acts as a filter to prevent messages from being published to channels that have no subscribers. Note that a message published to non-subscribed-to channel does not result in a failure - the message is simply dropped and a successful result is sent back to the caller.
Using PubControlClient
def callback(type, channel):
if type == "sub":
print(channel + " has subscribers")
print(channel + " no longer has subscribers")
pub = PubControlClient('<myrealm>',
{'iss': '<myrealm>'}, b64decode('<realmkey>'), True, callback)
Using PubControl
pub = PubControl({
'uri': '<myrealm>',
'iss': '<myrealm>', 'key': b64decode('<realmkey>'),
'require_subscribers': True
This library supports publishing to ZMQ sockets via the PubControl
class or via the ZmqPubControlClient
class directly. Both XPUB and PUSH sockets are supported. XPUB sockets are only published to when the publishing channel has subscribers while PUSH sockets are always published to. To indicate that an XPUB socket should be used set require_subscribers
to True
While you can explicitly specify the PUSH and XPUB socket URIs, the recommended approach is to use the command socket URI for automatically discovering both the PUSH and XPUB socket URIs. By default, Pushpin's command socket listens on port 5563. To use the command socket, specify the URI in the PubControl
config as shown in the snippet below, or if using ZmqPubControlClient
directly then set the uri
constructor parameter. Automatic discovery of the PUSH and XPUB socket URIs will then occur asynchronously and should complete within a couple seconds.
NOTE: ZMQ publishing requires the pyzmq
and tnetstring
for Python 3) packages to be installed.
# Initialize PubControl with a ZMQ command URI and indicate that the XPUB socket
# should be used via the require_subscribers key:
pub = PubControl({
'zmq_uri': 'tcp://localhost:5563',
'require_subscribers': True