C++ code example on the FASRC cluster. matvec.cpp
performs matrix-vector multiplication.
Since this code reads an input from the command line, it cannot be run as a batch job and only as an interactive job.
: c++ source code
Program: matvec.cpp
Matrix-vector multiplication
Program generates random vector (vin) and matrix (h)
and performs matrix-vector multiplication (creating
the vector vout)
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <new>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
#define XTAB '\t'
#define YTAB '\v'
#define width 20
#define prec 8
// Function prototypes......................................
double ran3(long *idum);
void vector_init( double *v, int n );
void matrix_init( double **h, int n );
void mat_vec( double **h, double *vin, double *vout, int n);
void vector_print( double *v, int n );
// Main program.............................................
int main(){
int i;
int j;
int k;
int n;
string s;
stringstream ss;
double *vin = NULL;
double *vout = NULL;
double **h = NULL;
// Get problem dimension..................................
cout << "Problem dimension: ";
getline( cin, s );
ss << s;
ss >> n;
// Allocate arrays........................................
vin = new double[n];
vout = new double[n];
h = new double*[n];
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ){
h[i] = new double[n];
// Matrix-vector multiplication...........................
vector_init( vin, n );
matrix_init( h, n );
mat_vec( h, vin, vout, n );
// Print out results......................................
cout << "Final vector:" << endl;
vector_print( vout, n);
// Deallocate arrays......................................
delete [] vin;
delete [] vout;
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ){
delete [] h[i];
delete [] h;
return 0;
// Functions used by main program...........................
// Generate random vector of dimension n....................
void vector_init( double *v, int n ){
int i;
long iseed = -99;
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ){
v[i] = ran3(&iseed);
// Generate random symmetric matrix of dimension n X n......
void matrix_init( double **h, int n ){
int i;
int j;
long iseed = -99;
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ){
for ( j = 0; j <= i; j++ ){
h[i][j] = ran3(&iseed);
h[j][i] = h[i][j];
// Matrix-vector multiplication.............................
void mat_vec( double **h, double *vin, double *vout, int n ){
int i;
int j;
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ){
vout[i] = 0.0;
for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ ){
vout[i] = vout[i] + h[i][j] * vin[j];
// Print out vector.........................................
void vector_print( double *v, int n){
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ){
cout << showpoint << setw(width) << v[i] << endl;
The function
returns a uniform random number deviate between 0.0 and 1.0. Set
the idum to any negative value to initialize or reinitialize the
sequence. Any large MBIG, and any small (but still large) MSEED
can be substituted for the present values.
#define MBIG 1000000000
#define MSEED 161803398
#define MZ 0
#define FAC (1.0/MBIG)
double ran3(long *idum)
static int inext;
static int inextp;
static long ma[56]; // value 56 is special, do not modify
static int iff = 0;
long mj;
long mk;
int i;
int ii;
int k;
if ( *idum < 0 || iff == 0 ) { // initialization
iff = 1;
mj = MSEED - (*idum < 0 ? -*idum : *idum);
mj %= MBIG;
ma[55] = mj; // initialize ma[55]
for ( i = 1, mk = 1; i <= 54; i++ ) { // initialize rest of table
ii = (21*i) % 55;
ma[ii] = mk;
mk = mj - mk;
if ( mk < MZ ) mk += MBIG;
mj = ma[ii];
for ( k = 1; k <= 4; k++ ) { // randimize by "warming up" the generator
for ( i = 1; i <= 55; i++ ) {
ma[i] -= ma[1 + ( i + 30 ) % 55];
if ( ma[i] < MZ ) ma[i] += MBIG;
inext = 0; // prepare indices for first generator number
inextp = 31; // 31 is special
*idum = 1;
if ( ++inext == 56 ) inext = 1;
if ( ++inextp == 56 ) inextp = 1;
mj = ma[inext] - ma[inextp];
if ( mj < MZ ) mj += MBIG;
ma[inext] = mj;
return mj*FAC;
#undef MBIG
#undef MSEED
#undef MZ
#undef FAC
We recommend compiling on a compute node. Request an interactive job to use a compute node, e.g.,
salloc --partition test --time 00:30:00 -c 2 --mem-per-cpu 2G
- Intel compilers, e.g.,
module load intel
icpc -O2 -o matvec.x matvec.cpp # for intel version < 23.2, use `icpc`
icpx -O2 -o matvec.x matvec.cpp # for intel version >= 23.2, use `icpx`.
- GNU compilers, e.g.,
module load gcc
g++ -O2 -o matvec.x matvec.cpp
On a compute node
Example output
Problem dimension: 6
Final vector: