- Dropping Ruby 1.8.x support
- Adding Git::Diff.name_status
- Checking and fixing encoding on commands output to prevent encoding errors afterwards
- Adding Git.configure (to configure the git env)
- Adding Git.ls_remote [Git.ls_remote(repo_path_or_url='.')]
- Adding Git.describe [repo.describe(objectish, opts)]
- Adding Git.show [repo.show(objectish=nil, path=nil)]
- Fixing Git::Diff to support default references (implicit references)
- Fixing Git::Diff to support diff over git .patch files
- Fixing Git.checkout when using :new_branch opt
- Fixing Git::Object::Commit to preserve its sha after fetching metadata
- Fixing Git.is_remote_branch? to actually check against remote branches
- Improvements over how ENV variables are modified
- Improving thrade safety (using --git-dir and --work-tree git opts)
- Improving Git::Object::Tag. Adding annotated?, tagger and message
- Supporting a submodule path as a valid repo
- Git.checkout - supporting -f and -b
- Git.clone - supporting --branch
- Git.fetch - supporting --prune
- Git.tag - supporting
- Keeping the old escape format for windows users
- revparse: Supporting ref names containing SHA like substrings (40-hex strings)
- Fix warnings on Ruby 2.1.2
- Fixing mesages encoding
- Fixing -f flag in git push
- Fixing log parser for multiline messages
- Supporting object references on Git.add_tag
- Including dotfiles on Git.status
- Git.fetch - supporting --tags
- Git.clean - supporting -x
- Git.add_tag options - supporting -a, -m and -s
- Added Git.delete_tag
- Ruby 1.9.X/2.0 fully supported
- JRuby 1.8/1.9 support
- Rubinius support
- Git.clone - supporting --recursive and --config
- Git.log - supporting last and [] over the results
- Git.add_remote - supporting -f and -t
- Git.add - supporting --fore
- Git.init - supporting --bare
- Git.commit - supporting --all and --amend
- Added Git.remote_remote, Git.revert and Git.clean
- Added Bundler to the formula
- Travis configuration
- Licence included with the gem
- added camping/gitweb.rb frontend
- added a number of speed-ups
- Sped up most of the operations
- Added some predicate functions (commit?, tree?, etc)
- Added a number of lower level operations (read-tree, write-tree, checkout-index, etc)
- Fixed a bug with using bare repositories
- Updated a good amount of the documentation
- Added methods to the git objects that might be helpful
- Initial version