To get some Rust PyO3 debugging to work I had to set this before starting vscode:
set PYO3_PYTHON=C:/Users/carlk/OneDrive/programs/bed-reader/.venv\Scripts\python.exe
uvx ruff check .
uv sync --extra min_dev
pytest bed_reader/tests/
uv sync --extra samples --extra sparse --extra dev
pytest .
pytest --doctest-modules bed_reader\
pytest --doctest-modules
pytest bed_reader/tests/ -s
pytest bed_reader/tests/ -s
pytest --doctest-modules doc/source/index.rst
pytest --collect-only # check test discovery
uv sync --extra samples --extra sparse --extra dev
uv pip install matplotlib
cd C:\Users\carlk\OneDrive\programs\bed-reader\bed_reader\tests\benchmark
Look in M:\deldir\bench
for results.
uv sync --all-extras
doc> make html & build\html\index.html
maturin build --release
cd doc
make.bat html
xcopy /c /e /s /h build\html ..\docs
# push changes
# download artifacts to .e.g. C:\Users\carlk\Downloads\wheels (25)
twine upload --repository testpypi bed_reader-1*
pip install --index-url "bed-reader"
pip uninstall bed-reader
# test with install tests, look at README and web pages
twine upload bed_reader-1*
## Rust
### New Clippy Rules
rustup update
cargo --version
# Update ci.yml to this new version
cargo clippy --all-targets --all-features -- -D warnings
cargo doc --no-deps --open
cargo check
cargo test --doc supplemental_document_cloud_urls
cargo test --no-default-features
cargo test --all-features
cargo check --no-default-features
maturin develop
cargo publish --dry-run
- Create new branch.
- Change version in Cargo.toml.
cargo install cargo-audit
cargo install cargo-semver-checks
cargo audit
cargo update
cargo semver-checks check-release
cargo test
cargo publish --dry-run
- Commit changes and check CI tests.
- Merge into main and commit (check CI tests again)
cargo publish
# tag version
git tag -a v1.0.6a1 -m "v1.0.6a1"
git push origin v1.0.6a1
- Download and extract wheel artifacts from GitHub.
cd /d "C:\Users\carlk\Downloads\wheels (43)"
twine upload bed_reader-1.0.6a1*