Code signing your app assures users that the app has a known source and hasn't been modified since it was last signed. Before your app can integrate app services, be installed on a device, or be submitted to the App Store, it must be signed with a certificate issued by Apple. For more information on how to request certificates and code sign your apps, review the App Distribution Guide.
You can retrieve the signing certificate information from the application's .app file with codesign. Codesign is used to create, check, and display code signatures, as well as inquire into the dynamic status of signed code in the system.
After you get the application's IPA file, re-save it as a ZIP file and decompress the ZIP file. Navigate to the Payload directory, where the application's .app file will be.
Execute the following codesign
command to display the signing information:
$ codesign -dvvv
Format=app bundle with Mach-O universal (armv7 arm64)
CodeDirectory v=20200 size=154808 flags=0x0(none) hashes=4830+5 location=embedded
Hash type=sha256 size=32
CandidateCDHash sha1=455758418a5f6a878bb8fdb709ccfca52c0b5b9e
CandidateCDHash sha256=fd44efd7d03fb03563b90037f92b6ffff3270c46
Hash choices=sha1,sha256
Signature size=4678
Authority=iPhone Distribution: Example Ltd
Authority=Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority
Authority=Apple Root CA
Signed Time=4 Aug 2017, 12:42:52
Info.plist entries=66
Sealed Resources version=2 rules=12 files=1410
Internal requirements count=1 size=176
There are various ways to distribute your app as described at the Apple documentation, which include using the App Store or via Apple Business Manager for custom or in-house distribution. In case of an in-house distribution scheme, make sure that no ad hoc certificates are used when the app is signed for distribution.
Debugging iOS applications can be done using Xcode, which embeds a powerful debugger called lldb. Lldb is the default debugger since Xcode5 where it replaced GNU tools like gdb and is fully integrated in the development environment. While debugging is a useful feature when developing an app, it has to be turned off before releasing apps to the App Store or within an enterprise program.
Generating an app in Build or Release mode depends on build settings in Xcode; when an app is generated in Debug mode, a DEBUG flag is inserted in the generated files.
At first you need to determine the mode in which your app is to be generated to check the flags in the environment:
- Select the build settings of the project
- Under 'Apple LVM - Preprocessing' and 'Preprocessor Macros', make sure 'DEBUG' or 'DEBUG_MODE' is not selected (Objective-C)
- Make sure that the "Debug executable" option is not selected.
- Or in the 'Swift Compiler - Custom Flags' section / 'Other Swift Flags', make sure the '-D DEBUG' entry does not exist.
Check whether you can attach a debugger directly, using Xcode. Next, check if you can debug the app on a jailbroken device after Clutching it. This is done using the debug-server which comes from the BigBoss repository at Cydia.
Note: if the application is equipped with anti-reverse engineering controls, then the debugger can be detected and stopped.
As a good practice, as little explanatory information as possible should be provided with a compiled binary. The presence of additional metadata such as debug symbols might provide valuable information about the code, e.g. function names leaking information about what a function does. This metadata is not required to execute the binary and thus it is safe to discard it for the release build, which can be done by using proper compiler configurations. As a tester you should inspect all binaries delivered with the app and ensure that no debugging symbols are present (at least those revealing any valuable information about the code).
When an iOS application is compiled, the compiler generates a list of debug symbols for each binary file in an app (the main app executable, frameworks, and app extensions). These symbols include class names, global variables, and method and function names which are mapped to specific files and line numbers where they're defined. Debug builds of an app place the debug symbols in a compiled binary by default, while release builds of an app place them in a companion Debug Symbol file (dSYM) to reduce the size of the distributed app.
To verify the existence of debug symbols you can use objdump from binutils or llvm-objdump to inspect all of the app binaries.
In the following snippet we run objdump over TargetApp
(the iOS main app executable) to show the typical output of a binary containing debug symbols which are marked with the d
(debug) flag. Check the objdump man page for information about various other symbol flag characters.
$ objdump --syms TargetApp
0000000100007dc8 l d *UND* -[ViewController handleSubmitButton:]
000000010000809c l d *UND* -[ViewController touchesBegan:withEvent:]
0000000100008158 l d *UND* -[ViewController viewDidLoad]
000000010000916c l d *UND* _disable_gdb
00000001000091d8 l d *UND* _detect_injected_dylds
00000001000092a4 l d *UND* _isDebugged
To prevent the inclusion of debug symbols, set Strip Debug Symbols During Copy
to YES
via the XCode project's build settings. Stripping debugging symbols will not only reduce the size of the binary but also increase the difficulty of reverse engineering.
Dynamic analysis is not applicable for finding debugging symbols.
To speed up verification and get a better understanding of errors, developers often include debugging code, such as verbose logging statements (using NSLog
, println
, print
, dump
, and debugPrint
) about responses from their APIs and about their application's progress and/or state. Furthermore, there may be debugging code for "management-functionality", which is used by developers to set the application's state or mock responses from an API. Reverse engineers can easily use this information to track what's happening with the application. Therefore, debugging code should be removed from the application's release version.
You can take the following static analysis approach for the logging statements:
- Import the application's code into Xcode.
- Search the code for the following printing functions:
. - When you find one of them, determine whether the developers used a wrapping function around the logging function for better mark up of the statements to be logged; if so, add that function to your search.
- For every result of steps 2 and 3, determine whether macros or debug-state related guards have been set to turn the logging off in the release build. Please note the change in how Objective-C can use preprocessor macros:
#ifdef DEBUG
// Debug-only code
The procedure for enabling this behavior in Swift has changed: you need to either set environment variables in your scheme or set them as custom flags in the target's build settings. Please note that the following functions (which allow you to determine whether the app was built in the Swift 2.1. release-configuration) aren't recommended, as Xcode 8 and Swift 3 don't support these functions:
Depending on the application's setup, there may be more logging functions. For example, when CocoaLumberjack is used, static analysis is a bit different.
For the "debug-management" code (which is built-in): inspect the storyboards to see whether there are any flows and/or view-controllers that provide functionality different from the functionality the application should support. This functionality can be anything from debug views to printed error messages, from custom stub-response configurations to logs written to files on the application's file system or a remote server.
As a developer, incorporating debug statements into your application's debug version should not be a problem as long as you make sure that the debug statements are never present in the application's release version.
In Objective-C, developers can use preprocessor macros to filter out debug code:
#ifdef DEBUG
// Debug-only code
In Swift 2 (with Xcode 7), you have to set custom compiler flags for every target, and compiler flags have to start with "-D". So you can use the following annotations when the debug flag DMSTG-DEBUG
is set:
// Debug-only code
In Swift 3 (with Xcode 8), you can set Active Compilation Conditions in Build settings/Swift compiler - Custom flags. Instead of a preprocessor, Swift 3 uses conditional compilation blocks based on the defined conditions:
// Debug-only code
Dynamic analysis should be executed on both a simulator and a device because developers sometimes use target-based functions (instead of functions based on a release/debug-mode) to execute the debugging code.
- Run the application on a simulator and check for output in the console during the app's execution.
- Attach a device to your Mac, run the application on the device via Xcode, and check for output in the console during the app's execution.
For the other "manager-based" debug code: click through the application on both a simulator and a device to see if you can find any functionality that allows an app's profiles to be pre-set, allows the actual server to be selected or allows responses from the API to be selected.
iOS applications often make use of third party libraries which accelerate development as the developer has to write less code in order to solve a problem. However, third party libraries may contain vulnerabilities, incompatible licensing, or malicious content. Additionally, it is difficult for organizations and developers to manage application dependencies, including monitoring library releases and applying available security patches.
There are three widely used package management tools Swift Package Manager, Carthage, and CocoaPods:
- The Swift Package Manager is open source, included with the Swift language, integrated into Xcode (since Xcode 11) and supports Swift, Objective-C, Objective-C++, C, and C++ packages. It is written in Swift, decentralized and uses the Package.swift file to document and manage project dependencies.
- Carthage is open source and can be used for Swift and Objective-C packages. It is written in Swift, decentralized and uses the Cartfile file to document and manage project dependencies.
- CocoaPods is open source and can be used for Swift and Objective-C packages. It is written in Ruby, utilizes a centralized package registry for public and private packages and uses the Podfile file to document and manage project dependencies.
There are two categories of libraries:
- Libraries that are not (or should not) be packed within the actual production application, such as
used for testing. - Libraries that are packed within the actual production application, such as
These libraries can lead to unwanted side-effects:
- A library can contain a vulnerability, which will make the application vulnerable. A good example is
version 2.5.1, which contained a bug that disabled certificate validation. This vulnerability would allow attackers to execute man-in-the-middle attacks against apps that are using the library to connect to their APIs. - A library can no longer be maintained or hardly be used, which is why no vulnerabilities are reported and/or fixed. This can lead to having bad and/or vulnerable code in your application through the library.
- A library can use a license, such as LGPL2.1, which requires the application author to provide access to the source code for those who use the application and request insight in its sources. In fact the application should then be allowed to be redistributed with modifications to its source code. This can endanger the intellectual property (IP) of the application.
Please note that this issue can hold on multiple levels: When you use webviews with JavaScript running in the webview, the JavaScript libraries can have these issues as well. The same holds for plugins/libraries for Cordova, React-native and Xamarin apps.
In order to ensure that the libraries used by the apps are not carrying vulnerabilities, one can best check the dependencies installed by CocoaPods or Carthage.
In case Swift Package Manager is used for managing third party dependencies, the following steps can be taken to analyze the third party libraries for vulnerabilities:
First, at the root of the project, where the Package.swift file is located, type
$ swift build
Next, check the file Package.resolved for the actual versions used and inspect the given libraries for known vulnerabilities.
You can utilize the OWASP Dependency-Check's experimental Swift Package Manager Analyzer to identify the Common Platform Enumeration (CPE) naming scheme of all dependencies and any corresponding Common Vulnerability and Exposure (CVE) entries. Scan the application's Package.swift file and generate a report of known vulnerable libraries with the following command:
$ dependency-check --enableExperimental --out . --scan Package.swift
In case CocoaPods is used for managing third party dependencies, the following steps can be taken to analyze the third party libraries for vulnerabilities.
First, at the root of the project, where the Podfile is located, execute the following commands:
$ sudo gem install CocoaPods
$ pod install
Next, now that the dependency tree has been built, you can create an overview of the dependencies and their versions by running the following commands:
$ sudo gem install cocoapods-dependencies
$ pod dependencies
The result of the steps above can now be used as input for searching different vulnerability feeds for known vulnerabilities.
- If the developer packs all dependencies in terms of its own support library using a .podspec file, then this .podspec file can be checked with the experimental CocoaPods podspec checker.
- If the project uses CocoaPods in combination with Objective-C, SourceClear can be used.
- Using CocoaPods with HTTP-based links instead of HTTPS might allow for man-in-the-middle attacks during the download of the dependency, allowing an attacker to replace (parts of) the library with other content. Therefore, always use HTTPS.
You can utilize the OWASP Dependency-Check's experimental CocoaPods Analyzer to identify the Common Platform Enumeration (CPE) naming scheme of all dependencies and any corresponding Common Vulnerability and Exposure (CVE) entries. Scan the application's *.podspec and/or Podfile.lock files and generate a report of known vulnerable libraries with the following command:
$ dependency-check --enableExperimental --out . --scan Podfile.lock
In case Carthage is used for third party dependencies, then the following steps can be taken to analyze the third party libraries for vulnerabilities.
First, at the root of the project, where the Cartfile is located, type
$ brew install carthage
$ carthage update --platform iOS
Next, check the Cartfile.resolved for actual versions used and inspect the given libraries for known vulnerabilities.
Note, at the time of writing this chapter, there is no automated support for Carthage based dependency analysis known to the authors. At least, this feature was already requested for the OWASP DependencyCheck tool but not yet implemented (see the GitHub issue).
When a library is found to contain vulnerabilities, then the following reasoning applies:
- Is the library packaged with the application? Then check whether the library has a version in which the vulnerability is patched. If not, check whether the vulnerability actually affects the application. If that is the case or might be the case in the future, then look for an alternative which provides similar functionality, but without the vulnerabilities.
- Is the library not packaged with the application? See if there is a patched version in which the vulnerability is fixed. If this is not the case, check if the implications of the vulnerability for the build process. Could the vulnerability impede a build or weaken the security of the build-pipeline? Then try looking for an alternative in which the vulnerability is fixed.
In case frameworks are added manually as linked libraries:
- Open the xcodeproj file and check the project properties.
- Go to the tab Build Phases and check the entries in Link Binary With Libraries for any of the libraries. See earlier sections on how to obtain similar information using MobSF.
In the case of copy-pasted sources: search the header files (in case of using Objective-C) and otherwise the Swift files for known method names for known libraries.
Next, note that for hybrid applications, you will have to check the JavaScript dependencies with RetireJS. Similarly for Xamarin, you will have to check the C# dependencies.
Last, if the application is a high-risk application, you will end up vetting the library manually. In that case there are specific requirements for native code, which are similar to the requirements established by the MASVS for the application as a whole. Next to that, it is good to vet whether all best practices for software engineering are applied.
In order to ensure that the copyright laws are not infringed, one can best check the dependencies installed by Swift Packager Manager, CocoaPods, or Carthage.
When the application sources are available and Swift Package Manager is used, execute the following code in the root directory of the project, where the Package.swift file is located:
$ swift build
The sources of each of the dependencies have now been downloaded to /.build/checkouts/
folder in the project. Here you can find the license for each of the libraries in their respective folder.
When the application sources are available and CocoaPods is used, then execute the following steps to get the different licenses: First, at the root of the project, where the Podfile is located, type
$ sudo gem install CocoaPods
$ pod install
This will create a Pods folder where all libraries are installed, each in their own folder. You can now check the licenses for each of the libraries by inspecting the license files in each of the folders.
When the application sources are available and Carthage is used, execute the following code in the root directory of the project, where the Cartfile is located:
$ brew install carthage
$ carthage update --platform iOS
The sources of each of the dependencies have now been downloaded to Carthage/Checkouts
folder in the project. Here you can find the license for each of the libraries in their respective folder.
When a library contains a license in which the app's IP needs to be open-sourced, check if there is an alternative for the library which can be used to provide similar functionalities.
Note: In case of a hybrid app, please check the build-tools used: most of them do have a license enumeration plugin to find the licenses being used.
The dynamic analysis of this section comprises of two parts: the actual license verification and checking which libraries are involved in case of missing sources.
It need to be validated whether the copyrights of the licenses have been adhered to. This often means that the application should have an about
section in which the copy-right statements are noted as required by the license of the third party library.
When performing app analysis, it is important to also analyze the app dependencies (usually in form of libraries or so-called iOS Frameworks) and ensure that they don't contain any vulnerabilities. Even when you don't have the source code, you can still identify some of the app dependencies using tools like objection, MobSF or otool. Objection is the recommended tool, since it provides the most accurate results and it is easy to use. It contains a module to work with iOS Bundles, which offers two commands: list_bundles
and list_frameworks
The list_bundles
command lists all of the application’s bundles that are not related to Frameworks. The output contains executable name, bundle id, version of the library and path to the library.
...itudehacks.DVIAswiftv2.develop on (iPhone: 13.2.3) [usb] # ios bundles list_bundles
Executable Bundle Version Path
------------ ----------------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------------------
DVIA-v2 com.highaltitudehacks.DVIAswiftv2.develop 2 ...-1F0C-4DB1-8C39-04ACBFFEE7C8/
CoreGlyphs 1 ...m/Library/CoreServices/CoreGlyphs.bundle
The list_frameworks
command lists all of the application’s bundles that represent Frameworks.
...itudehacks.DVIAswiftv2.develop on (iPhone: 13.2.3) [usb] # ios bundles list_frameworks
Executable Bundle Version Path
-------------- ----------------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------------------
Bolts org.cocoapods.Bolts 1.9.0 ...8/
RealmSwift org.cocoapods.RealmSwift 4.1.1
Exceptions often occur after an application enters an abnormal or erroneous state. Testing exception handling is about making sure that the application will handle the exception and get into a safe state without exposing any sensitive information via its logging mechanisms or the UI.
Bear in mind that exception handling in Objective-C is quite different from exception handling in Swift. Bridging the two approaches in an application that is written in both legacy Objective-C code and Swift code can be problematic.
Objective-C has two types of errors:
is used to handle programming and low-level errors (e.g., division by 0 and out-of-bounds array access).
An NSException
can either be raised by raise
or thrown with @throw
. Unless caught, this exception will invoke the unhandled exception handler, with which you can log the statement (logging will halt the program). @catch
allows you to recover from the exception if you're using a @try
@try {
//do work here
@catch (NSException *e) {
//recover from exception
@finally {
Bear in mind that using NSException
comes with memory management pitfalls: you need to clean up allocations from the try block that are in the finally block. Note that you can promote NSException
objects to NSError
by instantiating an NSError
in the @catch
is used for all other types of errors. Some Cocoa framework APIs provide errors as objects in their failure callback in case something goes wrong; those that don't provide them pass a pointer to an NSError
object by reference. It is a good practice to provide a BOOL
return type to the method that takes a pointer to an NSError
object to indicate success or failure. If there's a return type, make sure to return nil
for errors. If NO
or nil
is returned, it allows you to inspect the error/reason for failure.
Exception handing in Swift (2 - 5) is quite different. The try-catch block is not there to handle NSException
. The block is used to handle errors that conform to the Error
(Swift 3) or ErrorType
(Swift 2) protocol. This can be challenging when Objective-C and Swift code are combined in an application. Therefore, NSError
is preferable to NSException
for programs written in both languages. Furthermore, error-handling is opt-in in Objective-C, but throws
must be explicitly handled in Swift. To convert error-throwing, look at the Apple documentation.
Methods that can throw errors use the throws
keyword. The Result
type represents a success or failure, see Result, How to use Result in Swift 5 and The power of Result types in Swift. There are four ways to handle errors in Swift:
- Propagate the error from a function to the code that calls that function. In this situation, there's no
; there's only athrow
throwing the actual error or atry
to execute the method that throws. The method containing thetry
also requires thethrows
func dosomething(argumentx:TypeX) throws {
try functionThatThrows(argumentx: argumentx)
Handle the error with a
statement. You can use the following pattern:func doTryExample() { do { try functionThatThrows(number: 203) } catch NumberError.lessThanZero { // Handle number is less than zero } catch let NumberError.tooLarge(delta) { // Handle number is too large (with delta value) } catch { // Handle any other errors } } enum NumberError: Error { case lessThanZero case tooLarge(Int) case tooSmall(Int) } func functionThatThrows(number: Int) throws -> Bool { if number < 0 { throw NumberError.lessThanZero } else if number < 10 { throw NumberError.tooSmall(10 - number) } else if number > 100 { throw NumberError.tooLarge(100 - number) } else { return true } }
Handle the error as an optional value:
let x = try? functionThatThrows() // In this case the value of x is nil in case of an error.
Use the
expression to assert that the error won't occur. -
Handle the generic error as a
enum ErrorType: Error {
case typeOne
case typeTwo
func functionWithResult(param: String?) -> Result<String, ErrorType> {
guard let value = param else {
return .failure(.typeOne)
return .success(value)
func callResultFunction() {
let result = functionWithResult(param: "OWASP")
switch result {
case let .success(value):
// Handle success
case let .failure(error):
// Handle failure (with error)
- Handle network and JSON decoding errors with a
struct MSTG: Codable {
var root: String
var plugins: [String]
var structure: MSTGStructure
var title: String
var language: String
var description: String
struct MSTGStructure: Codable {
var readme: String
enum RequestError: Error {
case requestError(Error)
case noData
case jsonError
func getMSTGInfo() {
guard let url = URL(string: "") else {
request(url: url) { result in
switch result {
case let .success(data):
// Handle success with MSTG data
let mstgTitle = data.title
let mstgDescription = data.description
case let .failure(error):
// Handle failure
switch error {
case let .requestError(error):
// Handle request error (with error)
case .noData:
// Handle no data received in response
case .jsonError:
// Handle error parsing JSON
func request(url: URL, completion: @escaping (Result<MSTG, RequestError>) -> Void) {
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { data, _, error in
if let error = error {
return completion(.failure(.requestError(error)))
} else {
if let data = data {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
guard let response = try? decoder.decode(MSTG.self, from: data) else {
return completion(.failure(.jsonError))
return completion(.success(response))
Review the source code to understand how the application handles various types of errors (IPC communications, remote services invocation, etc.). The following sections list examples of what you should check for each language at this stage.
Make sure that
- the application uses a well-designed and unified scheme to handle exceptions and errors,
- the Cocoa framework exceptions are handled correctly,
- the allocated memory in the
blocks is released in the@finally
blocks, - for every
, the calling method has a proper@catch
at the level of either the calling method or theNSApplication
objects to clean up sensitive information and possibly recover, - the application doesn't expose sensitive information while handling errors in its UI or in its log statements, and the statements are verbose enough to explain the issue to the user,
- high-risk applications' confidential information, such as keying material and authentication information, is always wiped during the execution of
blocks, raise
is rarely used (it's used when the program must be terminated without further warning),NSError
objects don't contain data that might leak sensitive information.
Make sure that
- the application uses a well-designed and unified scheme to handle errors,
- the application doesn't expose sensitive information while handling errors in its UI or in its log statements, and the statements are verbose enough to explain the issue to the user,
- high-risk applications' confidential information, such as keying material and authentication information, is always wiped during the execution of
blocks, try!
is used only with proper guarding up front (to programmatically verify that the method that's called withtry!
can't throw an error).
Developers can implement proper error handling in several ways:
- Make sure that the application uses a well-designed and unified scheme to handle errors.
- Make sure that all logging is removed or guarded as described in the test case "Testing for Debugging Code and Verbose Error Logging".
- For a high-risk application written in Objective-C: create an exception handler that removes secrets that shouldn't be easily retrievable. The handler can be set via
. - Refrain from using
in Swift unless you're certain that there's no error in the throwing method that's being called. - Make sure that the Swift error doesn't propagate into too many intermediate methods.
There are several dynamic analysis methods:
- Enter unexpected values in the iOS application's UI fields.
- Test the custom URL schemes, pasteboard, and other inter-app communication controls by providing unexpected or exception-raising values.
- Tamper with the network communication and/or the files stored by the application.
- For Objective-C, you can use Cycript to hook into methods and provide them arguments that may cause the callee to throw an exception.
In most cases, the application should not crash. Instead, it should
- recover from the error or enter a state from which it can inform the user that it can't continue,
- provide a message (which shouldn't leak sensitive information) to get the user to take appropriate action,
- withhold information from the application's logging mechanisms.
iOS applications have various ways to run into memory corruption bugs: first there are the native code issues which have been mentioned in the general Memory Corruption Bugs section. Next, there are various unsafe operations with both Objective-C and Swift to actually wrap around native code which can create issues. Last, both Swift and Objective-C implementations can result in memory leaks due to retaining objects which are no longer in use.
Are there native code parts? If so: check for the given issues in the general memory corruption section. Native code is a little harder to spot when compiled. If you have the sources then you can see that C files use .c source files and .h header files and C++ uses .cpp files and .h files. This is a little different from the .swift and the .m source files for Swift and Objective-C. These files can be part of the sources, or part of third party libraries, registered as frameworks and imported through various tools, such as Carthage, the Swift Package Manager or Cocoapods.
For any managed code (Objective-C / Swift) in the project, check the following items:
- The doubleFree issue: when
is called twice for a given region instead of once. - Retaining cycles: look for cyclic dependencies by means of strong references of components to one another which keep materials in memory.
- Using instances of
can be managed wrongly, which will allow for various memory corruption issues. - Trying to manage the reference count to an object by
manually, leading to wrong counter numbers and a too late/too soon release.
A great talk is given on this subject at Realm academy and a nice tutorial to see what is actually happening is provided by Ray Wenderlich on this subject.
Please note that with Swift 5 you can only deallocate full blocks, which means the playground has changed a bit.
There are various tools provided which help to identify memory bugs within Xcode, such as the Debug Memory graph introduced in Xcode 8 and the Allocations and Leaks instrument in Xcode.
Next, you can check whether memory is freed too fast or too slow by enabling NSAutoreleaseFreedObjectCheckEnabled
, NSZombieEnabled
, NSDebugEnabled
in Xcode while testing the application.
There are various well written explanations which can help with taking care of memory management. These can be found in the reference list of this chapter.
Although Xcode enables all binary security features by default, it may be relevant to verify this for an old application or to check for the misconfiguration of compilation options. The following features are applicable:
- ARC - Automatic Reference Counting - A memory management feature that adds retain and release messages when required
- Stack Canary - Stack-smashing protection - Helps prevent buffer overflow attacks by means of having a small integer right before the return pointer. A buffer overflow attack often overwrites a region of memory in order to overwrite the return pointer and take over the process-control. In that case, the canary gets overwritten as well. Therefore, the value of the canary is always checked to make sure it has not changed before a routine uses the return pointer on the stack.
- PIE - Position Independent Executable - enables full ASLR for the executable binary (not applicable for libraries).
Tests to detect the presence of these protection mechanisms heavily depend on the language used for developing the application. For example, existing techniques for detecting the presence of stack canaries do not work for pure Swift apps. For more details, please check the online article "On iOS Binary Protections".
Steps for enabling stack canary protection in an iOS application:
- In Xcode, select your target in the "Targets" section, then click the "Build Settings" tab to view the target's settings.
- Make sure that the "-fstack-protector-all" option is selected in the "Other C Flags" section.
- Make sure that Position Independent Executables (PIE) support is enabled.
Steps for building an iOS application as PIE:
- In Xcode, select your target in the "Targets" section, then click the "Build Settings" tab to view the target's settings.
- Set the iOS Deployment Target to iOS 4.3 or later.
- Make sure that "Generate Position-Dependent Code" is set to its default value ("NO").
- Make sure that "Don't Create Position Independent Executables" is set to its default value ("NO").
ARC is automatically enabled for Swift apps by the swiftc
compiler. However, for Objective-C apps you'll have ensure that it's enabled by following these steps:
- In Xcode, select your target in the "Targets" section, then click the "Build Settings" tab to view the target's settings.
- Make sure that "Objective-C Automatic Reference Counting" is set to its default value ("YES").
See the Technical Q&A QA1788 Building a Position Independent Executable.
Below are procedures for checking the binary security features described above. All the features are enabled in these examples.
$ unzip DamnVulnerableiOSApp.ipa $ cd Payload/ $ otool -hv DamnVulnerableIOSApp DamnVulnerableIOSApp (architecture armv7): Mach header magic cputype cpusubtype caps filetype ncmds sizeofcmds flags MH_MAGIC ARM V7 0x00 EXECUTE 38 4292 NOUNDEFS DYLDLINK TWOLEVEL WEAK_DEFINES BINDS_TO_WEAK PIE DamnVulnerableIOSApp (architecture arm64): Mach header magic cputype cpusubtype caps filetype ncmds sizeofcmds flags MH_MAGIC_64 ARM64 ALL 0x00 EXECUTE 38 4856 NOUNDEFS DYLDLINK TWOLEVEL WEAK_DEFINES BINDS_TO_WEAK PIE
The output shows that the Mach-O flag for
is set. This check is applicable to all - Objective-C, Swift and hybrid apps but only to the main executable. -
Stack canary:
$ otool -Iv DamnVulnerableIOSApp | grep stack 0x0046040c 83177 ___stack_chk_fail 0x0046100c 83521 _sigaltstack 0x004fc010 83178 ___stack_chk_guard 0x004fe5c8 83177 ___stack_chk_fail 0x004fe8c8 83521 _sigaltstack 0x00000001004b3fd8 83077 ___stack_chk_fail 0x00000001004b4890 83414 _sigaltstack 0x0000000100590cf0 83078 ___stack_chk_guard 0x00000001005937f8 83077 ___stack_chk_fail 0x0000000100593dc8 83414 _sigaltstack
In the above output, the presence of
indicates that stack canaries are being used. This check is applicable to pure Objective-C and hybrid apps, but not necessarily to pure Swift apps (i.e. it is OK if it's shown as disabled because Swift is memory safe by design). -
$ otool -Iv DamnVulnerableIOSApp | grep release 0x0045b7dc 83156 ___cxa_guard_release 0x0045fd5c 83414 _objc_autorelease 0x0045fd6c 83415 _objc_autoreleasePoolPop 0x0045fd7c 83416 _objc_autoreleasePoolPush 0x0045fd8c 83417 _objc_autoreleaseReturnValue 0x0045ff0c 83441 _objc_release [SNIP]
This check is applicable to all cases, including pure Swift apps where it's automatically enabled.
These checks can be performed dynamically using objection. Here's one example:
com.yourcompany.PPClient on (iPhone: 13.2.3) [usb] # ios info binary
Name Type Encrypted PIE ARC Canary Stack Exec RootSafe
-------------------- ------- ----------- ----- ----- -------- ------------ ----------
PayPal execute True True True True False False
CardinalMobile dylib False False True True False False
FraudForce dylib False False True True False False
- Codesign -
- Building Your App to Include Debugging Information -
- MSTG-CODE-1: "The app is signed and provisioned with a valid certificate, of which the private key is properly protected."
- MSTG-CODE-2: "The app has been built in release mode, with settings appropriate for a release build (e.g. non-debuggable)."
- MSTG-CODE-3: "Debugging symbols have been removed from native binaries."
- MSTG-CODE-4: "Debugging code and developer assistance code (e.g. test code, backdoors, hidden settings) have been removed. The app does not log verbose errors or debugging messages."
- MSTG-CODE-5: "All third party components used by the mobile app, such as libraries and frameworks, are identified, and checked for known vulnerabilities."
- MSTG-CODE-6: "The app catches and handles possible exceptions."
- MSTG-CODE-8: "In unmanaged code, memory is allocated, freed and used securely."
- MSTG-CODE-9: "Free security features offered by the toolchain, such as byte-code minification, stack protection, PIE support and automatic reference counting, are activated."