This procedure will run CapoRSS in development mode using an SQLite database
- Install Ruby 2.1.0
- Install the “bundler” Ruby gem using this command:
gem install bundler
- Clone CapoRSS :
git clone
- Run a “bundle install” in the application’s root directory. Note that some dependencies are native extensions and will need a compiler and development packages:
bundle install --without production test travis
- Start CapoRSS using this command:
bundle exec ruby app.rb
- Open a web browser and go to “http://localhost:4567”
- The default username/password is “admin”/“admin”
CapoRSS can be run in production mode with Thin and PostgreSQL. Other database backends can be used by replacing the “dm-postgres-adapter” gem in the Gemfile with the correct Datamapper adapter for your database.
- Install Ruby 2.1.0
- Install the “bundler” Ruby gem using this command:
gem install bundler
- Clone CapoRSS :
git clone
- Run “bundle install” in the application’s root directory. Note that some dependencies are native extensions and will need a compiler and development packages:
bundle install --without development test travis
- Set the “DATABASE_URL” environment variable with your database connection informations. ex:
export DATABASE_URL="postgres://username:password@hostname/database"
- Run CapoRSS using Thin (Replace YOUR_KEYFILE and YOUR_CERTFILE with the paths of your SSL certificate files:
bundle exec thin -R -e production -d --threaded --ssl --ssl-key-file YOUR_KEYFILE --ssl-cert-file YOUR_CERTFILE start
- Open a web browser and go to “http://localhost:3000”
- The default username/password is “admin”/“admin”
- For security reasons, a SSL certificate is required for running CapoRSS in production mode.
- Install the Heroku Toolbelt
- Clone CapoRSS :
git clone
- From the cloned folder, create a new application (Replace APPNAME with you application name) :
cd caporss
heroku apps:create APPNAME
- Add the postgres addon :
heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
- Set the BUNDLE_WITHOUT environment variable so only the production gems are installed:
heroku config:set BUNDLE_WITHOUT="development:test:travis"
heroku config:set IS_CLOUD="1"
- Push CapoRSS to heroku :
git push heroku master
See this page for more informations :
CapoRSS can easily be used on Appfog :
- Install af :
gem install af
- Clone CapoRSS :
git clone
- From the cloned folder, create a new Ruby app with a Postgres service (Replace APPNAME with you application name) :
cd caporss
af push APPNAME --runtime ruby193
See this page for more informations :
Some server behaviors can be activated via environment variables :
- DATABASE_URL : Specify database connection details via a URL in a format supported by Datamapper.
- MEMORY_CACHE : If set to 1, keeps user sessions in memory instead of persisting them in the database. Requests will be faster in this mode, but session won’t persist after server restarts.
- IS_CLOUD : Set this option to 1 if you are running CapoRSS in a cloud environment. The in-process scheduler will be disabled in cloud mode.